Saturday, April 30, 2022

Spiritual Journey-diary-saga

April, 30 2022 I wish to continue unedited saga of my spiritual journey or diary in this blog: The Reasons for our life here, beyond animal life Feb 15, 2022 When God created Adam, and breathed his nostril, it says, man became a living soul- or living being. He was mean to live not to die. When sin came, man was born to die- starting from birth till death, and most of the time even untimely. But God said, Man is to become a living soul. He is a living soul as long as he has a breath from the Lord. Disciples thought they were dead, a living dead, but when Jesus breathed the Holy Spirit, He Breathed and said, Receive you the Holy Spirit 1 Joh 5:12 he that has Son has life, he that has no son has no life. It is not just temporary life but eternal life too. With Jesus and Holy Spirit and His breathe in us, we are to live, never thought of death. The disciples were energized even ready to die whether by sword-James, or cross-Peter, and when Jesus came into Paul, he was willing to suffer beyond perhaps any man besides Jesus. Even energized to die, he was beheaded by Nero. When Jesus comes in us, we are energized both to live and die. God has purpose to bring human being in this earth, just like in Nepal a father has a purpose to have a son-to carry on with the property and name the father has. So do God- He has a purpose to create us to take care of the property, the earth and to carry His name in us by reflecting His face on us Ps 119:135. Though sin has distorted the both, yet as God was patience with children’s of Israelites in wilderness for 40 years, He has been patience with us, till His patience will run out. Rev 14:6-12. Besides taking care of garden and honor His name or glorify His name, I would like to explore other reasons to live. When I was a teen age, I saw no reason to live, so my friend and I planned suicide. He hung in the ceiling and died, and I lived on because I many not have a plan to live, God has a plan for me to live. The disciples worked, travelled, suffered and were murdered, what kept them in that state? 1 John 4:2. John says we are the sons of God, (Jesus claimed Himself to be the Son of God), we may not look like God’s sons now, neither did Jesus looked like God’s Son because of His Human nature that lived to serve than be served. The world wants human beings who show the power to be worshipped or people stoop before them, honor them fear them, even like Alexander who is called great because he killed and conquered. Jesus came in humble as the majority of world live in humble life and He wanted to identify Himself with the humble or poor (Lk 4). So if we are sons of God, we too need to be identified ourselves with humble people who do not seek own honor but honor of God and other. John said “we know that” he lived with Jesus for 3 years and learned from Him His plan for all of us-to be like Him. It took them 3 years for them to know what it means to be like Jesus, Paul stilled wanted to know what it means to be like Him, and it took Enoch 300 years to know what it means to be like God to have His image or the image before sin came to Adam. Here John was not talking about the heaven or what heaven like and wanting to go to heaven but wanted to be like Him. We shall be like Him as He is. John plus had high concentration and put their eyes on Jesus, to be like Him as He is- He is whether in human form or divine form. To be like Him means to merge in Him John 17:23, 26. What was in Him that triggered the disciples to die to be like Him? And what we know now Who Jesus is no more than a baby knows about its mother. We hold on to the breast of mother, drink her milk and look to her face. When a baby drinks mother’s milk it eyes are also fixed on mother. That is the stage we are in now, matter what we claim either Christians, Adventists or what nots. If we don’t know Him now, what is the guarantee that we will know Him later? Yes, Philippians 3:10 our purpose for living is to know Him. 1. To live a holy life as Jesus lived Heb 10:10 2. Every life or breath we breathe we are indebted to Jesus says Sister White in Education p 105. When Jesus taught us, “Forgive our debt as we forgive those who indebted to us” has a wider implication. If we don’t live or breathe according to the will of God or even thanking Him, then we are indebted to Him. We are indebted to every breath and life, so we need to thank Him. Not thanking Him and not realizing His love, guidance, neglecting the care or respect of our body and others, we are indebted, and how many times a day we neglect, so we should ask God to forgive for the debt of life we owe to Him. When we forgive other who wrong us, don’t treat us as we want, mean to us, then God will forgive our indebtness to Him. April 29, 2022 3. John 1:9 the true Light is Jesus who lit everyone who comes in the world. Adam was in darkness till God breathed him. Everyone who is born comes from the dark world of mother’s womb. God breathe him at the moment of conception but when he comes out and sees the physical light which the Lord created in the beginning also needs spiritual, and mental light, that is from Jesus. Man is survived by breath of life and he survive his intangible life-mental, spiritual, emotional life through the light given by Jesus. He is the Light and He gives the light for us to live. Just as a man has right to turn on the light, or live in light place or dark place so his mental and spiritual life-be dwarfed or grow, the choice we have April 28, 2022 4. Subjective and objective life: God used even evil spirit to fulfill His purpose. When the Jews whose business was to cast out devils told a possed man “in the name of Jesus and Paul, you get out.’ The devil possessed man said, “I know Jesus I know Paul, who are you?” so he attacked the faith healers. As a result, people burnt all the books on magic that cost millions of rupees, and we have the book of Ephesians. Many turned to Jesus. Who others are is subjective application. Tree is known by fruits and we all are trees. Where people are planted that is beyond our control but we make sure we are planted by the shore of the river-the Bible, to keep ourselves green Ps 1. Anything, worry people etc that occupy our minds become our gods. If we believe in heavenly Father, we would not have any other gods. Our life has subjective applications of whatever we read and effect we get, this is the way by which we live. “What that has to do with me?” is a question by which we live. 5. Adam was the son of God says the Bible, but when He came to talk to Him, fellowship with him, to teach him, to greet him he and Eve were hiding. This is the sad commentary on human beings. They like to hide from the Lord. He created Adam and Eve at the expense of one third of angels and brilliant Lucifer, yet when He came to Adam , His glory was denied. When Jesus came, His own brothers and sisters went from Him, He had to say, I have no place to rest my mind. Every member of my family hide from me too when I want to talk to them about God. If God had that disappointment who am I to have a better status than Him? David was lonely and lived by his entwined relationship with the Lord. So is our fate on this earth. Dare to be alone, alone with God. People forsake Jesus, but not God. April 24, 2022. 6. Dan 12 the righteous shine like stars. Yes, some shine brighter than other, some are closer than other. If we are righteous according to God’s eyes, we too shine brighter or distance star that glimmers or fade. 7. 2 Cor 3: 18 we behold Him through the glass. We see His glory, we change into His glory gradually by the Spirit of the Lord. It is to be the goal of our life,, to change into the same image. Jesus came to restore that image that was lost in Adam. It is not shapeless or airy image but true, true to life. We should live not in mystery but reality, as Jesus was the Reality. The scripture is our glass to see His glory, our experience is the glass to see how His glory is enacting in us, people out there are glory of God seeing how God sustain them, the nature is God’s glory from which the power is revealed, the literature of various kinds and religion are His glory through which we see His wisdom manifested, our thinking,attitude motivations are His glory when we do according to the shape He formed us and receptive to the shape of our mind according to His will. Our work is the glory of the Lord, which He wants us to labor for 6 days so that we can enjoy the rest. Every child or a baby is God’s glory from whom we learn the lesson what Jesus meant in Mat 11;25. As we live every day experience His leading, His sustenance, even giving breath to breathe is His glory. I am sick and invalid in own way yet He is keeping me alive so that I can keep His word or law as the Psalmist says in Ps 119. A dead man, a dead Christian, can not keep the law and so can’t glorify God. Every moment when we are alive to keep up the relationship with the Lord, we are experiencing His glory. The Holy Spirit speaks to us in our move. Jesus said, “I am with you till the end of the earth, world” The song says, I serve the risen Savior, because He lives within my hear. What for? So that we can change from glory to glory to sit with Him one day as Ephesians say. "Goodness, meekness, gentleness, patience, and love are the attributes of Christ’s character. If you have the spirit of Christ,your character will be molded after His character.That I may know Him 195. In the story Glory denied, the longest held prisoner of war in Vietnam, Jim Thompson is a sad history. He was captured by Vietcongs in 1964, tortured and released in 1973. He kept himself alive because of the family, one day he would see his beloved wife but he found she married with another man thinking he was dead. Then Jim went down in his life, became alcoholic and was paralyzed and died at the age of 69. The US gov gave his several rewards, he was proud of America and his life was kept alive because of military. Having lost his wife’s love, Ruth, he lived a shattered life, he may have got glory from the country, but he lost his own glory, the devil within him was more powerful than the Vietcongs. Yes, in our life, our family may deny, Jesus was glory denied while on earth, but was restored at His resurrection so will be ours, we seek not glory from world even family but like Patriarch, we seek the glory restored. This world our glory is when saints walk in His glory is our glory and joy Philippians 4:1. Paul did not get any honor, medal, he died as a glory denied, but he lived for those who believed in Jesus and lived accordingly. Yes, here I spending the remain of my life for the Lord and honor of His saints, as I told to Dr. Wilson and Pr. Ezra yesterday, there is nothing that make me feel honored and happy and glory than the SDA’s are walking in the light they have received. David Tamsang told me on April 17, 2022 Sunday while visiting, “You are not a mission worker but doing more work than the most of us do, we are studying the SS lesson you translate.” That was my glory. April 23, 2022 1. The true form of Christianity is not going to church, take baptism, take part in ceremonies, doing this or that, even keeping the law or formal prayer or doing action, it should be rooted in Jesus Christ. If one’s life is not rooted in Jesus, His word is not grounded in the mind and result of it shown through his Chrt in action, it becomes merely a religion, that even killed millions of Christians even by Christians as the Fox’s book of martyr’s depict. Religion without Christ can make a person proud, domineering, holier than thou, but with Christ he would know none of these but learn to live a golden stage of life-a baby Mt 11:25+. Christian without Christ made Paul weep, Gal 4:19, or being a Jew Israelites without God made not only Him cry but David. Jerm 9. Ps 119:136. April 21, 2022 2. Lk 22:28 this earth is Jesus’ kingdom which God gave to Him and satan captured it but He will get it back. Then He said He would give the kingdom to His disciples as God gave Him. So, each disciple or each believer will have own kingdom or planet while this earthwill be the capital in which Jesus rules. April 21, 2022 3. In the parable of sower who showed the seeds in four kinds of ground, and He said we are the ground. The ground that is fertile and soft and ready to sow is a good ground. Rocky, wayside, thorny do not produce fruits. Another dimension of this parable is depend on what other sows in our life, we should be thorny, rocky, wayside and good ground because not all the words and treatment is to take as a good ground. What other sows in us should not make us difference unless it is good. It is we what we saw should make us difference, not what other sow. Potifer’s wife wanted to plant her seed in Joseph, he became wayside, rocky that caused to be thorny for her resulting him landing in the prison. To him what other sowed in him, including by his brothers did not make difference, because his life with father prepared him to be a good ground only to take good seeds and grow. April 21, 2022. We are to be ground depend on what seeds we receive. 4. Why tree of good and evil? Because taste good first then results evil. Every sin, passion, enticement is tasty at first, then evil. By putting the tree of life and tree of good and evil, God is giving everyone the freedom to live or die. Chose God, the Tree of life and live or choose the power of darkness and be a living dead (Ephesian message). The world choose death rather than the church-cigarette, alcohol, drug, wrong style of living God is letting people live by their choice. Choose Jesus and live is God’s call Eph 5:14. 5. On independent churches or various denominations: Jesus had 70 disciples and except 12-1 all left. Perhaps they started own independent ministry. Disciples came to Jesus saying me met a man who was casting out the devil in Jesus’ name and they forbade. Then Jesus said not to because he who is not against them is for Him. They may be against the disciples or that group but they were not against Jesus Himself. 7 sons of Sceva the Jews who cast out devil was attacked by the devil possess man because they really did not believe in Jesus but tried to use Him for the money, but in the case of the one whom the disciples forbade, the devil possessed man did not do anything. So, in principle and teaching and even Jesus’ wish list it all “may be one as Jesus and Father are One.” John 17, but in reality not happening. Therefore, not use of getting tension about other Christians. However, when Jesus prayed, He prayed for those 12-1, not for other Christians. He prayed for them that God would protect them from evil that would lead them to give up the faith. Jesus has a church dear to His heart, says EGW, and it was SDA church she was referring, that came out of disappointment, and she says there should be no independent group here and there, but as Ephesians says one body of Christ. That could be just remnant, still Jesus loves them. He is not after the crowd but singles of heart as the woman bled for 12 years clung to Jesus, that He counted. 6. How can babies praise God? Ps 8:2. Jesus said about His disciples they were babies. Mt 11:25. So it is the followers of Jesus when they come to the stage of being babies, they praise God. Babies are the poor in spirit, and nothing to boast about knowledge. The entire universe is concentrated on mother’s face. So should we. What do we know about the Bible, universe or earth? Not until scientists can duplicate a blade of grass, they have nothing to boast about said Isaac Newton. Until the scientist can produce the milk like mother’s, nothing to boast about. They can destroy with invention of nuclear weapons, but they cannot create even an atom. 7. Rom 14:7 no one lives for himself and dies for himself. What a precious gem of thought. We all are interdependent. Independent is a lie. A mother lives for a child, suffer for a child even die for a child. Jesus came to live for us and die for us. Paul suffers for us. Millions of Christians suffers for us so that the word of the Lord continue to burn and ignite in the heart of a believer. EGW too lived and was willing to suffer for the Adventist truth. We live for greater good than just for the self."If you connect with God, fearing Him, loving Him, obeying Him, and giving to the world a living example of what the Christian’s life should be, you will fulfill your obligation to God and to your fellow men. You are to show forth in your life what it means to love God with all your heart, and your neighbor as yourself. Connected with Fulfilling Life’s Obligations, the God of wisdom and love, you will demonstrate to the world the fact that you are not living for this world, but for that which is not temporal but eternal.33 that I may know Him.186 (April 18, 2022) 8. John 6:64, 65 Jesus knew who will betray Him, and He said unless Father gives to Him no one can come to Him. People may come toward Him but not to Him. This the case of Judas. This the case of crowd Christians, this is the case when people crowded Jesus and only one woman with the issue of blood came to Him. When someone comes to Jesus, he should be at the Father’s approval, without that his coming to Jesus can be selfish. You believe in God, believe also in Me, said Jesus in John 14:1-3. Without first believing in God, His plan of salvation, and understanding His love, when a man comes to Jesus just on own makes the most dangerous Christian. Do I love God and know Him and His desire as found in Deut 5:23, Lev 26, then He says go to Jesus to live the life that he should live. (April 18, 2022). 1. 1 Cor 2:8 Jesus did not have to be crucified but those who did not know Him crucified. Before He died He said, take this body this is broken for you. It was broken from the foundation of the world. Bread was the symbol of His broken life.The Roman Catholic think it is the actual body of Jesus while it was not. In this we SDA differ in the Lord supper, which they call it Euchrist. 2. Ps 86:15 presents five characters of God-compassion, merciful, longsuffering, truth and gracious, the qualities that He wants all to have. 3. Who are we? We are a mass or an object that has no life in front of politicians, we are dust in front of kings and rulers, we are animals in front of superior people even in the name of religion and race as Jews to the Gentile, we can be dog or swine by own choice, But in God’ sight who are we? Eph 1:18 God’s inheritance so no one has right to trample on us, we are God’s temple 1 Cor 6:18,19, we are God’s jewel Mal 3:17, we are God’s beloved Song of Solomon, we are bride of Jesus as the book of Revelations says in 22, we are apple of His eyes, we are God’s anointed at the baptism, we are Jesus’ family-brothers, sisters and mothers, we are His sheep and lambs, we are Jesus’ friends John 15:15, we are God’s fearful and wonderful creation, Ps 139:14-no creation of low significance For facebook post April 14,2022: My future wish: Three people I want to meet in the New Earth (for heaven will be too busy place as we will be working as jury there), Apostle Paul, St. Augustine and Ellen G. White, because they were ever hungry and thirsty of Righteousness or Lord Jesus our Righteousness (1 Cor 1:30, Jerm 23:6) .They never had enough of the science of knowing Jesus, “That I may know Him,” (Philippians 3:10) was their deep seated internal desire, which I find after dwelling in their writings. No doubt I will want to meet more people there regardless of persuasions, and gender. But those three are standing as towers in my brain. Entrusted Capital, March 22 Then Jesus said unto them, Yet a little while is the light with you.Walk while ye have the light, lest darkness come upon you: for he that walketh in darkness knoweth not whither he goeth. John 12:35. This is the warning we would give to you who claim to believe the truth. “Yet a little while is the light with you.” We would ask you to consider the shortness of human life, how swiftly time is passing. Golden opportunities and privileges are within our reach.The plenteous, abundant mercy of God is waiting your demand upon its richest treasures. The Saviour is waiting to dispense His blessings freely, and the only question is, Will you accept them? The rich provisions have been made, and light is shining in a variety of ways; but this light will lose its preciousness to those who do not appreciate it, who do not accept and respond to it, or, having received it, do not pass the light along to others. Your life, your soul, your strength, your capabilities, your powers of mind and body, are to be regarded by you as entrusted capital to be improved for your Lord during the period of your life. You are to stand in your allotted order in God’s great army, to work out His plan in saving your own soul and the souls of others. This you may do by living a consistent Christian life, by putting forth earnest efforts, by learning in the school of Christ His ways, His purposes,and subordinating your will and way to the will and way of Christ.... The Christian is to live a life distinctly different from that of the worldling. The worldling lives a cheap quality of life. He consents not to spiritual life. It is he who has the love of God that has life; it is he whose hope is centered, not in this world, but in Christ, the great center....“He that hath the Son hath life; and he that hath not the Son of God hath not life” (1 John 5:12). Those who believe in Christ derive their motive power and the texture of their characters from Him in Entrusted Capital,whom they believe. “Examine yourselves, whether ye be in the faith;prove your own selves” (2 Corinthians 13:5). That I may know Him, March 22 181 (April 16, 2022) 1. Eph 3:13 Paul says I suffer for your own glory-how can this be? Jesus suffered for our own glory, mother suffers for our glory, everyone who loves Jesus and His children suffer suffers for the glory of God’s children. April 13, 2022. 2. Yes, those who believe in Him will have everlasting life, but not just those who believe Him. Those who believe in Him will experience the kingdom of heaven now, His presence in them, all around them, and walk even as He walked, have His mind-Ephesians describes what it means to have His mind and desire for the believers. But just to believe Him may not mean anything, the evil spirit believe Him, Satan believe Him and so the everyone I meet regardless of religion believes Him, but that do not make them Christians. A Christians is one who reflects Jesus, not themselves, own idea etc. April 13, 2022 3. Gen 8 from childhood man’s intention is evil always. Yes, a child is the place where he or she without knowing do the wrong or evil. The other day Karuna locked the door when I am in the room. She did something to the small laptop that Sujit has to take to Sanepa to fix it, she did something to my mobile that took a long time to open, she is always mischievous without knowing she is the mischievous, it is being planted in her. But Jesus said of His disciples babes in Mt 11:25. That is the stage we should be in our spiritual and mental mind to experience the blessing of beatitude-blessed are the meek. Baby is no capable of knowing evil or doing evil or being mischievous. As a result it is loved by all-it is the golden age of human life, because it lives by clinging to the mother. A child can move around things that are not approved,but a baby can’t do anything that is unapproved. Be innocent about things around, things that happen, people who come and go, just cling on to the milk, the word of God, no one will be lost. Paul said, I know nothing but Jesus Christ and Him crucified. Yes, he is a leader, pastor, teacher, preacher for the greater good of other,but for himself he was a baby who clings onto the mother or Jesus . There is a difference between a child and a baby, and Jesus appreciates when we are babies-innocent, incapable of being mischief, doing wrong or sin or evil. When we have Jesus in us, we should be incapable of doing evil. As a baby looks to mother during breast feed or other time like a flint, babies face sparkles when they see their mother. It needs two flints to have a sparkled life-us and God. Truly in universe, we are no more than babies. What we know is always less than what we know or things out there. (April 16, 2022). 4. Sun does not need us. God is the Sun, so He does not need us. Just as we need the sun for our health and the health of the earth we need God-a Solar power for our life, the solar power is stored in the Bible, and every time we read we are utilizing that power. Jesus said to the disciples you are the light of the world or sun. Just as the sun does not need us, we don’t need the world, but we need to live a life such a way that they need us. Angel did not tell Cornelious about Jesus but asked him to send for Peter. Angel will not do the job which we can and should do. No man could open the tomb of Jesus but the angels did. It is God’s plan that we are to be interdependent but not independent from each other. April 13, 2022 5. Jesus is called wonderful counselor. Is 9:6. A counselor is the one who waits someone to come and counsel with him. Jesus said, “Come unto Me.” Why? He wants to counsel. How does He counsel us ? Through prayer. Every time an issue comes in our mind, we should pray. When fighting David asks the Lord and He said yes or no. When the king asked Nehemia what he could do, he prayed and God counseled Him what to do. Life of prophets are the life that lived by counsel of God. When Joshua did not pray for counsel on Gibbonites,then there a problem. The Bible says he did not pray. When David saw Bethshiva, he did not pray. When Eve wonder around, Adam did not pray. When we pray God gives us wonderful counsel as no man can counsel. When my wife was angry, I prayed and He counseled me what to do. When Abraham was in depression regarding Hagar, he prayed. Persecution and death are the portion of this world, but we must pray that the evil will not reign us every moment of our life. April 12, 2022 6. Jesus said, “You are the light.” He never said, “You are the fire.” Only the word of God is fire and God is fire, but when we become fire, or burn ourselves with anger against a brother, then we are acting as destructive agent, only God has that right, He was burnt with fire against the Sodom and Gomorrah and destroyed them with fire. Any injustice done is like a fire not light. Paul was on fire to destroy Christians, till the encounter with Jesus made him gentle, courteous, kind, compassionate, rather be in dungeon than raise of YCL-young Christian league to take up arm and fight. Jesus was the Light as He said, “I am the Light of the world,’ but the thief on the cross was fire, who understood only when he was crucified. Must we wait till we suffer to know what Jesus wants us to make us what He wants. When we become fire,the we lose our light, taste of salt and become like Pharisees or Soul, and Jesus said ‘Your righteousness must exceed the righteousness of Pharisees-the religious leaders, swamis, pundits, scholars. How? by being light not the fire, by being salt that for taste not overly salted that need to throw out. Persecution of Christians took place because the religious leaders-Christians became salt that lost taste and fire-both Roman Catholic and Protestant. By keeping and teaching the Commandments our righteous exceeds the righteousness of pundits. No wonder David said, he loves God’s commandments, precepts and laws in Ps 119. Unless we love it, we may claim ourselves as Christians but we will lose our taste. (April 12, 2022). 7. Jesus said, in the world you will have tribulation, persecution, and you will be hated by all because of Me. It seems the problem, tribulations are to dishes for Jesus’ followers. And Paul says, “It is for your glory or own good.” Eph 3:13. Just like a mother suffer for a baby or child for its own good, the preachers of righteousness or gospel worker must live a suffering life for the good of other believers. It does strike home to me. I live up and down life with my own health, I don’t make excuse saying, “who cares, let me just sit and enjoy the remaining life..” But I am rubbing my life as flint to bring out the sparks of truth we have. And one flint brings out spark, unless rubbed in another-the Word of God and SOP. For the good of our saints, I am in prison with myself. Jesus suffered, Paul suffered and my own mother suffered for my own good. 8. Mal 3:17 God is an artisan who makes jewels. His faithful ones are His jewels. He said “In that day when I make My Jewels, not anyone’s,” Enoch, Abraham,, Noah, David, Paul etc were His jewels whom He gave shape as He wanted. David said, “I was afflicted” Jewels are ornaments, could be fashioned in gold, Jewels need to be cut and make them shapes to be valuable. God is shaping each of us through trials, errors, difficult life. He is the Father who spares or saves His child as a son who serves father- to give him his inheritance. Paul said, I know my life is in safe hand. This text has a gospel in summery- My jewel-John 3:17 anyone who believes Him become His jewel, I will make My Jewel-when we are under His guidance we can be sure that He is shaping us-through Word of God and walking His way. He is shaping us so that He would give us everlasting life-He promises to keep us safe, spare us from the devil, even though through the valley of shadow of death and the death itself like Moses-what is He making of us? To be with Jesus –John 14. Kingdom of heaven is like merchant who seeks to precious pearl. EGW says it has a double meaning. Not just we seek the pearl of great price –Jesus, but He Himself the heavenly Merchantman came to see the pearl each of us buried in the rubbish. My son Dipendra wrote to me, “Dad, you are a pebble in Kathmandu, and now you are the richness of friends.” How? Because Jesus found me buried in the dust of Nepal. Now, He is polishing me so that I could also polish other through His literature, making them feel they are precious jewels in God’s hand. Jesus prayed for His disciples, “Father spare them from evil-Satan” so that they would keep their faith in tribulation and persecution because He wants them to be with Him. John 17. 9. Mt 13:45, 46 in saying the kingdom o f heaven like a pearl, Jesus meant He is the pearl and whosever finds Him rejoices and give wholly to Him. To have Him,let Him come into our life should make us feel we are in God’s kingdom now while visible is later or how we view or experience now is t prepare for His coming. It is gift of peace, love and rest and God’s grace to live a free life from Satan-That I may know Him, 172 . Do not throw pearl to swine-Mt 7:6-why? Swine would not know and its value and would abuse it. People who profess to claim themselves Christians and do not build their house on the Rock Jesus, are the ones who are not knowing the value of Jesus and trample Him when they do not live up to the light to they have even crucify Him afresh –Heb 6:6- or trampling on the Pearl. Paul wept for such people, Jesus wept and God weeps-Jerm 9:1 but we take no physical action to those who abuse Him, we let the tare and wheat grow, it means there are wheat too in the church not just tares. (April 10, 2022), 10. Just one person-Noah, just one person Abraham, just one person Daniel, just one person the thief on the cross, and just for one person Jesus came to show God’s love John 3:16. I wonder whether that just one person could be me- the decision is left on me. Two things that are not given back, the inheritance received from the father-no matter how the receiver or son may abuse it or sell it like the property my father gave to my brothers, another is God’s inheritance the gift of freedom of choice. God will not take it back. The entire Bible is the proof, God rather weep –Jerm 9:1-send prophets, speak through person’s conscious or even die to let people choose Him for-Det 5:29, Lev 26:1-13, than taking back the freedom of conscious. Praise God that there will be multitudes who choose Him not just one, and the city in heaven is big enough to house all people not just one, He will come when the place will be full of redeemed now. (April 10, 2022). 11. Ex 6:20 every father and mother is to be Jochobed who took care of Moses till he was 12. Early childhood lays the foundation of future life of every child. The discipline, training, planting the seed of God and truth, principle of life is done in early childhood. Jochobed had to give up Moses at the age of 12, so do every father and mother have to give up his son or daughter either at 12 or even earlier or after their marriage. I left home or father’s care around 12 or early teen. But what my father laid the foundation in my life remained an unshakable till now. Though I learned the divine ethics only in later year when I accepted Jesus, but disciplined life that he taught me through hard way was strong, and though my mother died when I was around five, her love and care had grounded me to have love and care for other, and I never forget regarding alcohol or rakshi her telling me not to drink as early as I was around three. My father forced me to read when I was able to sit down, to cook at the age of five when my mother passed away, care of the house, bringing water getting up as early as three or four, isolating me from the community when he used to draw a line in front of the door of the shanty house in Ratnapark, making me walk and walk with him from one temple to another as well as houses of prominent people, like the chief justice of Nepal, introducing me to Keshar Shamser who exposed me to love of books even when I was just about 4 years, just have a food and clothes be content and desire nothing for more, not to steal-he nearly killed me when I stone his rs. 5, learn to live in hunger, take care of siblings and so on. These were the foundation that he laid on me in my early childhood. Because, I have accepted and realize it is my fortune, I remain a different from the rest of my sibling. I was trained to be what I am today, a disciplined life for God. Just as the princes of Egypt did not know that Jochobed was laying foundation of Moses was his mother, neither did my father knew he was laying foundation of my life for God. Every man or woman’s future and either meaningful or disgraceful life depend on the foundation laid in the childhood by father and mother regardless of class and status. The foundation that we laid on my sons to be ethical, loving and lovable are being carried till today. An Indian told Jitendra that if he gave him $2500 he would help him to stay on in America, Jitendra told me that he did not go to Lincoln School for that. How everyone who knows him love and fond of him. At the marriage of Dipendra, Hiram College’s admission officer drove all the way for over 60 miles to come to attend. When I asked her why she made that trip, she said she and college liked Dipendra so much that she wanted to see how his parents were. I continue to pray that the foundation to love Jesus that we planted on them will grow. (April 9, 2022). 12. To serve God Heb 9:14 13. To be a priest to declare God’s work 1 Peter 2:9. Priest’s work is to intercede. Jesus in heaven is interceding us, and we are here to intercede for each other.Jesus said all power is given unto Me, He intercede to give us power to live. We don’t live just for ourselves but for other, even pig live for other, and if we feel we have no reason to live, then we are worst than pig, no wonder Jesus said not to give holy to the swine. Those who want die and find no purpose for living is worst than a pig. 14. To praise God Ps 119:175.Heb 13:15 15. Eph 2:10 we are created to do good work. God has shaped us to do the good work but the satan has distorted us to do the evil work. God is judging now whether we are following it or not Rev 20:12. 16. Ps 139:18 When I wake up I am sill with You. We live to be with Jesus, whether in this life or life to come. To Paul death did not matter, he would be with Jesus now or after his death at the twinkling of his eyes. 17. Exodus 19:5, 3-6 To be the precious treasure of God, by listening to Him, obeying Him (Ps 119:1-9)To be priests all Israelites not just Levites. To be holy people of God-the dream and vision of God. 18. Hab 1:11 God said, when people make own strength as a god,then they are guilty, sinners. Yes, when we depend on our own strength, wisdom, wealth, status etc, God pronounce us as guilty. The Israelites have ample prove that they should not pass by God by making themselves the central point of their life other than God, so what did God do? He let them have their own strength to fight with enemy as opposed to His help in our trouble Ps 23. 19. I live to pray: Your prayers can make great things happen! 11 MARCH 2022 ‘‘When a believing person prays, great things happen.’’ James 5:16 NCV While holidaying in England, D.L. Moody visited a London church that was spiritually dead. The pastor recognised him and asked him to preach at the morning service. Reluctantly, Moody agreed. Afterwards, he told a friend the congregation was so unresponsive it was all he could do to finish his sermon. Later, he remembered he had committed to preach there again that night. Wishing he had never interrupted his holiday plans, he spent the afternoon dreading what was ahead. But behind the scenes, something was happening that Moody knew nothing about. After the morning service, an elderly lady met her invalid sister for lunch and told her about Moody’s upcoming visit. Her sister’s eyes lit up, and she exclaimed, ‘I’ve been praying God would send Moody to England! Put away the lunch, Sis. We’ll spend the afternoon fasting and praying for tonight’s service.’ When Moody took the pulpit that night, an ‘electric’ sense of God’s presence filled the sanctuary. He preached like a man on fire, and when he issued an invitation for people to follow Christ, five hundred responded. Thinking they had misunderstood, Moody had them sit down while he re-explained the gospel call. But when he issued a second invitation, the same five hundred stood to receive Christ. That Sunday initiated one of the greatest revivals ever to sweep England. What helped make it happen? Two elderly ladies who understood their church desperately needed the fire of God’s Spirit. They believed God’s promise, ‘When a believing person prays, great things happen.’ Today, tap into the power of prayer. Your prayers can help ignite the fire of God and make great things happen. 20. John 12:24 to fall in the ground and die like seed. Ps 119:25. We must die like seed so that the word of God be activated in our life, as David prayed. What is ground or dust? Basically living a life that is despised by other. How often people treat us like dirt? In it if we have seed of God, we shall sprout for Him. It is not the dirt that matter but the pearl in the dirt. David said, My soul cleave into the dust. I am lost in the dirt. Yes, we may be lost in the dirt of this world- after all what is in the world is going to turn into ashes and dirt, but if we have His word, we will be quicken or be alive, if not now but at His coming. Die, yes, Jesus died, and look what He produced? The saints who are joy and crowns as Paul said. 21. God knew there will be sin yet He created Adam and Eve. Why? Because it was worth said CS Lewis. A woman knew it would be deadly to bring her child, but it was worth. How often we parents go through trouble and know we will go through trouble yet we have our children. Why? Because it worth. Today, when I look back in my life, how me and my wife lived through difficulty for our children. We find now that it was worth. When we see the publications are being enjoyed by people, I find it was worth the trouble. 22. Jesus did not have to die for He said to Zaccheas “Salvation has come to this house.” He did not have to die to forgive sins, for He forgave many, He did not have to die to show love one another as He loved. His death was the pivotal point of His demonstration of love. It is not His death that saves us but our believe in Him that save us, John 3:16. His death was His willing to suffer for us as a mother is willing to suffer to have a child. 23. Pro 23:26 “My son give me your heart and let your eyes observe My ways.” To give my heart to Jesus, and continue to see God’s ways in the life of people not just in nature, but even my own life. Heart and eyes should be in harmony in the Lord. The heart that is given to God and they eyes that sees His testimonies or things He does is a prize of His high calling. Fix eyes and heart in Him. Ps 23 what else I need? The world ways are Broadway, the Lord’s way is narrow way- we need the art of seeing everything through the eyes that are fixed on Jesus. 24. Heb 13:1 to have continuity of love among brothers and sisters in Jesus- to entertain them as honored guests.Heb 13:2. To visit suppressed and abused. Heb 13:3. To keep the matrimony holy-Heb 13:4. Not to seek own honor-Heb 13:5,6. To remember church leaders and honor them-Heb 13:7-17. Pray for the apostles or Gospel preachers like Paul-Heb 13:18,19 25. We often say, we will see you in heave but we should really say we will see in the new earth because we will be busy in heaven for 1000 years judging the people or going over the records of people who got to be in heaven or not. Our main reason to live to be back to the Eden made new. 26. John 17:10, Gal 1:24 To glorify Jesus in me. His rebirth in me. 27. 2 Cor 5:17 be in Christ to be a new creature. Not just Jesus in me, but I am in Jesus. We live life twisting with Jesus, blending with Jesus. Smoothes with Jesus- put all the spiritual knowledge together and blend to make smoothes of life. 28. How come when Stephen was stoned he face lit up? How come when Moses was in the Mt Sini with God, his face shone? How come the millions of Christians were able to face death without fighting and with lit faces? How come when I was suppressed, I was able to stand? The church or people of God who keeps the commandments of God and faith of Jesus has special shining and bright clothes called Sun in Rev 12. We emit the bright light of the Sun of Righteousness even in the face of persecution because it is Jesus Who overcomes. Rev 17:4. 29. Lk 22:20 the blood of Jesus is the new covenant. It is pure and undefiled. Truly, it is not mixed with human genes, sinful nature, human blood that carries defective nature. This blood is straight from heaven. It has no human element. His blood type must be AB, that applies to all people in transfusion. The transfusion of character of Jesus. 30. First we must love God with all our heart-physically, mind or mentally or intellectually, spirit or spiritually or emotionally-giving our all our emotions to Him, then we will know what it means to love one another as Jesus loved. Anything less than that has a unhealthful intention. 31. Mt 5:3,5 bless are the poor in spirit and meek for the kingdom of heaven and new earth are there. Both the kingdom of heaven and earth are synonymous. The thief on the cross humbled himself and meekly accepted Jesus, the Roman centurion meekly accepted Jesus as Peter preached to him, Zaccheus was forgiven and promised God’s earth as to Abraham, the disciples meekly followed Jesus disregarding what the world said,, So what it means to be poor in spirit and meek? It means to bow to Jesus, accept Him,believe Him and follow Him, and not to hide ourselves from His face Is 53:3. It means to tremble with fear at the presence of God Heb 12:21, Is 66. 32. The noun “spirits,” or “spirit,” has three different uses in the letter to the Hebrews. First, “spirits” is used to designate angels who are ministering spirits (Heb. 1:7, 14). Second, “spirit” designates the Holy Spirit who gives gifts, speaks about the new covenant, and bears witness to it (Heb. 2:4, Heb. 3:7, Heb. 6:4, Heb. 9:8, Heb. 10:15). Sometimes the Holy Spirit seems to be described as the “Spirit of grace” (Heb. 10:29), or the “eternal Spirit” (Heb. 9:14). Third, “spirits” refers to human beings who are alive and who are subject to the piercing penetration of the Living Word of God (Heb. 4:12). Similarly, when Paul talks about God’s disciplining His children, he says “We have had earthly fathers who disciplined us and we respected them. Shall we not much more be subject to the Father of spirits and live?” (Heb. 12:9, ESV). Thus, we can conclude that the “spirits” in the phrase “the spirits of the righteous made perfect” (Heb. 12:23, NRSV) are not angels, nor the Holy Spirit, but human beings who, by faith have approached Mount Zion, the city of the living God, the heavenly Jerusalem (Heb. 12:22). Felix Cortez Book of Hebrews teacher’s edition. 33. John 3:16 for God loved the world…. Whether the world loved Him or not, and He sent His Son as sun and rain upon the earth, world despised Him and crucified Him, and yet at the cross He kept loving them who abused Him as He said, “Father forgive them for they know not what they do” and God forgave the thief on the cross, the answer to His prayer. If we love the same God who has virtue as described in Ps 86:15-longsuffering, merciful, gracious, truthful and compassion, we too would manifest the same virtue upon the people who may manifest the same virtues to us or not. I wrote letters to friends, and many of them do not reply, with this concept, now I come to understanding that whether they reply or not, I should not give up in testifying them what God has been doing in my life. 34. Making friends to establish affection for Jesus said, I will call you friends to His disciples, sharing the literature for Jesus said, they testify of Me, and being born myself in their life-for Jesus said you must be born again- are my art of living. 35. Baptizing people do not make them Christians. They were the pain in the neck of Paul. Gal 4:19. They were the ones who are crucifying Jesus afresh Heb 6:6, but having Jesus born in the life of a believer or live according to His will and walking as He walked even as Paul walk make people joy and crown of God and Paul Philippians 4:1. We do not judge the people and we ought to see every person as the images of God even as Joseph saw His image in Potifer’s wife, however we are to know them by fruit as Jesus said in Mt 7, by knowing by their fruits, we do not take physical action against them, for it is God who will take as John the Baptist said, the ax has laid on you. Jesus is the Judge He will take action and if we take action against the fruit then we are taking the place of God as James said. Know the fruit and be harmless as dove said Jesus. And be not be their slaves of their mentality, character, behavior and what nots. Why people act what they are because nothing to do with religion, race or gender, but because they are human being who have all sinned as Paul and Isaiah said, ‘We all are like sheep going on our own way” Is 53. And when the person has no Jesus or His is not born in their life, we should not expect them have best and Nobel behavior from them. For God so loved the world, we are to love them regardless of who they are and they do, if they love back it is to their advantage or benefits (Lev 26:1-13). God was long suffering, so He put up with Israelites for 40 years and clear up to the death of Stephen even to now. 36. Gyan yoga and karma yoga is the righteousness of God , that we show by our karma yoga not by dharma yoga or even by bhakti yoga or religion that divides the people. 37. Gen 1:31 when God created, everything was good and perfect. Death was not the part of the creation. It is an intruder, but in Hinduism and Buddhism or even in science, death is the part of our existence. Number of rebirth cycle tells there is death required and the science doing all it can to kill. Just as I wrote this Russia fired a missile to Ukraine killing 19 soldiers. The science may looks good at creating something good and comfort to the people, but behind it is death, even mobile. It intention is to annihilate people and creation. God wants us to be back in Eden where there will be no death. God created everything good that we needed, but man thought His creation was not complete so added many things including sin, vice etc. there will be no man’s work in back to Eden or earth made new, to appreciate this we only have to be like a baby who love and appreciate its mother. 38. Whereas Hinduism and Buddhism teach there is no end to suffering. Through the cycle of birth and rebirth and new ages or Yugas, the birth, suffering and death continue forever. But the Sabbath tells suffering will end by Jesus Himself healing a person on Sabbath. “Do you want to be whole?” or want to live a wholistic life? When the man said, “Yes,” he got to live that life. The death and resurrection of Jesus prove that the time will come for us, that Satan the originator of sin and evil will be destroyed forever. His resurrection was the type of death of Satan. When He comes back then the it will be antitype-the death forever.So in this concept we can not harmonized Bible teaching with other. Bible says, there is end to evil and other say, no it is continuing. Then there is no such thing as heaven in reality. If when a person live a blissful life in heaven and only to be recycled again, would there be happiness? Buddha has reached to the stage of nothingness, but he keeps coming back in different incarnation or rebirth to suffer and be Buddha again. I like to be in heaven with Jesus where there will be no sin, suffering and need of another Calvary. 39. When God made Adam He gave him three gifts: Eden Gen 2:8, food 2:16 and woman 2:22. And He still gives us the same gift. Eden or place to live and work, food for sustenance and woman- whatever form she may be not just wife, for the original intention of Eve to Adam was to help him, it is Adam who took advantage of making his wife, but God brought to him to help him in his work. So a woman whoever form she may be, mother, wife, sister, helper, teacher, friend- this gift is still with us. Woman thinks with both sides of brain but a man thinks only one side says the psychologist, a man needs a woman whoever form she may be to help him to think symmetrically, both sides thinking, and inbuilt well wish for other. How to maintain those gifts are up to us-to use it or abuse them. If we abuse all three, then we will suffer consequence now or hereafter. No wonder Manusmriti says, “Any home that a woman is despised gods will not dwell in it.” Prakash my friend belittled his wife Sutanli, now he is in prison. We can not abuse the gift of woman. I will have respect says God regarding a person in Jerm 9, if He respects we should respect. Joseph respected Potifer’s wife, he became the second ruler of Egypt. If we can respect a woman-mother, wife, we may not be ruler of Egypt, but at least we can be a ruler of ourselves. My wife Purnamaya told me before she died, “I know I am being hard on you and even cruel to you, it is for your own good.” Ps 119 has reference how the author suffered, and said for my own good. Today, I am able to rule myself just because my wife was hard on me. Eden, God says work,take care of it, whatever we are given we should take care. Before sin there was no sweat, if we are in Jesus as a new creation Rom 6:6, we don’t need to sweat till death, that is why we are given Sabbath so that we can rest. 6 days work is a blessing that God gave to Adam and He gives to us, but if we work on Sabbath too then we are abusing the blessing, He did not say work all 7 days but people are doing, curse is being brought by themselves-the curse of restlessness, sickness, money minded, richness, insecurity etc. And food, God said eat all the fruits and vegetables. There was no tree of good and evil when God created Eden first. It is when He knew Adam needed to control self or discipline self that God put that tree. This tree is every where now, may be in a form of mobile, TV, shops etc. Dare not abuse the home that has work, food and woman-the gifts that the Lord wants us to cherish in every day of life. Heaven is real 26 MARCH 2022 ‘‘Write this down, for these words are trustworthy and true.’’ Revelation 21:5 NIV John the revelator wrote: ‘I saw the Holy City, the new Jerusalem, coming down out of heaven from God, prepared as a bride beautifully dressed for her husband. And I heard a loud voice from the throne saying, “Look! God’s dwelling place is…among the people, and he will dwell with them. They will be his people, and God himself will be with them and be their God. He will wipe every tear from their eyes. There will be no more death or mourning or crying or pain, for the old order of things has passed away.” He who was seated on the throne said, “I am making everything new!” Then he said, “Write this down, for these words are trustworthy and true”’ (vv. 2-5 NIV). When an atheist died and his friends filed by his casket, one of them remarked, ‘How sad – all dressed up and nowhere to go!’ Not so for the believer! As a redeemed child of God, you’re assured of a home in heaven and citizenship in ‘the new Jerusalem’. John continues, ‘The angel who talked with me had a measuring rod of gold to measure the city’ (v. 15 NIV). The city is an exact square of about fourteen hundred miles (see v. 16 NIV). It would stretch from the Carolinas to California and from Canada to Mexico. It’s approximately twenty-one times the size of the UK, ten times the size of France, and bigger than India. And that’s just the ground floor! It’s as tall as it is wide; six hundred thousand storeys high – more than enough room for billions of people to come and go. So here is the question: when you die, will you go to heaven? Bible in a Year: Deuteronomy 19-21, Mark 13:21-37 • Mt 5:6 blessed are those who hunger and thirst after the righteousness. Who or what is righteousness? It is the Lord God who is righteous and has righteousness. Ps 145:17, Is 45:21,Jerm 12:1, John 17:21, Ps 71:10, 116:4-6, 129:4. To seek God who is righteous and His righteousness, is a blessing. :quality of being morally right or justifiable. acting in accord with divine or moral law : free from guilt or sin. 2a : morally right or justifiable a righteous decision. b : arising from an outraged sense of justice or morality righteous indignation. all right, • decent, ethical, • good, • honest, • honorable, • just, • moral, • nice, • right, • right-minded, • straight, • true, • upright, • virtuous Antonyms • bad, • dishonest, • dishonorable, • evil, • evil-minded, • immoral, • indecent, • sinful, • unethical, • unrighteous, • wicked, • wrong 40. Heb 6:19,20 Jesus went inside the veil as our forerunner. It means when we go to heaven, we will be going inside the veil because He went ahead for us. Inside the veil is the presence of God as in the sanctuary on earth. We all be at the presence of God. No longer there will be a veil between God and us.Right now Jesus in our heart, yet veiled by our sinful natured body. That time everyone will se the face of Jesus shining through our life. 41. As the Head of the church Christ is authoritatively calling upon every person who claims to believe on Him to follow His example of self-denial and self-sacrifice.... They are called upon to rally without delay under the blood-stained banner of Christ Jesus. Withholding nothing, they are to make an entire offering for the attainment of eternal, measureless results—the salvation of souls.22 Mystery of Godliness, March 16 169 1. Philippians 3:10 To know Jesus . Paul threw all his knowledge to the ground to know Jesus. There was a group of people who burned all their knowledge in the town square. CS Lewis threw all his atheistic knowledge at the feet of Jesus so that he may know Jesus. Zacheas got very excited when Jesus came to his house and in his heart, he was transformed. Baptism, going to church, being theologians do not make one who knows Jesus, Mt 11:25, we are still babies, as baby, what does it know about its mother? Neither do we know about Jesus or God, yet as the baby grow in knowing mother, we must grow in knowing Jesus. 1. Mathew 13:34 Jesus is the kingdom of heaven but it is hidden in the field-field of knowledge, people, nature, Bible is field where God’s word is planted. He is the treasurer. 2. Mt 3:17 Jesus is the Beloved Son of heavenly Father 3. John 1:29 He is the Lamb of God who takes the sins of the world. 4. Heb 7:3 He is our Priest forever. 5. Heb 7:26 He is holy, undefiled, separated from sinners,blamels and exalted 6. 1 John 4:1 He made us to the sons and daughters of God. He suffered for us to be in that status. 7. Jesus knows everyone by name even Saul who persecuted His followers 8. All believers are one body-Heb 13:3 as, Jesus, Father and Holy Spirit and us John 17:23,26. Eph 1:6 9. 1 Peter 1:18,19 Jesus’ blood the lamb without blemish is ever fresh to redeem us. Peter said, “You have been redeemed” no you will be redeemed, not something future but “Now”. We need to experience a new life right now 2 Cor 5:17. We can’t buy salvation by using anything even gold and silver-for poor has no gold and silver and they still can have salvation. We can’t have salvation through vain conversation-which means doing all mantras, rituals, religious tradition performance like Hindus, Catholics do. Even praying the prayer Jesus taught by repeating without meaning or just for the sake of religious reason or please God can be vain conversation-preaching without Jesus in a person, John 17:10 can be a vain conversation. Peter wants to emphasize nothing human effort, work, rituals etc can obtain the salvation but by Jesus only. Our focus should be Jesus, and nothing tradition. 10. 1 Cor 6:19,20 Jesus gave back His human body to God, we are to give back our redeemed body back to Jesus. When we believe in Jesus, and have Him in us, we become His, and whatever we do must flow from Him and for Him. 11. Is 53:6 all like sheep gone astray, we have turned own way, and the Lord has laid our iniquity on Him, couple this text with Heb 6:4-6. While Isaiah was talking about Jews, Paul was talking about general Christians. Once even after tasting the salvation of Jesus and goes away or turn back from believing in Jesus, then our iniquities or turning way from Him lays on Jesus. Our sins were laid on Jesus, and we will again when we turn away from Him, Paul even says we would be crucifying Jesus. Once we love Jesus and then turn away or backslide, it hurts Jesus so much that He feels He is being crucified again. He is being betrayed. Judas betrayed Jesus, Jesus was crucified, if we betray Jesus because of want of money and position, perhaps Judas wanted to be the finance minister in the kingdom of God, we crucify Jesus. If we love Him, we would not crucify Him. 12. Lk 23:33 Jesus was crucified between two criminals.The criminals are dirt of the earth, they are thorns in the earth. People and the government despised them. The are the product of the earth-the dark earth. Yet there was Jesus. Jesus was with the criminals. The religious leaders thought when Jesus ate with Zaccheus, He was eating with sinners or criminals- criminals are corrupt people. And now Jesus was crucified among criminals. According to the Bible, Is 53:6 and many other texts we all are criminals. None of us are good. Anyone who live according the fruit of the flesh is a criminal in God’s sight. Yet Jesus died for them and among them. Jesus was the Rose of Sharon, He was among the thorns but like Rose. For God so loved the world-the criminal world may be, He gave His Son. We should have art of finding Jesus among criminals, sinners,wicked and lawless or those who don’t know the Law of God. At the cross the darkness spread. Yes, if we represent Jesus on this earth, we too experience darkness, but there was Jesus. Joseph saw God in Potipher’s wife. Man and woman are in God’s image. We are commanded to see God in each human being no matter who they are, their religion, race or gender. He came to break the wall made by religion and crimes too. The choice to get into that broken wall is left up to the individual. We are no better than those criminals, in fact if we do not live spirit of Jesus’ life we continue to be criminals who crucify Jesus. Heb 6:6 no matter how much we claim to be called Christians. Lk 23:34 when Jesus prayed to forgive them, He meant even for the those criminals who hung with Him. And upon the acceptance one criminal was forgiven- the answer to His prayer, and in fact in His entire life on earth, he was the only person who understood Jesus. God is long suffering and merciful.EGW challenges us to reproduce the character of Jesus or God outlined in Ps 86:15. On the spot God answered the prayer of Jesus and the criminal who died as a redeemed person. When we see people we should focus our eyes on Jesus not on the criminals or crime of the people. Prachanda said he killed 5000 people, so he was the murder from his own mouth. How many people did the criminals who were crucified, we don’t know. And we get angry and want to do justice by killing the murders. But when Jesus said, “If you are angry with your brother, you are killing. If you look at a woman with lust, then you are committing adultery, if you say someone fool then he is in danger of judgment because only God can judge and say who is fool or not” and if we judge we are taking the place of God, the place which the Satan desired said James. So, we are criminals and sinners in God’s side.That is why Jesus taught us to pray to forgive our sins, because every day in our dealing with people we murder by getting angry and misjudge people by one way or another, even saying words that hurt. Jesus expects nothing than higher and noble standard and we all are fall short on that. God is longsuffering and merciful, and willing to forgive us, and we should forgive other. 13. Is 53:3 He is despised, and rejected by people,He is the man of sorrow, people rejected Him, He is acquainted with our grief, we hid our faces from Him, He was despised and we did not honor Him. It is in present tense. He is still being despised, rejected by people, and He is still Man of sorrow because backslider Christians crucify Him, Heb 6:6, He knows all our grief including labor pain, but we hide from His faces instead of His face to shine on us, and we don’t know how to honor Him. How do we honor Him? By walking as He walked. How many of us claim that we walk as He walked. If we don’t please let us not call ourselves Christians, when we are not Gal 6 14. Heb 2:14 Jesus took our flesh, bone and blood so that He would die to destroy the creator of death, the devil. When He came from heaven He had not flesh and bone of ours. He was like water, the surrounding can be polluted, but take the surrounding away, the pure water remain pure. I have a water bottle from KU, that was purified after taking away all bad stuff that smothered it. Jesus took our sinful flesh, He was clothed with our sinful flesh, yet like the water could have no chemical to destroy its existence, He did not have the chemical called sin, sin from the Adam, and His gene was free from sin’s pollution neither He had our blood type-He had a divine blood that can be transfused to all humanity and clean us from all unrighteousness says Paul. If the water is destroyed by chemical, it cannot be useful to those who are thirsty. If Jesus had sin or did sin, He would be no useful for sinners because He Himself would be destroyed by sin. Which of you convict Me of sin? Asked Jesus to the pundits. They could not find any sin in Him except His claim as Son of God or equalizing Himself with God. Because of this equalization He became our Savior. Anyone less than that not even angel could save us from the power of death. He destroyed the power of death by Himself dying and coming out of the tomb. It means as Jesus said, “the ruler of this world comes and I have nothing to do with him.” Satan tried something with Him in wilderness and all along His life, but after His death and resurrection , he has no more power over Him. Death itself is a power over death. When we die, the Satan’s power is forever lost in us. No wonder millions of His adherence were willing to die, crucified, killed, tortured and death. And Paul did not mind to die in his word and was willing to die at the hand of Nero. Satan has power over wicked, which will be after second resurrection, but at the first Satan has no power at our first death and resurrection. Satan has power over us as long as we live, then his power is gone in our life. We should not be afraid of death. It is a privilege to die in the Lord. Blessed are dead in the Lord says the book of Revelation. It is all because Jesus died and destroyed the power of the creator of death, the Devil. And no son and daughter of God die till He allow as in the case of Job or so. "All this humiliation of the Majesty of heaven was for guilty, condemned man. He went lower and lower in His humiliation, until there were no lower depths that He could reach, in order to lift man up from his moral defilement. All this was for you.”That I might know Him p 143. Yes do we love our brothers and sisters? We too should be willing to lower ourselves to that depth, willing to give our time, money, life so that they could be lifted to Him. This is the life He called me and each person. A purposeful life-that is to uplift the one who is depressed, deprived of human dignity, love, compassion, affection etc.(March 22, 2022). 15. Mat. 5:9-Jesus came to make peace between God and man, therefore according His own word, He was rightfully called Son of God.That right He passed on to us “sons of God,” on condition we too make peace with each other. 1 John 4:1 we are called sons and daughters of God by His love and by our response to His love by being peacemakers. Jesus could have commanded the army of His follower to fight the world power but He did not, He could have physically destroyed the whole establishment of religious system by the breath of His voice, but He did not, He could have played a great role of social reformer by denouncing the slavery system or oppressive system, but He did not, He could have denounce the religious leaders for making religion over relationship (though certain extent He did) and lead the army of poor to fight against them as Lenin did to attack the storehouse of Moscow. All these require force, and domineering spirit and in the name of justice doing injustice by harming the people. Instead through His life, word, action and death, He made peace with God and with each other and self-love your neighbor as yourself. How can one love neighbor if one is no peace with himself? Loving neighbor must start from loving healthy self. Neighbor needs love, affection, food, clothing, good health, good mental state and other help, but if we don’t have those for ourselves, how can we give to other? The world including Christianity teach to be empty self and live empty or sadhu life but Jesus said, work six days a week making God the center or Sabbath day, so that we can be source of blessing to other. Prosperous life can be blessing only when we can share. By sharing we show we are God’s children, and we make peace with others. 16. 1 John 4:10 God’s crowning work was the creation of man, before sin, and after sin it was the Calvary. God loved Adam and He breathed His breath to become a living soul, the sin has paralyzed Him, but He still continued to love a man-the history in the Bible tells how much He loved and suffered long time for the wayward Israelites. Last stand God took to show how much He loved us by sending His own Son to remove sin from us, and by faith in Him we can prove His love in us. It was the last act of God’s recreation-the Calvary. It was His last stand-and we must acknowledge that and by faith come to Him. Two criminals-one accepted His last stand, and another did not. We all are sinners and criminal because we say yes to Satan than God, yet God’s last stand (as Custer’s last stand in the American history), we have chance to take back the God’s original plan for His crowning work (EGW)-not by our work but acknowledging Him “our God.” 17. John 10:17 Father loved Jesus because He laid down His life for people, because He laid His life, He will get back the life again. We cannot enjoy the life now abundantly or new life unless we can lay down our life for our brethren. By giving ourselves to other we can enjoy the fullness of life. We can live a living life now and the life to come. A mother lay down her life for a baby, and when the baby comes out she lives again, but many cases she does not.That does not mean she would notlay down her life for a child. By being in the mind of Jesus, we may not have a life now and may even have to die as millions did, then there is a life that God will give again, as He did to Jesus. If He raised Jesus, He will raise us too. Our part is to dare to lay down our life for brothers and sisters. Elizah took the risk and he was taken to heaven while living, but Moses took risk but he was dead and buried and the Lord raised Him, Abraham and David and Joseph and many other laid their life to be blessing for other and their graves are still there. But the promise that they will get the life is still there.

Sunday, December 13, 2020

Pot-pourri of spiritual Churning or ongoing spiritual diary

Evolution theology or transcendental faith (To be updated) March 15, 2022 The ongoing spiritual diary will continue December 13, 2020 • Jesus claimed to be Son of God, so He was crucified by the religious leaders. Over 40 million Christians have been killed by mostly by so called religious leaders, just because they wanted to remain God’s sons and daughters. • Forgive us our sins, trespasses as we forgive other also means not just breaking the Law of God but not loving other as Jesus loves, who said , love one another as I have loved you. He told even to Judas who was going to betray Him. • Our Father, the prayer beginning. God is the God of corporate not just of individual. Throughout the Bible this concept is echoed. However to get the blessing and benefit of having God as our Father, we need to believe His Son, John 3:16. Nothing doing in the name of religion or our righteous work will be entitled for that. • Why did not Jesus found YCL-young Christian league- to take physical action against those who did not believe in Him? Because when He first came He came as a Saviour not as Judge. As a human being Jesus did not judge people but wanted us to treat everyone as God’s image even as He did. But right now He is judging all of us as God, not as a Man , in heaven. As a Man, He did not want to judge another man, leaving us as an example not to pronounce judgment on other. Only God has right to judge, this time Jesus came as a Man, not as God for if He came as a God no man would see His face and live according to Exodus. • Paul and all the apostles suffered, thought their suffering did not bring salvation to other, neither they should have right to suffer, but they aimed for the crown but not without the cross. For that they had to experience fellowship in suffering with Jesus. Philpippians 3:10. • God promised us to recreate or rebuild or re-formed us even making us virgins: Jerm 31:3-6, Is 43:7 • After my own fall in 2001 from the stair that made me near half paralyze for some time, and permanently damaged my spine, when I asked the Lord, is it the end of my world? He said no. He gave me additional time. So present time is His gift to me, and what I do with this time is my gift to God as I put my time in His hands. Ps 131. • When God asked the Israelites and from us, Love your God with all your heart, soul and strength, He was asking something for us to do which He Himself did. He loves us with all His heart (Ezk 16 and other prove that), He love us with all His soul or mind- He gave us all mind or intellectual or intelligent or information that we needed for salvation, to make our life meaningful according to our capacity-He loved us with all His strength by dying on the cross. So God is not asking something which He Himself did not do.

Friday, October 9, 2020

рд╕ेрднेрди्рде-рдбे рдПрдбрднेрди्рдЯिрд╕्рдЯ рдЕрднिрдпाрдирдХो рдЕрдЧ्рд░рдЬ рд╕ंрд╕्рдеाрдкрдХ: рдПрд▓ेрди рдЬी рд╣्рд╡ाрдЗрдЯрдХो рд╕ंрдХ्рд╖िрдк्рддि рдЬीрд╡рдиी рд▓ेрдЦрдХ: рдЕрд░्рдерд░ рдПрд▓. рд╣्рд╡ाрдЗрдЯ рдЕрдиुрд╡ाрджрдХ: рднрдЬुрд░ाрдо рддрдЦाрдЫेँ рд╢्рд░ेрд╖्рда (рднिрдд्рд░ी рд╢िрд░्рд╖рдХ рдкाрдиा) рд▓ेрдЦрдХ: рдЕрд░्рдерд░ рдПрд▓. рд╣्рд╡ाрдЗрдЯ рдЕрдиुрд╡ाрджрдХ: рднрдЬुрд░ाрдо рддрдЦाрдЫेँ рд╢्рд░ेрд╖्рда рд╣िрдоाрд▓рдпрди рд╕ेрдХ्рд╕рди рдЕрдн рд╕ेрднेрди्рдердбे рдПрдбрднेрди्рдЯिрд╕्рдЯ реирежреиреж (рдХोрд░ोрдиाрд▓े рдЧрд░्рджा рд╕рдо्рдкाрджрди рд╡ा рдк्рд░ुрдлрд░िрдб рдирдЧрд░िрдПрдХो рдк्рд░рддि) (рднिрдд्рд░ी рд╢िрд░्рд╖рдХ рдкाрдиा рдкрдЫाрдбि) рд▓ेрдЦрдХ: рдЕрд░्рдерд░ рдПрд▓. рд╣्рд╡ाрдЗрдЯ рдЕрдиुрд╡ाрджрдХ: рднрдЬुрд░ाрдо рддрдЦाрдЫेँ рд╢्рд░ेрд╖्рда рдк्рд░рдХाрд╢рдХ: рд╣िрдоाрд▓рдпрди рд╕ेрдХ्рд╕рди рдЕрдн рд╕ेрднेрди्рде-рдбे рдПрдбрднेрди्рдЯिрд╕्рдЯ рд╕ंрд╕्рдХрд░рдг: рдк्рд░рдердо рд╡ेрдмрд╕ाрдЗрдЯ: рд╕ौрдЬрди्рдп: рд╢्рд░ी рдЬिрддेрди्рдж्рд░ рд╢्рд░ेрд╖्рда рдк्рд░рдХाрд╢рдХ: рдЙрдоेрд╢ рдХुрдоाрд░ рдкोрдЦ्рд░ेрд▓ рд╣िрдоाрд▓рдпрди рд╕ेрдХ्рд╕рди рдЕрдн рд╕ेрднेрди्рде-рдбे рдПрдбрднेрди्рдЯिрд╕्рдЯ рдХрдо्рдк्рдпुрдЯрд░ рд▓ेрдЖрдЙрдЯ: рд╕ुрдЬिрдд рд╕ाрд╣ рдЬрдирд░рд▓ рдХрди्рдлрд░ेрди्рд╕ рдЕрдн рд╕ेрднेрди्рде-рдбे рдПрдбрднेрди्рдЯिрд╕्рдЯрдХो рд╣्рд╡ाрдЗрдЯ рд╕्рдЯेрдЯрдмाрдЯ рдк्рд░рддिрд▓िрдкि рдЕрдзिрдХाрд░: реирежреиреж рдПрд▓ेрди рдЬी рд╣्рд╡ाрдЗрдЯ рдПрд▓ेрди рдЬी рд╣्рд╡ाрдЗрдЯ (резреореирен-резрепрезрел) рдЙрд▓्рд▓ेрдЦрдиीрдп рд░ рдк्рд░рдЦ्рдпाрдд рдЕрдоेрд░िрдХрди рд▓ेрдЦिрдХा рдоाрдиिрди्рдЫ। рдЙрд╣ाँрдХा рд╕ाрдордЧ्рд░ीрд╣рд░ू рд╡िрд╢्рд╡репрдХो резремреж рднрди्рджा рдмрдвि рднाрд╖ाрдоा рдЕрдиुрд╡ाрдж рдЧрд░िрдПрдХो рдЫ рд░ рдЫाрдкिрдПрдХो рдЫ। рд╡िрднिрди्рди рдЕрдз्рдпाрдд्рдоिрдХ рд░ рд╡्рдпрд╡рд╣ाрд░िрдХ рд╡िрд╖рдпрд╣рд░ूрд▓ाрдИ рд▓िрдПрд░ рдЙрдирд▓े резрежреж,режрежреж рднрди्рджा рд╡рдвि рдкाрдиाрд╣рд░ू рд▓ेрдЦेрдХी рдЫिрди्। рдкрд╡िрдд्рд░ рдЖрдд्рдоाрдХो рдЕрдЧुрд╡ाрдИрдоा рдЙрдирд▓े рдпेрд╢ू рдЦ्рд░ीрд╖्рдЯ рд░ рдкрд╡िрдд्рд░ рдзрд░्рдорд╢ाрд╕्рдд्рд░ рдмाрдЗрдмрд▓рд▓ाрдИ рдЙрдЪ्рдЪ рд╕्рдеाрдирдоा рдЙрдЪाрд▓्рдиुрднрдПрдХो рдеिрдпो। рдпेрд╢ूрдк्рд░рддिрдХो рдЖрд╕्рдеा рд░ рд╡िрд╢्рд╡ाрд╢рд╕рдХो рдЖрдзाрд░ рдиै рдпेрд╢ू рд░ рдмाрдЗрдмрд▓ рд╣ुрди् рднрдиेрд░ рдЙрдирд▓े рджाрд╡ी рдЧрд░ेрдХी рдеिрдЗрди्। рд╡िрд╖рдп рд╕ूрдЪी рдкृ. рдЕрдз्рдпाрдп рез –рдПрд▓ेрди рдЬी рд╣्рд╡ाрдЗрдЯ рдХो рд╣ुрди्? рдЕрдз्рдпाрдп реи – рд╕ुрд░ुрдХो рдЬीрд╡рдиी рдЕрдз्рдпрдпा рей –рдПрдбрднेрди्рдЯ рдЕрд░्рдеाрдд् рдпेрд╢ूрдХो рджोрд╕्рд░ो рдЖрдЧрдордирдХो рд╕рди्рджेрд╢ рдЕрдз्рдпाрдп рек –рдЬेрдо्рд╕ рд╣्рд╡ाрдЗрдЯ рд░ рдПрд▓ेрди рд╣ाрд░्рдордирдХो рдмीрдЪрдоा рд╡ैрд╡ाрд╣िрдХ рд╕рдо्рдмрди्рдз рдЕрдз्рдпाрдп рел –рдкुрд╕्рддрдХ рдк्рд░рдХाрд╢рдирдХो рд╕ुрд░ु рдЕрдз्рдпाрдп рем –рдмाрдЯрд▓ рдХ्рд░िрдХрдоा рдаाрдЙँ рд╕рд░्рдЫिрди् рдЕрдз्рдпाрдп рен -"рдж рдЧ्рд░ेрдЯ рдХрди्рдд्рд░ोрднрд░्рд╕ी" рдЕрд░्рдеाрдд् "рдорд╣ाрди् рдЕрди्рддрд░рдж्рд╡рди्рдж्рд╡"рдХो рджрд░्рд╢рди рдЕрдз्рдпाрдп рео –рдмाрдЯрд▓ рдХ्рд░िрдХрдоा рдШрд░ рдЕрдз्рдпाрдп реп –рд╕्рд╡ाрд╕्рде्рдп рд╕ुрдзाрд░ рд╕рдо्рдмрди्рдзी рджрд░्рд╢рди рдЕрдз्рдпाрдп резреж –рдХाрдо рдлैрд▓िрди्рдЫ рдЕрдз्рдпाрдп резрез –рдмाрдЯрд▓ рдХ्рд░िрдХ рдХрд▓ेрдЬ рдЕрдз्рдпाрдп резреи –рд▓ेрдЦрди рд░ рдпाрдд्рд░ा рдЕрдз्рдпाрдп резрей –рдЬेрдо्рд╕ рд╣्рд╡ाрдЗрдЯрдХो рдоृрдд्рдпु рдЕрдз्рдпाрдп резрек –рдПрд▓ेрди рдЬी рд╣्рд╡ाрдЗрдЯ рдпुрд░ोрдкрдоा рдпाрдд्рд░ा рдЧрд░्рдЫिрди् рдЕрдз्рдпाрдп резрел –рдж рдЧ्рд░ेрдЯ рдХрди्рдд्рд░ोрднрд░्рд╕ी рд░ рдкाрдЯ्рд░िрдпाрд░्рдХ рдПрдг्рдб рдк्рд░ोрдлेрдЯрд╕् рдкुрд╕्рддрдХрд╣рд░ू рдЕрдз्рдпाрдп резрем –рдЕрд╕्рдЯ्рд░ेрд▓िрдпाрдоा рдмोрд▓ाрд╣рдЯ рдЕрдз्рдпाрдп резрен –рдЕрд╕्рдЯ्рд░ेрд▓िрдпाрдоा рд╕ेрднेрди्рде-рдбे рдПрдбрднेрди्рдЯिрд╕्рдЯ рд╕्рдХूрд▓ рдЖрднोрди्рдбेрд▓рдХो рд╕्рдеाрдкрдиा рдЕрдз्рдпाрдп резрем –рд╕्рд╡ाрд╕्рде्рдп рдХाрдо рд╕ुрд░ु рд╣ुрди्рдЫ рдЕрдз्рдпाрдп резреп -рдЕрдл्рд░िрдХрди-рдЕрдоेрд░िрдХрдирдХो рдмीрдЪрдоा рд╕ेрд╡ाрдХाрд░्рдп рдЕрдз्рдпाрдп реиреж –рдЕрдоेрд░िрдХाрдоा рдлрд░्рдХिрди्рдЫिрди् рдЕрдз्рдпाрдп реирез –рдЕрди्рддिрдо рд╡्рдпрд╕्рдд рд╡рд░्рд╖рд╣рд░ू рдЕрдз्рдпाрдп рез-рдПрд▓ेрди рдЬी рд╣्рд╡ाрдЗрдЯ рдХो рд╣ुрдиुрд╣ुрди्рде्рдпो? рдПрд▓ेрди рдЬी рд╣्рд╡ाрдЗрдЯ рдХो рд╣ुрдиुрд╣ुрди्рде्рдпो, рд░ рд▓ाрдЦौँ рдоाрдиिрд╕рд╣рд░ूрд▓े рдЙрдирдХा рд▓ेрдЦрд╣рд░ूрд▓ाрдИ рдХिрди рд╡िрд╢ेрд╖ рдоूрд▓्рдп рд░ рдЙрд▓्рд▓ेрдЦрдиीрдп рд░ूрдкрдоा рд▓िрди्рдЫрди्? рдЫोрдЯрдХрд░ीрдоा рднрди्рдиे рд╣ो рднрдиे рдЖрдд्рдоिрдХ рдмрд░рджाрдирд╣рд░ूрд▓े рд╕рдЬिрдПрдХी рдПрдХ рдЕрд╕ाрдзाрд░рдг рдорд╣िрд▓ा рдеिрдЗрди्। рдЙрдиी рдЙрди्рдиाрдЗрд╕ौँ рд╢рддाрдм्рджीрдоा рд░рд╣ेрддाрдкрдиि (резреореирен-резрепрезрел) рдмिрд╕ौँ рд░ рдПрдХ्рдХााрдЗрд╕ौँ рд╢рддाрдм्рджीрдоा рдЙрдирдХा рд▓ेрдЦрд╣рд░ूрд▓े рд╡िрд╢्рд╡ाрдХा рд▓ाрдЦौँ рдоाрдиिрд╕рд╣рд░ूрд▓ाрдИ рдХ्рд░ाрди्рддिрдХाрд░ी рд░ूрдкрдоा рдк्рд░рднाрд╡िрдд рдкाрд░िрд░рд╣ेрдХा рдЫрди्। рдЙрдирдХो рдЬीрд╡рди рдХाрд▓рдоा релрежрежреж рднрди्рджा рдмेрд╕ी рд▓ेрдЦрд╣рд░ू рдкрдд्рд░िрдХाрдХो рдиिрдо्рддि рдЫाрдкेрдХा рдеिрдП। рдЙрдирд▓े рекреж рднрди्рджा рдмेрд╕ी рдкुрд╕्рддрдХрд╣рд░ू рд▓ेрдЦेрдХी рдеिрдЗрди्। рдЙрдирдХा рд╕рдмै рд╣рд╕्рддрд▓िрдкीрд╣рд░ू релреж,режрежреж рдкाрдиा рдЫрди्। рдЙрдирдХा рддी рд╣рд╕्рддрд▓िрдкीрд╣рд░ू рд░ рдкुрд╕्рддрдХрд╣рд░ू рдоिрд▓ाрдПрд░ рдЫाрдкिрдПрдХो рдЫ। рдЕрдЩ्рдЧ्рд░ेрдЬी рднाрд╖ाрдоा резрежреж рд╡рдЯा рднрди्рджा рдмेрд╕ी рдкुрд╕्рддрдХрд╣рд░ू рдЫрди्। рд╕ाрд╣िрдд्рдпрдХो рдЗрддिрд╣ाрд╕рдоा рдЙрдиी рд╕рдмрднрди्рджा рдзेрд░ै рдЕрдиुрд╡ाрдж рдЧрд░िрдПрдХी рд▓ेрдЦिрдХा рд╣ुрди्। рд▓ैрдЩ्рдЧिрдХ рд╣िрд╕ाрдмрдоा рд╣ेрд░्рджा рдЕрдоेрд░िрдХाрдХा рд▓ेрдЦрдХрд╣рд░ूрдоा рдЙрдиी рд╕рдмैрднрди्рджा рдзेрд░ै рдЕрдиुрд╡ाрдж рдЧрд░िрдПрдХो рд▓ेрдЦिрдХा рд╣ुрди्। рдЙрдирдХा рд▓ेрдЦрд╣рд░ूрд▓े рдзेрд░ै рд╡िрд╖рдпрдмрд╕्рддुрд╣рд░ू рд╕рдоेрддिрдПрдХा рдЫрди्। рддिрдиीрд╣рд░ूрдоा рдзाрд░्рдоिрдХ рд╡ा рдЖрдд्рдоिрдХ, рд╢ैрдХ्рд╖िрдХ, рд╕ाрдоाрдЬिрдХ рд╕рдо्рдмрди्рдз, рд╕ुрд╕рдоाрдЪाрд░ рдк्рд░рдЪाрд░, рднрд╡िрд╖्рдпрд╡ाрдгी, рдкुрд╕्рддрдХ рдЫрдкाрдЗ рд╕рдо्рдмрди्рдзी рд╕рд▓्рд▓ाрд╣рд╣рд░ू, рдкौрд╖्рдЯिрдХ рдЦाрдиा рд░ рд╡्рдпрд╡рд╕्рдеाрдкрди рдЖрджिрд╣рд░ू рдЫрди्। рдЙрдирдХा рдЕрдд्рдпрди्рддै рдЙрд▓्рд▓ेрдЦрдиीрдп рд░ рд╕рдлрд▓ рдЗрд╕ाрдИ рдЬीрд╡рдирдХो рдиिрд░्рджेрд╢िрдХा рднрдПрдХो рдкुрд╕्рддрдХ рд╕्рдЯेрдк्рд╕ рдЯु рдХ्рд░ाрдЗрд╕्рдЯ рд╣ो। рдпो рдкुрд╕्рддрдХ резрекреж рднрди्рджा рдмेрд╕ी рднाрд╖ाрдоा рдЫाрдкिрдПрдХो рдЫ। рдПрд▓ेрди рдЬी рд╣्рд╡ाрдЗрдЯ рдк्рд░рддिрднाрд╢ाрд▓ी рд╕рд░्рдЬрдХ рд╡ा рд▓ेрдЦिрдХाрдоाрдд्рд░ рд╣ोрдЗрдирди् рднрдиेрд░ рд╕ेрднेрди्рде-рдбे рдПрдбрднेрди्рдЯिрд╕्рдЯрд╣рд░ू рдЬिрдХिрд░ рдЧрд░्рджрдЫрди्। рд╕ंрд╕ाрд░рд▓ाрдИ рдкрд╡िрдд्рд░ рдзрд░्рдорд╢ाрд╕्рдд्рд░ рдмाрдЗрдмрд▓рддिрд░ рдз्рдпाрди рдЖрдХрд░्рд╖िрдд рдЧрд░्рди рд░ рдк्рд░рднु рдпेрд╢ूрдХो рджोрд╕्рд░ो рдЖрдЧрдордирдХो рдиिрдо्рддि рдоाрдиिрд╕рд╣рд░ूрд▓ाрдИ рддрдпाрд░ рд╣ुрди рд╕рдШाрдЙрди рдкрд░рдоेрд╢्рд╡рд░рд░рд▓े рдиै рдиिрдпुрдХ्рдд рдЧрд░्рдиुрднрдПрдХो рд╡िрд╢ेрд╖ рджूрдд рд╣ुрдиुрд╣ुрди्рде्рдпो рднрдиेрд░ рд╕ेрднेрди्рде-рдбे рдПрдбрднेрди्рдЯिрд╕्рдЯрд╣рд░ू рджाрд╡ी рдЧрд░्рдЫрди्। рдЙрдиी резрен рд╡рд░्рд╖ рд╣ुँрджाрджेрдЦि ренреж рд╡рд░्рд╖рдкрдЫि рдЙрдирдХो рдоृрдд्рдпु рдирд╣ुँрджाрд╕рдо्рдо рдкрд░рдоेрд╢्рд╡ीрд░рд▓े рдЙрдирд▓ाрдИ рдХрдорд╕ेрдХрдо реирежрежреж рднрди्рджा рдмेрд╕ी рджрд░्рд╢рди рд░ рд╕्рд╡рдк्рдирджрд░्рд╢рдирд╣рд░ू рджिрдиुрднрдПрдХो рдеिрдпो। рдЙрдирд▓े рджрд░्рд╢рди рджेрдЦिрд░рд╣ेрдХो рд╕рдордп рдПрдХ рдоिрдиेрдЯрджेрдЦि рдЭрди्рджै рдЪाрд░ рдШрди्рдЯाрд╕рдо्рдо рд╣ुрди्рде्рдпो। рдЙрдирд▓ाрдИ рдк्рд░рдХрдЯ рднрдПрдХा рд╡िрд╖рдпрдмрд╕्рддुрд╣рд░ू рдЙрдирд▓े рд▓ेрдЦेрдХा рдеिрдП। рдЙрдиी рдЪाрд╣рди्рдеिрдХी рдЙрдирд▓े рдкाрдПрдХा рдЬ्рдЮाрди рд░ рд╕рд▓्рд▓ाрд╣рд╣рд░ू рд╕рдмै рдоाрдиिрд╕рд╣рд░ूрд▓े рдеाрд╣ा рдкाрдЙрди्। рдПрдбрднेрди्рдЯिрд╕्рдЯрд╣рд░ूрдоा рдЙрдирдХा рд▓ेрдЦрд╣рд░ू рдк्рд░ेрд░рдгाрджाрдпी рд░ рд╡िрд╢ेрд╖ рд╕्рддрд░рдХा рд╣ुрди् рднрдиेрд░ рд╕ेрднेрди्рде-рдбे рдПрдбрднेрди्рдЯिрд╕्рдЯрд╣рд░ू рд╕्рд╡ीрдХाрд░्рджрдЫрди्। рдпेрд╢ूрд▓ाрдИ рд╡िрд╢्рд╡ााрд╕ рдирдЧрд░्рдиेрд╣рд░ूрд▓े рдкрдиि рдЙрдирдХा рд▓ेрдЦрд╣рд░ू рдкрдв्рджा рддिрдиीрд╣рд░ूрдХो рдЪेрддрдиा рдЬрдЧाрдЙँрдЫ। (рдХрддिрдкрдп рдоाрдиिрд╕рд╣рд░ू рдПрдбрднेрди्рдЯिрд╕्рдЯрд╣рд░ूрд▓ाрдИ рдмाрдЗрдмрд▓ рднрди्рджा рдПрд▓ेрди рдЬी рд╣्рд╡ाрдЗрдЯрд▓ाрдИ рд╡рдвि рдоाрди्рдпрддा рджिрди्рдЫрди् рднрдиेрд░ рдЖрд░ोрдк рдЧрд░्рджрдЫрди्। рдд्рдпो рдЖрд░ोрдк рддिрдиीрд╣рд░ूрдХो рдкूрд░्рд╡ाрдЧ्рд░рд╣ рд░ рдЕрд▓्рдкрдЬ्рдЮाрдирдХो рдЙрдкрдЬ рд╣ो-рдЕрдиुрд╡ाрджрдХрдХो рдердк)। рдПрдбрднेрди्рдЯिрд╕्рдЯрдХो рд╡िрд╢्рд╡ाрд╡рд╕рдХो рдмाрд░ेрдоा рд▓ेрдЦिрдПрдХो рдкुрд╕्рддрдХрдоा рд╕्рдкрд╖्рдЯрдХाрд╕ाрде рдпो рд▓ेрдЦिрдПрдХो рдЫ, "рдПрд▓ेрди рдЬी рд╣्рд╡ाрдЗрдЯрдХा рд▓ेрдЦрд╣рд░ू рдзрд░्рдорд╢ाрд╕्рдд्рд░ рдмाрдЗрдмрд▓рдХो рд╡ैрдХрд▓्рдкिрдХ рд╕ाрдордЧ्рд░ी рд╣ोрдЗрдирди्। рдПрд▓ेрди рдЬी рд╣्рд╡ाрдЗрдЯрдХा рд╕ाрдордЧ्рд░ीрд╣рд░ू рд░ рдмाрдЗрдмрд▓рд▓ाрдИ рдПрдЙрдЯै рд╕्рддрд░рдоा рд░ाрдЦ्рди् рд╕рдХिрди्рджैрди। рдкрд╡िрдд्рд░ рдзрд░्рдорд╢ाрд╕्рдд्рд░ рдмाрдЗрдмрд▓ рдПрдХрд▓ै рдЙрдЪ्рдЪ рдзрд░ोрд╣рд░рдХोрд░ूрдкрдоा рдЦрдбा рднрдЗрд░рд╣рди्рдЫ। рдЙрдирдХा рд░ рдЕрд░ू рд╕рдмै рд▓ेрдЦрд╣рд░ूрдХो рд╡िрд╢ेрд╖ рдоाрдкрджрдг्рдб рд╡ा рдЬाँрдЪ्рдиे рдЖрдзाрд░ рдзрд░्рдорд╢ाрд╕्рдд्рд░ рдмाрдЗрдмрд▓ рдиै рд╣ुрдиुрдкрд░्рджрдЫ। рдХुрдиै рдкрдиि рдоाрдиिрд╕рдХा рдЕрдз्рдпाрдд्рдоिрдХ рджрд░्рд╢рди рд░ рд▓ेрдЦрд╣рд░ू рдзрд░्рдорд╢ाрд╕्рдд्рд░ рдмाрдЗрдмрд▓рдХो рдкрд░िрдзिрднिрдд्рд░ рд╣ुрдиुрдиै рдкрд░्рджрдЫ" (рд╕ेрднेрди्рде-рдбे рдПрдбрднेрди्рдЯिрд╕्рдЯ рдмेрд▓िрдн, рдоिрдиिрд╕्рдЯेрд░िрдпрд▓, рдЬрдирд░рд▓ рдХрди्рдлрд░ेрди्рд╕ рдЕрдн рд╕ेрднेрди्рде-рдбे рдПрдбрднेрди्рдЯिрд╕्рдЯ, рд╡ाрд╢िрдЩ्рдЧрдЯрди, рдбी.рд╕ी., резрепреорео, рдкृ. реиреиренрдмाрдЯ рд░ूрдкाрди्рддрд░िрдд)। рдпрд╕ рдоाрдоिрд▓ाрдоा рдПрд▓ेрди рдЬी рд╣्рд╡ाрдЗрдЯ рдЖрдлैрд▓े рдпрд╕рд░ी рд╡्рдпрдХ्рдд рдЧрд░्рдиुрднрдПрдХो рдеिрдпो, "рдзрд░्рдорд╢ाрд╕्рдд्рд░ рдмाрдЗрдмрд▓рдж्рд╡ाрд░ा рдкрд░рдоेрд╢्рд╡рд╕рд░ рдЖрдлैрд▓े рдоाрдиिрд╕рд╣рд░ूрд▓ाрдИ рдЙрд╣ाँрдХो рдЗрдЪ्рдЫा рдк्рд░рдХрдЯ рдЧрд░्рдиुрднрдПрдХो рдеिрдпो। рдзрд░्рдорд╢ाрд╕्рдд्рд░ рдмाрдЗрдмрд▓ рдмुрдЭाрдЙрди рдкрд╡िрдд्рд░ рдЖрдд्рдоाрдХो рдЙрдкрд╕्рдеिрддि рд░ рдЕрдЧुрд╡ाрдЗрдХो рдиिрд░рди्рддрд░рддाрд▓ाрдИ рдкрд░рдоेрд╢्рд╡рдорд░рд▓े рдЕрдиाрд╡рд╢्рдпрдХ рдаाрди्рдиुрднрдПрдХो рдЫैрди। рдмрд░ू рдд्рдпрд╕рдХो рдмिрдкрд░िрдд рдкрд░рдоेрд╢्рд╡рднрд░рдХा рд╕ेрд╡рдХрд╣рд░ूрд▓े рдмाрдЗрдмрд▓рдмाрдЯ рджिрд╡्рдпрдЬ्рдЮाрди рдкाрдЙрди् рд░ рдпрд╕рдоा рд▓ेрдЦिрдПрдХा рд╢िрдХ्рд╖ाрджीрдХ्рд╖ाрд╣рд░ू рдкाрд▓рди рдЧрд░्рди рд╕рд╣рдпोрдЧ рдЧрд░ुрди् рднрдиेрд░ рд╣ाрдо्рд░ो рдоुрдХ्рддिрджाрддा рдЖрдлैрд▓े рдкрд╡िрдд्рд░ рдЖрдд्рдоाрдХो рдк्рд░рддिрдЬ्рдЮा рджिрдиुрднрдПрдХो рдеिрдпो" (рдж рдЧ्рд░ेрдЯ рдХрди्рдд्рд░ोрднрд░्рд╕ी, рдкृ. ренрдмाрдЯ рд░ूрдкाрди्рддрд░िрдд)। рджेрд╣ाрдпрдХा рдЕрдз्рдпाрдпрд╣рд░ूрдоा рд╕ंрдХ्рд╖िрдк्рддрдпрдоै рднрдПрддाрдкрдиि рд╡िрд╕्рддृрддрд░ूрдкрдоा рдЕрдд्рдпрди्рддै рдЙрд▓्рд▓ेрдЦрдиीрдп рд▓ेрдЦिрдХाрдХो рдЬीрд╡рди рд░ рдХाрдорд╣рд░ू рд╡рд░्рдгрди рдЧрд░िрдПрдХो рдЫ। рдмाрдЗрдмрд▓рдоा рдиिрд░्рдзाрд░рдг рдЧрд░िрдПрдХा рд╕рдд्рдп рдЕрдЧрдорд╡рдХ्рддाрд╣рд░ूрд▓ाрдИ рдЬाँрдЪ्рдиे рддрд░िрдХाрд╣рд░ूрд▓ाрдИ рдЙрд╣ाँрд▓ाрдИ рдк्рд░рдпोрдЧ рдЧрд░िрдПрдХो рдеिрдпो। рдЙрдирдХै рд╕рдХ्рд░िрдпрддा рд░ рд╕рд╣рдпोрдЧрдоा рд╡िрд╢्рд╡рдирд╡्рдпाрдкि рд╕ेрднेрди्рде-рдбे рдПрдбрднेрди्рдЯिрд╕्рдЯ рдЪрд░्рдЪ рд╕्рдеाрдкрдиा рднрдПрдХो рдеिрдпो। рдЕрдз्рдпाрдп реи-рдПрд▓ेрди рдЬी рд╣्рд╡ाрдЗрдЯрдХा рд╕ुрд░ुрдХा рд╡рд░्рд╖рд╣рд░ू рд╕рди резреореиренрдХो рдирднेрдо्рдмрд░ реиремрдоा рдПрд▓ेрди рдЬुрдо्рд▓्рдпाрд╣ा рдмрд╣िрдиी рдЗрд▓िрдЬाрдмेрдерд╕ँрдЧ рдЬрди्рдоेрдХी рдеिрдЗрди्। рддिрдиीрд╣рд░ूрдХा рдмुрдмा рд░ोрдмрд░्рдЯ рд░ рдЖрдоा рдпुрдиिрдХ рд╣ाрд░्рдорди рдеिрдП। рдЖрда рдЬрдиा рдЫोрд░ाрдЫोрд░ीрд╣рд░ू рднрдПрдХो рдШрд░ рдЕрдд्рдпрди्рддै рдШрдЯрд▓ाрдЧ्рджो рд░ рд╡्рдпрд╕्рдд рд╕्рдеाрди рдеिрдпो। рдЕрдоेрд░िрдХाрдХो рдЙрдд्рддрд░рдкूрд░्рд╡рдХो рднाрдЧ рдоेрди рдк्рд░ाрди्рддрдХो рдЧोрд░рд╣ाрдо рднрди्рдиे рдЧाрдЙँрдХो рд╕ाрдиो рдлाрд░्рдо рд╡ा рдХृрд╖ि-рдШрд░рдоा рдПрд▓ेрдирдХो рдкрд░िрд╡ाрд░ рд░рд╣рди्рдеे। рдд्рдпो рдкрд░िрд╡ाрд░ рдЦेрддिрдкाрддीрдоा рд╡्рдпрд╕्рдд рдеिрдП। рддрд░ рдЬुрдо्рд▓्рдпाрд╣ाрдХो рдЬрди्рдордкрдЫि рдмुрдмा рд░ोрдмрд░्рдЯ рд╣ाрд░्рдордирд▓े рдЦेрддिрдкाрддी рдЧрд░्рдиे рдХाрдо рдЫोрдбे। рдд्рдпрд╕ рдЧाрдЙँрдХो рдмाрд░्рд╣рдЬ рдоाрдЗрд▓ рд╡ा рдХрд░िрдм реиреж рдХिрд▓ोрдоिрдЯрд░ рдкूрд░्рд╡рдоा рд░рд╣ेрдХो рдкोрд░्рдЯрд▓्рдпाрдг्рдб рд╕рд╣рд░рдоा рдЖрдл्рдиो рдкрд░िрд╡ाрд░рд╕ाрде рд░ोрдмрд░्рдЯ рд╣ाрд░्рдорди рд╕рд░े। рд░ोрдмрд░्рдЯ рд╣ाрд░्рдордирд▓े рдЯोрдкी рдмрдиाрдЙрдиे рд╡्рдпрд╡рд╕ाрдп рдЕрдЩ्рдЧाрд▓ेрдХा рдеिрдП। рд╕ाрдиैрджेрдЦि рдПрд▓ेрдирд▓े рдШрд░рдоा рд░ рдЖрдл्рдиो рдмुрдмाрд▓ाрдИ рдЯोрдкीрд╣рд░ू рдЙрдд्рдкाрджрди рдЧрд░्рди рд╕рд╣рдпोрдЧ рдЧрд░्рдеिрди्। рдЙрдиी рдиौ рд╡рд░्рд╖рдХो рд╣ुँрджा рдПрдХ рджिрди рд╕्рдХूрд▓рдмाрдЯ рдШрд░ рдлрд░्рдХिрди्рджै рдЧрд░्рджा рдЙрдирдХा рд╕्рдХूрд▓рдХो рд╕ाрдеीрд▓े рдЙрдирд▓ाрдИ рдвुрдЩ्рдЧा рд╣ाрди्рджै рдеिрдП। рдХрд╕рд▓े рдвुрдЩ्рдЧा рд╣ाрдиेрдХो рднрдиेрд░ рдлрд░्рдХेрд░ рд╣ेрд░्рджा рдЙрдирдХो рдЕрдиुрд╣ाрд░рдоा рд╕ाрдеीрд▓े рд╣िрд░्рдХाрдПрдХो рдвुрдЩ्рдЧा рд▓ाрдЧ्рдпो рд░ рдЙрдирдХो рдиाрдХрдоा рдирд░ाрдо्рд░ोрд╕ँрдЧ рдЪोрдЯ рд▓ाрдЧ्рди рдкुрдЧ्рдпो। рдЙрдирдХो рдиाрдХрдмाрдЯ рд╣्рд╡ाрд░рд╣्рд╡ाрд░्рддी рд░рдЧрдд рдмрдЧ्рдпो। рдЙрдиी рддीрди рд╣рдк्рддााрд╕рдо्рдо рдЕрдЪेрдд рднрдЗрди्। рдиाрдХрдоा рднрдПрдХो рдЧрдо्рднिрд░ рдЪोрдЯрдкрдЯрдХрд▓े рдЧрд░्рджा рдЙрдиी рдмрд░्рд╖ौँрд╕рдо्рдо рдзेрд░ै рдХрд╖्рдЯ рдкाрдЗрди्। рдпрд╕рд▓े рдЧрд░्рджा рдХेрд╡рд▓ рддीрди рдХрдХ्рд╖ाрдоाрдд्рд░ рдкрдвेрдХी рдПрд▓ेрдирдХो рдФрдкрдЪाрд░िрдХ рд╢िрдХ्рд╖ा рд╕рджाрдХो рдиिрдо्рддि рдЕрди्рдд्рдп рднрдпो। рдЕрдд्рдпрди्рддै рдоाрдпाрд▓ु, рд╕рд╣рдпोрдЧी, рдЦुрд╢ी рд░ рдоिрдд्рд░ рднाрд╡рдиा рднрдПрдХो рд╕ाрдиी рдПрд▓ेрди рдзेрд░ै рд╡рд░्рд╖ рдмाँрдЪ्рдиे рд╕рдо्рднाрд╡рдиा рднрдПрдХो рдеिрдПрди। рд╕рди резреорекрежрдоा рдПрд▓ेрди рдЖрдл्рдиा рдмाрдмुрдЖрдоाрдХो рд╕ाрдердоा рдоेрди рдк्рд░ाрди्рддрдХो рдмрдХ्рд╕рдЯрди рднрди्рдиे рдЧाрдЙँрдоा рдоेрдеोрдбिрд╕्рдЯ рд╕рдо्рдк्рд░рджाрдпрдХा рдЗрд╕ाрдИрд╣рд░ूрд▓े рдЧрд░ेрдХो рд▓ाрдоो рд╕рдордпрд╕рдо्рдо рдЪрд▓ेрдХो рд╕ाрд░्рд╡рдЬрдиिрдХ рд╕ुрд╕рдоाрдЪाрд░ рдк्рд░рдЪाрд░рдоा рднाрдЧ рд▓िрдЗрди्। рдд्рдпрд╕рдмेрд▓ा рдЙрдиी резреи рд╡рд░्рд╖рдХी рдеिрдЗрди्। рдд्рдпрд╕ рд╕ुрд╕рдоाрдЪाрд░ рдк्рд░рдЪाрд░ рд╕рднाрдоा рдЙрдирд▓े рдЖрдл्рдиो рд╣ृрджрдп рдпेрд╢ूрд▓ाрдИ рд╕ुрдо्рдкिрди्। рдЬुрди реирем, резреорекреирдоा рдЙрдирдХै рдЕрдиुрд░ोрдзрдоा рдкोрд░्рдЯрд▓्рдпाрди्рдб рдк्рд░ाрди्рддрдХो рд╕рдоुрдж्рд░ी рдХिрдиाрд░ा рдХрд╕्рдХो рдмेрдоा рдкाрдиीрдоा рдбुрдмेрд░ рдмрдк्рддिрекрд╕्рдоा рд▓िрдЗрди्। рдд्рдпрд╣ी рджिрди рдЙрдиी рдоेрдеोрдбिрд╕्рдЯ рдЪрд░्рдЪрдХो рд╕рджрд╕्рдпрддा рдЙрдирд▓े рд▓िрдЗрди्। рдЕрдз्рдпाрдп рей-рдПрдбрднेрди्рдЯिрд╕्рдЯ рд╕рди्рджेрд╢ рд╕рди резреорекрежрджेрдЦि рдЕрдоेрд░िрдХाрдХो рдкोрд░्рдЯрд▓्рдпाрдг्рдбрдоा рдПрдХ рдХिрд╕ाрдиी рдк्рд░рдЪाрд░рдХ рд╡िрд▓िрдпрдо рдоिрд▓рд░ рд░ рдЙрдирдХा рд╕рд╣рдпोрдЧीрд╣рд░ूрд▓े рдмाрдЗрдмрд▓рдХै рднрд╡िрд╖्рдпрд╡ाрдгीрдХो рдЖрдзाрд░рдоा рдпेрд╢ूрдХो рджोрд╕्рд░ो рдЖрдЧрдорди рд╕рди резреорекрекрдоा рд╣ुрди्рдЫ рднрдиेрд░ рдЬोрдбрдХाрддोрд░рд▓े рдк्рд░рдЪाрд░ рдЧрд░ेрдХा рдеिрдП। рд╕рди резреорекреж рд░ резреорекреирдоा рдПрд▓ेрди рдЬी рд╣्рд╡ाрдЗрдЯ рд░ рдЙрдирдХा рдкрд░िрд╡ाрд░рдХा рд╕рджрд╕्рдпрд╣рд░ूрд▓े рд╡िрд▓िрдпрдо рдоिрд▓рд░рд▓े рдкोрд░्рдЯрд▓ाрди्рдбрдХा рдПрдбрднेрди्рдЯिрд╕्рдЯ рд╕рднाрд╣рд░ूрдоा рдк्рд░рд╕्рддुрдд рдЧрд░ेрдХा рддिрдиीрд╣рд░ूрдХो рджृрд╖्рдЯिрдХोрдгрдХो рд╕рди्рджेрд╢рд▓ाрдИ рд╕्рд╡ीрдХाрд░े। рддिрдиीрд╣рд░ूрд▓े рдк्рд░рдЪाрд░ рдЧрд░ेрдХो рдЕрдиुрд╕ाрд░ рдпेрд╢ूрдХो рдЖрдЧрдорди рддुрд░рди्рддै рд╣ुрдиे рдХुрд░ाрдоा рд╕рдмै рд╕्рд░ोрддाрд╣рд░ू рд╡िрд╢्рд╡्рд╕्рдд рднрдПрдХा рдеिрдП। рдд्рдпो рд╕рди्рджेрд╢рдк्рд░рддि рдЕрдд्рдпрди्рддै рднाрд╡ुрдХ рд░ рдЬोрд╢िрд▓ो рдмрдиेрд░ рдПрд▓ेрдирд▓े рдЖрдл्рдиा рдпुрд╡ा рд╕ाрдеीрд╣рд░ूрд▓ाрдИ рдд्рдпрд╕ рд╕рди्рджेрд╢рд▓ाрдИ рдЧ्рд░рд╣рдг рдЧрд░्рди рдЙрдд्рд╕ाрд╣ рджिрдЗрди्। рдпेрд╢ूрдХो рджोрд╕्рд░ो рдЖрдЧрдордирдХो рд╕рди्рджेрд╢рд▓ाрдИ рд╕рдХेрд╕рдо्рдо рд╕рдмैрд▓ाрдИ рд╕ुрдиाрдЙрдиे рдк्рд░рдпाрд╕ рдЖрдл्рдиो рддрд░्рдлрдмाрдЯ рдПрд▓ेрдирд▓े рдЧрд░ेрдХी рдеिрдЗрди्। рддрд░ рдпेрд╢ूрдХो рдЖрдЧрдордирдХो рдк्рд░рддिрдХ्рд╖ा рдЧрд░ेрдХो рдЕрдиुрд╕ाрд░ рдЙрд╣ाँ рдЕрдХ्рдЯोрдмрд░ реиреи, резреорекрекрдоा рдпрд╕ рд╕ंрд╕ाрд░рдоा рдЖрдЙрдиुрднрдПрди। рдд्рдпрд╕рд▓े рдЧрд░्рджा рдпेрд╢ूрдХो рдЖрдЧрдордирдХो рдЕрдкेрдХ्рд╖ा рдЧрд░ेрдХा рдзेрд░ै рдЗрд╕ाрдИрд╣рд░ूрдоा рдаूрд▓ो рдиिрд░ाрд╢ рдЫाрдПрдХो рдеिрдпो рд░ рдХрддिрд▓े рдд рдпेрд╢ूрдоाрдеि рд╡िрд╢्рд╡ा рд╕ै рдд्рдпाрдЧेрдХा рдеिрдП। рддрд░ рдПрд▓ेрдирдХो рдпुрд╡ाрдЕрд╡рд╕्рдеाрдХो рдЬोрд╢рд╕ँрдЧ рдоिрд▓ेрд░ рдЕрд░ू рд╕ाрдеीрд╣рд░ूрд▓े рдкрдиि рдЕрдЭ рдЧрд╣िрд░िрдПрд░ рдмाрдЗрдмрд▓ рдЕрдз्рдпрдпрди рдЧрд░्рди рдеाрд▓ेрдХा рдеिрдП। рдпेрд╢ू рдирдЖрдЙँрджा рддिрдиीрд╣рд░ू рдзेрд░ै рд╕рдордпрд╕рдо्рдо рдЕрди्рдпौрд▓ рднрдПрдХा рдеिрдП। рддिрдиीрд╣рд░ूрд▓े рд╣ृрджрдпрджेрдЦि рдЙрд╣ाँрдХो рдЖрдЧрдордирдХो рдмाрд░ेрдоा рдЕрдЭ рдк्рд░рдХाрд╢ рдкाрд░्рди рд░ рдЕрдЧुрд╡ाрдИ рдЧрд░्рди рдкрд░рдоेрд╢्рд╡рд▓рд░рд╕ँрдЧ рдк्рд░ाрд░्рдердиाрдоा рдзेрд░ै рддрд▓्рд▓िрди рднрдЗрд░рд╣ेрдХा рдеिрдП। рдЬрдм рдПрдбрднेрди्рдЯिрд╕्рдЯ рдЕрдиुрднрд╡рд╣рд░ूрд▓ाрдИ рдзेрд░ैрд▓े рдд्рдпाрдЧेрдХा рдеिрдП рд╡ा рдпेрд╢ूрдХो рдЖрдЧрдорди рдирд╣ुрдиे рдХुрд░ाрдоा рд╢рдЩ्рдХा рдЧрд░ेрдХा рдЧрд░िрд░рд╣ेрдХा рдеिрдП рддрдм рдПрд▓ेрди рдПрдХ рдЬрдиा рд╡िрд╢्рд╡ाрд╡рд╕ीрдХो рдШрд░рдоा рдШрд░ेрд▓ु рд╕рдЩ्рдЧрддि рдЧрд░िрд░рд╣ेрдХा рдеिрдП। рд╕рди резреорекрекрдХो рдбिрд╕ेрдо्рдмрд░ рдорд╣िрдиाрдХो рдЕрди्рддिрдо рджिрдирд╣рд░ूрдоा рдд्рдпो рдШрд░ेрд▓ु рд╕рдЩ्рдЧрддिрдоा рдорд╣िрд▓ाрд╣рд░ू рдкрдиि рд╕рд╣рднाрдЧी рднрдПрдХा рдеिрдП। рдЬрдм рддिрдиीрд╣рд░ू рдк्рд░ाрд░्рдердиा рдЧрд░िрд░рд╣ेрдХा рдеिрдП рддрдм рдкрд░рдоेрд╢्рд╡рд╣рд░рдХो рд╢рдХ्рддि рдПрд▓ेрдирдоाрдеि рдкрд░्рдпो्। рд╕рдЩ्рдЧрддि рднрдЗрд░рд╣ेрдХै рдмेрд▓ाрдоा рдЙрдирд▓े рджрд░्рд╢рди рджेрдЦिрди्। рдпेрд╢ूрд▓ाрдИ рдкрд░्рдЦिрдиेрд╣рд░ू рдкрд░рдоेрд╢्рд╡рддрд░рдХो рд╕рд╣рд░рдоा рдЧрдЗрд░рд╣ेрдХो рдПрд▓ेрдирд▓े рдЖрдл्рдиो рджрд░्рд╢рдирдоा рджेрдЦेрдХी рдеिрдЗрди्। рдЙрдиी рдХेрд╡рд▓ резрен рд╡рд░्рд╖рдХिрдоाрдд्рд░ рдеिрдЗрди्। рдбрд░ рдоाрди्рджै рдпो рджрд░्рд╢рди рдкोрд░्рдЯрд▓ाрди्рдбрдХो рдПрдбрднेрди्рдЯिрд╕्рдЯ рд╕рдоूрд╣рд▓ाрдИ рдмрддाрдЗрди्। рдЙрдирд▓े рджेрдЦेрдХा рджрд░्рд╢рди рдкрд░рдоेрд╢्рд╡рдпрд░рдмाрдЯ рдиै рдЖрдПрдХो рд╣ो рднрдиेрд░ рдд्рдпрд╕ рд╕рдоूрд╣рд▓े рд╕्рд╡ीрдХाрд░ рдЧрд░्рдпोрдЗ। рдд्рдпो рджрд░्рд╢рдирдмाрдЯ рдЙрдд्рд╕ाрд╣िрдд рднрдПрд░ рдПрд▓ेрди рдЖрдл्рдиा рдХेрд╣ी рд╕ाрдеी рд░ рдЖрдлрди्рддрд╣рд░ूрд╕ँрдЧ рдаाрдЙँ рдаाрдЙँрдоा рдЫрд░िрдПрдХा рдПрдбрднेрди्рдЯिрд╕्рдЯрд╣рд░ूрд▓ाрдИ рдЖрдлूрд▓े рдкाрдПрдХो рдкрд╣िрд▓ो рд░ рдЕрд░ू рджрд░्рд╢рдирд╣рд░ू рдмрддाрдЗрди्। рдд्рдпрд╕ рд╕рдордп рдПрдбрднेрди्рдЯिрд╕्рдЯрд╣рд░ूрдХो рдиिрдо्рддि рд╕рдЬिрд▓ो рдеिрдПрди рдХिрдирднрдиे рдпेрд╢ू рдирдЖрдЙрдиुрднрдПрдХोрдоा рддिрдиीрд╣рд░ू рдЕрдд्рдпрди्рддै рдиिрд░ाрд╢ рднрдПрдХा рдеिрдП। рдХрддिрдкрдп рд╕ांрд╕ाрд░िрдХ рдоाрдиिрд╕рд╣рд░ूрд▓े рддिрдиीрд╣рд░ूрд▓ाрдИ рдЧिрд▓्рд▓ा рдЧрд░े। рддिрдиीрд╣рд░ू рдЖрдлै рдкрдиि рдПрдХрддा рднрдПрдХो рдеिрдПрди। рддिрдиीрд╣рд░ूрдХो рдмीрдЪрдоा рдд рдХрддिрдкрдп рд╡िрд╢्рд╡ाрддрд╕ीрд╣рд░ू рдмाрдЗрдмрд▓рдХो рдмाрд░ेрдоा рдЕрдиेрдХौँ рдХрдЯ्рдЯрд░рдкрдиा рдзाрд░рдгा рд░ाрдЦ्рдиि рдкुрдЧेрдХा рдеिрдП। рддी рдзाрд░рдгाрд╣рд░ू рдПрдХ рдЖрдкрд╕рдоा рдмाрдЭिрдПрдХा рдеिрдП। рддी рдХрдЯ्рдЯрд░рдкрди рд╡ा рдмाрдЗрдмрд▓рдХो рдмाрд░ेрдоा рдЖрдЖрдл्рдиै рддрд░िрдХाрд▓े рд╡्рдпाрдЦ्рдпा рдЧрд░ेрд░ рдоाрдиिрд╕рд╣рд░ूрд▓ाрдИ рднुрд▓ाрдЙрдиे рдк्рд░рд╡ृрдд्рддिрдХो рдмाрд░ेрдоा рдкрд░рдоेрд╢्рд╡рдлрд░рд▓े рдПрд▓ेрдирд▓ाрдИ рджрд░्рд╢рдирдоा рджेрдЦाрдЙрдиु рднрдПрдХो рдеिрдпो। рддी рдоाрдиिрд╕рд╣рд░ूрдХो рдЧрд▓рдд рдзाрд░рдгाрд╣рд░ूрд▓ाрдИ рдФँрд▓्рдпाрдЙрди рд░ рд╕рдЪ्рдпाрдЙрди рдПрд▓ेрдирд▓ाрдИ рдЕрд░्рд╣ा рдЗрдПрдХो рдеिрдпो। рдпो рдХाрдо рдПрд▓ेрдирдХो рдиिрдо्рддि рдЕрдд्рдпрди्рддै рдоुрд╢्рдХिрд▓ рд╣ुрди рдЧрдПрдХो рдеिрдпो। рдЕрдз्рдпाрдп рек-рдЬेрдо्рд╕ рд╣्рд╡ाрдЗрдЯ рд░ рдПрд▓ेрди рд╣ाрд░्рдордирдХो рд╡िрд╡ाрд╣ рдПрдХ рджिрди рдПрд▓ेрди рдЕрдоेрд░िрдХाрдХो рдоेрди рднрди्рдиे рд░ाрдЬ्рдпрдХो рдУрд░िрдЩ्рдЧिрдЯрди рднрди्рдиे рд╕рд╣рд░рдоा рдпाрдд्рд░ा рдЧрд░ेрдХी рдеिрдЗрди्। рдд्рдпрд╕рдмेрд▓ा рдЙрдирдХो рдПрдХ рдЬрдиा рдПрдбрднेрди्рдЯिрд╕्рдЯ рдпुрд╡ा рдк्рд░рдЪाрд░рдХрд╕ँрдЧ рднेрдЯ рднрдпो। рдд्рдпो рдк्рд░рдЪाрд░рдХ рд╡рд░्рд╖ реирейрдХो рдЬेрдо्рд╕ рд╣्рд╡ाрдЗрдЯ рдеिрдП। рдпेрд╢ूрдХो рдЖрдЧрдордирдХो рд╕ुрд╕рдоाрдЪाрд░ рд╕ुрдиाрдЙрдиे рджुрд╡ै рдЬрдиाрдХो рдПрдЙрдЯै рд▓рдХ्рд╖्рдп рднрдПрдХोрд▓े рддिрдиीрд╣рд░ू рдоिрд▓िрдЬुрд▓ी рд╕ेрд╡ाрдХाрд░्рдп рдЧрд░्рдиे рдеाрд▓े। рддिрдиीрд╣рд░ूрдХो рдПрдЙрдЯै рдорди рд░ рдПрдЙрдЯै рд▓рдХ्рд╖्рдп рднрдПрдХोрд▓े рддिрдиीрд╣рд░ूрдХो рдмीрдЪрдоा рд╕्рдиेрд╣ рдмрдв्рди рдеाрд▓्рдпो। рдд्рдпрд╕рдХो рдлрд▓рд╕्рд╡рд░ुрдк рддिрдиीрд╣рд░ूрдХो рдмीрдЪрдоा рд╕рди резреорекремрдХो рдЕрдЧрд╕्рдЯ рдорд╣िрдиाрдоा рд╡ैрд╡ाрд╣िрдХ рд╡िрдзिрдж्рд╡ाрд░ा рд╕ंрд╡рди्рдзрдж्рд╡ाрд░ा рдЧाँрд╕िрдпो। рддिрдиीрд╣рд░ूрдХो рд╡िрд╡ाрд╣ рднрдПрдХो рдХेрд╣ी рд╣рдк्рддाремрд╕рдо्рдо рдЬेрдо्рд╕ рд░ рдПрд▓ेрдирд▓े рдЬोрд╕ेрдл рдмेрдЯрд╕рд▓े рдЫाрдкेрдХा рекрем рдкाрдиाрдХो рдкрд░्рдЪाрд▓ाрдИ рдаूрд▓ो рдЪाрд╕ो рд▓िрдПрд░ рдЕрдз्рдпрдпрди рдЧрд░्рди рдеाрд▓े। (рдЬोрд╕ेрдл рдмेрдЯрд╕ рдЬрд╣ाрдЬрдХो рдХ्рдпाрдк्рдЯेрди рдеिрдП рддрд░ рдкрдЫि рдпेрд╢ूрдХो рдЖрдЧрдордирд▓ाрдИ рд╡िрд╢्рд╡ािрд╕ рдЧрд░्рди рдкुрдЧ्рджा рдЙрдирд▓े рдЖрдл्рдиो рд╡्рдпрд╡рд╕ाрдпрд▓ाрдИ рдерди्рдХाрдПрд░ рдкрд░рдоेрд╢्рд╡рд╣рд░рддिрд░ рдмрдвि рдз्рдпाрди рджिрди рдеाрд▓ेрдХा рдеिрдП)। рдд्рдпो рдкрд░्рдЪा рдЙрдХ्рдд рдЬोрд╕ेрдлрд▓े рдЕрдоेрд░िрдХाрдХो рдоाрд╕ाрдЪ्рдпुрд╕ेрдЯ рднрди्рдиे рд░ाрдЬ्рдпрдХो рди्рдпु рдмेрдбрдлोрд░्рдбрдоा рдЫाрдкिрдПрдХो рдеिрдпो। рдд्рдпрд╕ рдкрд░्рдЪाрдХो рд╢िрд░्рд╖рдХ рдеिрдпो рд╕ेрднेрди्рде рдбे рд╕ाрдмрде। рдд्рдпрд╕рдоा рдмाрдЗрдмрд▓рдмाрдЯ рд╡िрднिрди्рди рдкрджрд╣рд░ू рдЙрд▓्рд▓ेрдЦ рдЧрд░ेрд░ рд╣рдк्рддाрдХрдХो рд╕ाрддौँ рджिрди рд╕ाрдмрде рд╣ो рднрдиेрд░ рдд्рдпрд╕рдХो рдкрд╡िрдмрддाрд▓ाрдИ рдмाрдЗрдмрд▓рдмाрдЯ рдк्рд░рдоाрдгिрдд рдЧрд░िрдПрдХो рдеिрдпो। (рдд्рдпрд╕рдмेрд▓ाрд╕рдо्рдо рдПрдбрднेрди्рдЯिрд╕्рдЯрд╣рд░ूрд▓े рдЖрдЗрддрдмाрд░рд▓ाрдИ рдиै рд╕ाрдмрде рджिрди рд╣ो рднрдиेрд░ рдЪрд░्рдЪрдоा рдЖрд░ाрдзрдиा рдЧрд░्рдеे)। рдкрд░рдоेрд╢्рд╡рдбрд░рд▓े рдЖрд░ाрдзрдиा рд╡ा рдЙрд╣ाँрдХो рдЙрдкाрд╕рдиाрдХो рдиिрдо्рддि рдЕрд▓рдЧ рдЧрд░िрдПрдХो рд░ рдкрд╡िрдд्рд░ рдмрдиाрдЗрдПрдХो рджिрди рдд рд╢рдиिрдмाрд░ рдкो рд░рд╣ेрдЫ рдЖрдЗрддрдмाрд░ рд╣ोрдЗрди рднрди्рдиे рд╢िрдХ्рд╖ा рдд्рдпрд╕ рдкрд░्рдЪाрдоा рдкрдвेрдкрдЫि рдд्рдпрд╕рдмाрдЯ рдк्рд░рднाрд╡िрдд рд╣ुँрджै рдд्рдпрд╕рд▓ाрдИ рд╕рд╣рдордд рдЬрдиाрдЙँрджै рджुрд╡ै рдЬेрдо्рд╕ рд░ рдПрд▓ेрдирд▓े рд╢рдиिрдмाрд░рд▓ाрдИ рд╕ाрдмрде рднрдиेрд░ рдкाрд▓рдиा рдЧрд░्рди рдеाрд▓े। рдд्рдпрд╕рдХो рдХрд░िрдм рдЫ рдорд╣िрдиाрдкрдЫि рдПрд▓ेрдирд▓ाрдИ рдкрд░рдоेрд╢्рд╡рд▓рд░рд▓े рдПрдЙрдЯा рджрд░्рд╢рди рджिрдиुрднрдПрдХो рдеिрдпो। рдд्рдпрд╕ рджрд░्рд╢рдирдоा рдЙрдирд▓ाрдИ рдкрд░рдоेрд╢्рд╡ рд░рд▓े рд╕्рд╡рд░्рдЧрдоा рд░рд╣ेрдХो рдкрд╡िрдд्рд░ рдорди्рджिрд░рдХो рдорд╣ाрдкрд╡िрдд्рд░ рд╕्рдеाрдирдоा рд░рд╣ेрдХो рдкрд╡िрдд्рд░ рд╕рди्рджुрдХ рджेрдЦाрдЙрдиुрднрдПрдХो рдеिрдпो। рдд्рдпрд╕ рд╕рди्рджुрдХрдоा рдкрд░рдоेрд╢्рд╡рдХрд░рдХो рджुрд╢ рдЖрдЬ्рдЮाрдХो рдкाрдЯी рдеिрдпो рд░ рдд्рдпрд╕рдоा рднрдПрдХो рдЪौрдеौँ рдЖрдЬ्рдЮाрдоा рд╡िрд╢ेрд╖ рдЬ्рдпोрддिрдХो рдШेрд░ाрд▓े рдШेрд░िрдПрдХो рдеिрдпो। рдпрд╕рд▓े рд╕ाрдмрдердХो рд╢िрдХ्рд╖ाрджीрдХ्рд╖ाрдХो рдорд╣рдд्рдд्рд╡рдкрдХ्рд╖рд▓ाрдИ рд╕्рдкрд╖्рдЯрд░ूрдкрдоा рдмुрдЭाрдЙрди рдк्рд░рдпाрд╕ рдЧрд░िрдПрдХो рдеिрдпो। рдПрдбрднेрди्рдЯिрд╕्рдЯрд╣рд░ूрд▓े рдд्рдпрд╕рдоा рдз्рдпाрди рджिрдиुрдкрд░्рдиे рд░ рдд्рдпрд╕ рд╢िрдХ्рд╖ाрд▓ाрдИ рдЕрдиुрдоोрджрди рдЧрд░्рдиुрдкрд░्рдиे рд╕рдордЭрджाрд░ी рдПрдбрднेрди्рдЯिрд╕्рдЯрд╣рд░ूрдоा рднрдпो। рдЬрдм рдЬेрдо्рд╕ рд░ рдПрд▓ेрдирдХो рд╡िрд╡ाрд╣ рднрдПрдХो рдеिрдпो рддिрдиीрд╣рд░ूрдХो рд╕ुрд░ुрдХो рдЬीрд╡рди рдЖрд░्рдеिрдХ рдЕрднाрд╡рд▓े рдЧрд░्рджा рдЕрдд्рдпрди्рддै рдХрд╖्рдЯрдХрд░ рдеिрдпो। рдХрд╣िрд▓ेрдХाрд╣ीँ рддिрдиीрд╣рд░ूрдХो рдЕрд╡рд╕्рдеा рдзेрд░ै рдиाрдЬुрдХ рд╣ुрди्рде्рдпो। рдПрдбрднेрди्рдЯिрд╕्рдЯ рдЕрднिрдпाрдирдоा рд▓ाрдЧ्рдиे рдХाрд░्рдпрдХрд░्рддाрд╣рд░ूрд▓ाрдИ рдХрд╕ैрдмाрдЯ рдЖрд░्рдеिрдХ рд╕рд╣рдпोрдЧ рд╣ुँрджैрдирде्рдпो। рддिрдиीрд╣рд░ू рдЖрдл्рдиै рд╕्рд╡рдЗрдЪ्рдЫाрд▓े рдЖрдпрдЖрд░्рдЬрдирдоा рднрд░ рдкрд░ेрд░ рд╕ुрд╕рдоाрдЪाрд░ рдк्рд░рдЪाрд░ рдЧрд░्рдиुрдкрд░्рде्рдпो। рдд्рдпрд╕рдХाрд░рдг рдЬेрдо्рд╕ рд╣्рд╡ाрдЗрдЯрд▓े рд╕ुрд╕рдоाрдЪाрд░ рдк्рд░рдЪाрд░ рдЧрд░्рдиुрдХो рд╕ाрдеै рдд्рдпрд╕рд▓ाрдИ рд╕рд╣рдпोрдЧ рдкुрд░्рдпाрд░рдЙрди рд╡ा рдЖрдл्рдиो рдкрд░िрд╡ाрд░рд▓ाрдИ рд╕рдо्рд╣ाрд▓्рди рдХрд╣िрд▓े рд░ेрд▓ рдЧुрдб्рдиे рд▓िрдЧ рдмिрдЫ्рдпाрдЙрдиे рдХाрдордоा, рдХрд╣िрд▓े рдЬрдЩ्рдЧрд▓рдоा рдЧрдПрд░ рджाрдЙрд░ा рдХाрдЯेрд░ рдмेрдЪ्рдиे рдХाрдордоा рд░ рдХрд╣िрд▓े рдЕрд░ूрдХो рдзाрди рдХाрдЯेрд░ рдкрд░ाрд▓ рдмाँрдз्рдиे рдХाрдордоा рд▓ाрдЧेрдХा рдеिрдП। рд╕рди резреорекренрдХो рдЕрдЧрд╕्рдЯ реиремрдоा рдд्рдпрд╕ рд╣्рд╡ाрдЗрдЯ рдкрд░िрд╡ाрд░рдоा рдЫोрд░ो рд╣ेрдирд░ीрдХो рдЬрди्рдо рднрдпो। рдЙрд╕рдХो рдЬрди्рдорд▓े рд╣्рд╡ाрдЗрдЯ рдкрд░िрд╡ाрд░рдоा рдЦुрд╢िрдпाрд▓ी, рдЖрдирди्рдж рд░ рд╕ाрди्рдд्рд╡рдиा рд▓्рдпाрдПрдХो рдеिрдпो। рддрд░ рдкрд░рдоेрд╢्рд╡ेрд░рдХो рдХाрдордоा рдЖрдлूрд▓ाрдИ рдШрдЪेрдЯिрдПрдХो рд╣ुрдиाрд▓े рд╕ाрдиो рд╣ेрдирд░ी рдЖрдл्рдиा рдоिрдд्рд░рд╣рд░ूрдХो рд╣ाрддрдоा рдЫोрдбेрд░ рд╕ुрд╕рдоाрдЪाрд░ीрдп рдХाрдордоा рдпाрдд्рд░ा рдЧрд░्рди рдеाрд▓िрди्। рдкрд░рдоेрд╢्рд╡рдлрд░рд▓े рдЙрдирд▓ाрдИ рд╕ुрдо्рдкрди्рдиुрднрдПрдХो рд╕рди्рджेрд╢ рд╕ुрдиाрдЙрди рдЙрдиी рдирдЬिрдХ рдЯाрдвा рдпाрдд्рд░ा рдЧрд░्рдиुрдкрд░ेрдХो рдеिрдпो। рдЕрд░्рдХो рдХेрд╣ी рд╡рд░्рд╖ рдЙрдиी рдЬрддाрддрддै рдЫрд░िрдПрдХा рдПрдбрднेрди्рдЯिрд╕्рдЯ рдЭुрдг्рдбрд╣рд░ूрдХो рдмीрдЪрдоा рдЖрдлूрд▓े рдкाрдПрдХो рд╕рди्рджेрд╢ рд╕ुрдиाрдЙрдиे рдпाрдд्рд░ाрдоा рдПрд▓ेрди рд╡्рдпрд╕्рдд рднрдЗрди्। рдЙрдиी рдПрдбрднेрди्рдЯिрд╕्рдЯрд╣рд░ूрдХो рд╡िрднिрди्рди рд╢рднाрд╣рд░ूрдоा рд╕рд░िрдХ рднрдЗрди्। рдХेрд╣ी рд╡рд░्рд╖ рдЙрдирд▓े рд╡िрд╢्рд╡ाрд╕рд╕ीрд╣рд░ूрд▓ाрдИ рд╣ौрд╢рд▓ा рджिрди рд░ рд╕िрдХाрдЙрди рдзेрд░ै рд╕ाрдордЧ्рд░ीрд╣рд░ू рдкрдиि рд▓ेрдЦिрди्। рдЕрдз्рдпाрдп рел-рдЫाрдк्рдиे рдХाрдо рд╕ुрд░ु рд╣ुрди्рдЫ рд╕рди резреорекрепрдоा рдЬेрдо्рд╕ рд╣्рд╡ाрдЗрдЯ рдЕрдоेрд░िрдХाрдХो рдХрдиेрдХ्рдЯिрдХрдЯ рд░ाрдЬ्рдпрдХो рд░рдХ्рдХीрдЙ рд╣िрд▓ рднрди्рдиे рдаाрдЙँрдоा рдЧрд░्рдоी рдЫрд▓्рди рдЧрдПрдХा рдеिрдП। рдд्рдпрд╕рдмेрд▓ा рдЙрдирд▓े рдк्рд░ेрдЬेрди्рдЯ рдЯ्рд░ुрде рднрди्рдиे рдорд╣िрдиाрдХो рджुрдИ рдкрдЯрдХ рдЫाрдк्рдиे рдкрдд्рд░िрдХा рдЫाрдкेрд░ рдмिрддрд░рдг рдЧрд░्рди рдеाрд▓े। рдд्рдпो рдХेрд╡рд▓ рдЖрда рдкाрдиाрдХो рдоाрдд्рд░ै рдеिрдпो। рдкрдЫि рдд्рдпрд╣ी рдкрдд्рд░िрдХाрдоा рдПрд▓ेрди рдЬी рд╣्рд╡ाрдЗрдЯрдХा рд▓ेрдЦрд╣рд░ू рдкрдиि рдЫाрдк्рди рдеाрд▓िрдпो। рддी рд▓ेрдЦрд╣рд░ूрдоा рдЙрдирд▓े рджрд░्рд╢рдирдоा рдкाрдПрдХा рдЪрд░्рдЪрдХो рднрд╡िрд╖्рдпрдХो рдмाрд░ेрдоा рдЧрд░ेрдХा рднрд╡िрд╖्рдпрд╡ाрдгीрд╣рд░ू, рдпेрд╢ूрд▓ाрдИ рд╡िрд╢्рд╡ाрд░рд╕ рдЧрд░्рдЫु рднрдиेрд░ рджाрд╡ी рдЧрд░्рдиेрд╣рд░ूрд▓े рдд्рдпрд╕ рдЕрдиुрд╕ाрд░ рдирдЪрд▓्рджा рдХे рд╣ुрди्рдЫ рднрди्рдиे рдЪेрддाрд╡рдиी рд░ рдкрд░рдоेрд╢्рд╡्рд░рдк्рд░рддि рдмрдлाрджाрд░ рд╣ुрдиे рд╕рд░рд╕рд▓्рд▓ाрд╣рд╣рд░ू рдЕрд▓ि рдЕрд▓ि рдЧрд░ेрд░ рдЫाрдкेрдХा рдеिрдП। рд╕рди резреорелрез рдПрд▓ेрди рдЬी рд╣्рд╡ाрдЗрдЯрдХो рдкрд╣िрд▓ो рдкुрд╕्рддрдХ рдЫाрдкिрдПрдХो рд╡рд░्рд╖ рдеिрдпो। рдЙрдирд▓े рдЕ рд╕्рдмेрдЯ्рдЪ рдЕ рдж рдХ्рд░िрд╢्рдЪिुрдпрди рдЗрдХ्рд╕्рдкिрд░िрдпрди्рд╕ рдПрдг्рдб рдн्рдпु рдЕ рдПрд▓ेрди рдЬी рд╣्рд╡ाрдЗрдЯ рдЫाрдкिрди्। рдд्рдпो рдкुрд╕्рддрдХ ремрек рдкाрдиाрдХो рдеिрдпो। рдЙрд╣ाँрд▓े рд╕ुрд░ुрд╕ुрд░ुрдоा рд▓ेрдЦेрдХा рд╕ाрдордЧ्рд░ी рд░ рдд्рдпрд╕рдХो рдердк рдЬाрдирдХाрд░ी рджिрдиे рд╕ाрдордЧ्рд░ी (резреорелрек)рд╣рд░ू рдЕрд╣िрд▓े рдЙрд╣ाँрдХो рдЕрд░्рд▓ी рд░ाрдЗрдЯिрдЩ्рдЧрд╕ рдкुрд╕्рддрдХрдХो рдкृ. резрез-резреиренрдоा рдкाрдЗрди्рдЫ। рд╕рди् резреорелрежрдоा рдПрдбрднेрди्рдЯिрд╕्рдЯ рдЖрд╕्рдеाрдХो рдоुрдЦрдкрдд्рд░ рдж рд░िрдн्рдпु рдПрдг्рдб рд╣ेрд░ाрд▓्рдб (рдЕрд╣िрд▓े рдПрдбрднेрди्рдЯिрд╕्рдЯ рд░िрдн्рдпु рднрдиिрди्рдЫ) рд░ рд╕рди резреорелреирдоा рдпुрдерд╕ рдЗрди्рд╕рдЯ्рд░рдХрдЯрд░ (рдЬрд╡ाрдирд╣рд░ूрдХा рдиिрдо्рддि рд╕िрдХ्рд╖рдг рд╕ाрдордЧ्рд░ी) рдЫाрдк्рдирдЫ рд╕ुрд░ु рдЧрд░ेрдХा рдеिрдП। рд╕рди резреорелреи-резреорелрелрд╕рдо्рдордоा рд╣ाрддे рдк्рд░ेрд╕рдХो рдЦрд░िрдж рд░ рдЕрд░ू рд▓ेрдЦрди рд╕ाрдордЧ्рд░ीрд╣рд░ू рдЕрдоेрд░िрдХाрдХो рди्рдпु рдпोрд░्рдХрдХो рд░ोрдЪेрд╕्рдЯрд░рдоा рдЫाрдк्рди рд╕ुрд░ु рдЧрд░ेрдХा рдеिрдП। рддी рдХाрдорд╣рд░ू рдЧрд░्рди рдЬेрдо्рд╕ рд░ рдПрд▓ेрди рд╣्рд╡ाрдЗрдЯрд▓ाрдИ рдзेрд░ै рддрдиाрд╡ рднрдПрдХो рдеिрдпो। рддिрдиीрд╣рд░ूрд▓े рдзेрд░ै рдк्рд░рдпाрд╕ рдЧрд░्рдиुрдкрд░ेрдХो рдеिрдпो। рдкैрд╕ाрдХो рдаूрд▓ो рдЕрднाрд╡ рдеिрдпो। рдмिрдоाрд░ рд░ рдкрд░िрд╡ाрд░рдХो рд╕рджрд╕्рдпрдХो рдоृрдд्рдпुрд▓े рддिрдиीрд╣рд░ूрдоाрдеि рдердк рд╕рдорд╕्рдпा рдердкिрдПрдХो рдеिрдпो। рдХрддिрдкрдп рд╕рдордпрдоा рддिрдиीрд╣рд░ू рдиिрд░ाрд╢ाрдХो рднूрдорд░ीрдоा рдкрдиि рдкрд░ेрдХा рдеिрдП। рддрд░ рдЕрдЧाрдбि рд░рдоाрдЗрд▓ो рд░ рдЪрд╣рдХिрд▓ो рджिрдирд╣рд░ू рдкрдиि рдеिрдП। рд╕рди резреорелрелрдоा рдоिрд╢िрдЧрди рд░ाрдЬ्рдпрдХो рдмाрдЯ्рдЯрд▓ рдХ्рд░िрдХрдоा рдПрдбрднेрди्рдЯिрд╕्рдЯ рд╡िрд╢्рд╡ा рд╕ीрд╣рд░ूрд▓े рддी рд╣्рд╡ाрдЗрдЯ рджрдо्рдкрддिрд▓ाрдИ рдЖрдЙрди рдиिрдо्рддो рджिрдП। рдд्рдпрд╣ाँ рддिрдиीрд╣рд░ूрд▓े рдЫाрдкाрдЦाрдиा рднрд╡рдирдХो рдиिрд░्рдоाрдг рдЧрд░्рдиे рдмाрдЪा рджिрдПрдХा рдеिрдП। рдпрд╕ो рд╣ेрд░्рджा рддिрдиीрд╣рд░ूрдХो рдЬीрд╡рди рд╕ुрдЪाрд░ु рд░ рдЕрд╕рд▓ рд╣ुрди рдЧрдПрдХो рджेрдЦिрди्рде्рдпो। рдЕрдз्рдпाрдп рем-рдмाрдЯ्рдЯрд▓ рдХ्рд░ीрдХрдоा рд╕рд░्рдЫрди् рд╕рди резреорелрелрдоा рди्рдпु рдпोрд░्рдХрдХो рд░ोрдЪेрд╕्рдЯрд░ рднрди्рдиे рд╕рд╣рд░рдоा рднाрдбाрдоा рд▓िрдПрдХा рдХोрдаाрд╣рд░ूрдмाрдЯ рдж рд░िрдн्рдпु рд░ рд╣ेрд░ाрд▓्рдб рдкрдм्рд▓िрд╢िрдЩ्рдЧ рдЖрд╕ोрд╢िрдпрд╢рди рднрд░्рдЦрд░ рдиिрд░्рдоाрдг рднрдПрдХो рдмाрдЯ्рдЯрд▓ рдХ्рд░िрдХрдХो рднрд╡рдирдоा рд╕ाрд░िрдпो। рдкрд╣िрд▓ाрдХो рдаाрдЙँрдоा рднрдПрдХा рд╣ाрддे рдк्рд░ेрд╕ рд░ рдЫाрдк्рдиे рдФрдЬाрд░рд╣рд░ू рд╕рд╣िрдд рдирдпाँ рднрд╡рдирдоा рд╕ाрд░िрдПрдХो рдеिрдпो। рдоिрд╢िрдЧрдирдХा рдПрдбрднेрди्рдЯिрд╕्рдЯ рд╡िрд╢्рд╡ा्рд╕ीрд╣рд░ूрд▓े рдЙрджाрд░ рдЪिрдд्рддрд▓े рдЖрд░्рдеिрдХ рд╕рд╣рдпोрдЧ рдЧрд░ेрдХा рдеिрдП рдЬрд╕рдХो рдлрд▓рд╕्рд╡рд░ुрдк рдирдпाँ рдЫाрдкाрдЦाрдиा рднрд╡рдирдХो рдиिрд░्рдоाрдг рднрдПрдХो рдеिрдпो। рдк्рд░ेрд╕ рд╕рд░ेрдХो рдХेрд╣ी рджिрдирдоै рдПрд▓्рдбрд░ рд░ рд╢्рд░ीрдорддी рд╣्рд╡ाрдЗрдЯ рд░ рдкुрд╕्рддрдХ рдЫाрдк्рдиे рдХाрд░्рдпрдоा рд▓ाрдЧेрдХा рд╡्рдпрдХ्рддिрд╣рд░ू рдмाрдЯ्рдЯрд▓ рдХ्рд░िрдХрдоा рдЖрдП। рдд्рдпрд╕рдмेрд▓ा рдПрдбрднेрди्рдЯिрд╕्рдЯ рд╕рди्рджेрд╢ рдХрд╕рд░ी рд╕ुрдиाрдЙрдиे рднрди्рдиे рдпोрдЬрдиा рдмрдиाрдЙрди рдПрдЙрдЯा рд╕рднाрдХो рдЖрдпोрдЬрдиा рдЧрд░िрдПрдХो рдеिрдпो। рдд्рдпрд╕ рд╕рднाрдХो рдЕрди्рдд्рдпрдоा рдПрд▓ेрди рдЬी рд╣्рд╡ाрдЗрдЯрд▓ाрдИ рдЫाрдк्рдиे рдХुрд░ाрдХो рдмाрд░ेрдоा рдзेрд░ै рджрд░्рд╢рдирд╣рд░ू рдк्рд░ाрдк्рдд् рднрдПрдХो рдеिрдпो। рддी рджрд░्рд╢рдирд╣рд░ूрдоा рдЪрд░्рдЪрдХो рдиिрдо्рддि рдЕрдд्рдпрди्рддै рдорд╣рдд्рдд्рд╡рдкूрд░्рдг рд╕рди्рджेрд╢рд╣рд░ू рдеिрдП। рдПрд▓ेрди рдЬी рд╣्рд╡ाрдЗрдЯрд▓े рддी рджрд░्рд╢рдирд╣рд░ू рд▓ेрдЦिрди рд░ рдмाрдЯ्рдЯрд▓ рдХ्рд░ीрдХрдХो рдЪрд░्рдЪрдоा рд╕рдмैрд▓े рд╕ुрди्рдиे рдЧрд░ेрд░ рдкрдвेрд░ рд╕ुрдиाрдП। рдЙрдирдХा рддी рд╕рди्рджेрд╢рд╣рд░ू рдЪрд░्рдЪрдХा рд╕рдмै рд╡िрд╢्рд╡ाрд░рд╕ीрд╣рд░ूрдХो рдиिрдо्рддि рдЙрдкрдпोрдЧी рд╣ुрдиे рдХुрд░ाрдоा рдд्рдпрд╕ рдЪрд░्рдЪрдХा рд╕рд╣рднाрдЧीрд╣рд░ूрд▓े рд╕рд╣рдордд рдЬрдиाрдП। рдд्рдпрд╕рдХाрд░рдг рддिрдиीрд╣рд░ूрд▓े рддी рд╕ाрдордЧ्рд░ीрд╣рд░ू рдЫाрдк्рдиुेрдкрд░्рдЫ рднрдиेрд░ рдордд рдЦрд╕ाрд▓े। рдЕрдиि рдд्рдпрд╕рдХो рдлрд▓рд╕्рд╡рд░ुрдк рднрд░्рдЦрд░ै рд╕्рдеाрдкрдиा рднрдПрдХो рдк्рд░ेрд╕рдмाрдЯ резрем рдкाрдиाрдХो рдЯेрд╕्рдЯिрдоोрдиिрдЬ рдлрд░ рдж рдЪрд░्рдЪ рднрди्рдиे рдкрд░्рдЪा рдЫाрдкिрдпो। рдд्рдпрд╕рдкрдЫि рдЙрдирд▓े рдЪрд░्рдЪрдХो рдиिрдо्рддि рд╕рд░рд╕рд▓्рд▓ाрд╣, рдиिрд░्рджेрд╢рди, рдЪेрддाрд╡рдиीрд╣рд░ूрд▓े рднрд░िрдПрдХा рд╕ाрдордЧ्рд░ीрд╣рд░ू релрел рд╡рд░्рд╖рд╕рдо्рдо рдПрд▓ेрди рдЬी рд╣्рд╡ाрдЗрдЯрд▓े рдиिрдХाрд▓ी рд░рд╣िрди्। рддी рд╕рдмै рд╕ाрдордЧ्рд░ीрд╣рд░ू рдЯेрд╕्рдЯिрдоोрдиिрдЬ рдлрд░ рдж рдЪрд░्рдЪ рднрди्рдиे рдкुрд╕्рддрдХрд╣рд░ूрдоा рдЫाрдкिрдПрдХा рдЫрди्। релрежрежреж рдкृрд╖्рда рднрдПрдХो рддी рдкुрд╕्рддрдХрд╣рд░ू рдиौ рдаेрд▓ीрд╣рд░ू рдЫрди्। рдПрд▓्рдбрд░ рд░ рд╢्рд░ीрдорддी рд╣्рд╡ाрдЗрдЯрдХो рдкुрд╕्рддрдХ рдЫाрдк्рдиे рдХाрдо рд░ рдЪрд░्рдЪ рд╕ंрдЧрдарди рдЧрд░्рдиे рдк्рд░рдХ्рд░िрдпा рд░ рд░ेрд▓ рд░ рдмрдЧ्рдЧीрд╣рд░ूрдоा рдпाрдд्рд░ा рдЧрд░्рдиे рд╡िрд╡рд░рдгрдХो рдХेрд╣ी рд╡рд░्рд╖рдХो рд▓ेрдЦा рдкрдиि рд░ाрдЦिрдПрдХो рдЫ। рддी рд╡िрд╡рд░рдгрд╣рд░ूрдоा рддिрдиीрд╣рд░ूрд▓े рднोрдЧेрдХा рджु:рдЦрдХрд╖्рдЯрд╣рд░ूрдХो рдмाрд░ेрдоा рдкрдиि рд╕рдоाрд╡ेрд╢ рднрдПрдХो рдЫ। рдкрд░рдоेрд╢्рд╡िрд░рдХो рдиिрдо्рддि рдХाрдо рдЧрд░्рди рддिрдиीрд╣рд░ूрд▓े рдХрда्рдпाрдЩ्рдЧ्рд░िрдПрдХो рдЪिрд╕ोрдоा рд▓ाрдоो рдпाрдд्рд░ा рдЧрд░्рдиुрдкрд░ेрдХो рд░ рдзेрд░ै рдЬोрдЦिрдордкूрд░्рдг рдпाрдд्рд░ाрд╣рд░ूрдоा рдкрд░рдоेрд╢्рд╡ рд░рд▓े рджिрдиुрднрдПрдХो рд╡िрд╢ेрд╖ рд╕ुрд░рдХ्рд╖ा рдкрдиि рддी рд╡िрд╡рд░рдгрдоा рдЫ। рдкрд░рдоेрд╢्рд╡рдкрд░рдХो рдХाрдордоा рдХрддिрдкрдпрд▓े рдЖрдХ्рд░рдордг рдЧрд░्рджा рддिрдиीрд╣рд░ूрд▓े рдзेрд░ै рдХрд╖्рдЯ рднोрдЧ्рдиुрдкрд░ेрдХो рдеिрдпो рдЬрд╕рд▓े рдЧрд░्рджा рдХрддिрдкрдп рд╕рдордпрдоा рддिрдиीрд╣рд░ू рдиिрд░ुрдд्рд╕ाрд╣ рдкрдиि рднрдПрдХा рдеिрдП। рдлेрд░ि рд╕ाрдмрде рдкाрд▓рди рдЧрд░्рдиे рд╡िрд╢्рд╡ाрдЬрд╕ीрд╣рд░ूрдХो рдЬीрд╡рдирдоा рднрдПрдХा рдкрд░िрд╡рд░्рддрдирд╣рд░ू рд░ рдПрдбрднेрди्рдЯिрд╕्рдЯ рдЕрднिрдпाрдирдХो рдк्рд░рдЧрддीрдХो рдиिрдо्рддि рд╡िрд╢्рд╡ाрдЬрд╕ीрд╣рд░ूрдХो рдЕрдердХ рдк्рд░рдпाрд╕рд╣рд░ूрдХो рдмाрд░ेрдоा рд╕ुрди्рджा рддिрдиीрд╣рд░ू рдЕрдд्рдпрди्рддै рдЙрдд्рд╕ाрд╣िрдд рдкрдиि рднрдПрдХा рдеिрдП। рдЕрдз्рдпाрдп рен-"рдорд╣ाрди рд╡िрд╡ाрдж" рдЕрд░्рдеाрдд् рдж "рдЧ्рд░ेрдЯ рдХрди्рдд्рд░ोрднрд░्рд╕ी"рдХो рдмाрд░ेрдоा рджрд░्рд╢рди рдПрдХ рдЖрдЗрддрдмाрд░ рдПрд▓ेрди рдЬी рд╣्рд╡ाрдЗрдЯ рдЕрдоेрд░िрдХाрдХो рдУрд╣ाрдпो рд░ाрдЬ्рдпрдоा рдПрдХ рдЬрдиा рд╡िрд╢्рд╡ा рд╕ीрдХो рдЕрди्рдд्рдпेрд╖्рдЯीрдоा рднाрдЧ рд▓िрди рдЬाрдиुрднрдПрдХो рдеिрдпो। рдд्рдпो рд╕рди резреорелреордХो рдХुрд░ो рдеिрдпो। рдЕрди्рдд्рдпेрд╖्рдЯी рдкрдЫि рдЙрдиी рд░ рдЕрд░ू рдоाрдиिрд╕рд╣рд░ू рдд्рдпрд╕рдмेрд▓ाрдХो рд▓ोрднेрдЯрд╕ рдЧ्рд░ोрдн рд╣ाрд▓ рдмाрд╡рд▓िрдЩ्рдЧ рдЧ्рд░ीрди рд╕ाрд░्рдмрдЬрдиिрдХ рд╕्рдХूрд▓рдоा рд╡िрд╢्рд░ाрдо рд▓िрди рдЧрдПрдХा рдеिрдП। рдд्рдпрд╕ैрдмेрд▓ा рдПрд▓ेрди рдЬी рд╣्рд╡ाрдЗрдЯрд▓े рдПрдЙрдЯा рд▓ाрдоो рд╕्рд╡рдк्рди рджрд░्рд╢рди рджेрдЦ्рдиुрдорднрдпो। рдЦ्рд░ीрд╖्рдЯ рд░ рдЙрд╣ाँрдХा рд╕्рд╡рд░्рдЧрджूрддрд╣рд░ू рд░ рд╢ैрддाрди рд░ рдЙрд╕рдХा рджूрддрд╣рд░ूрд╕ँрдЧ рднрдПрдХो рдпुрдЧैрджेрдЦि рднрдПрдХो рдж्рд╡рди्рдж्рд╡рдХो рдмाрд░ेрдоा рдПрд▓ेрди рдЬी рд╣्рд╡ाрдЗрдЯрд▓ाрдИ рд╕्рд╡рдк्рдирд╢рджрд░्рд╢рди рджेрдЦाрдЗрдПрдХो рдеिрдпो। рдд्рдпрд╕рдХो рджुрдИ рджिрдирдкрдЫि рд╢ैрддाрдирд▓े рдЙрдирдХो рдЬ्рдпाрди рд▓िрди рдк्рд░рдпाрд╕ рдЧрд░्рдпोрдЗ। рдЙрдирд▓े рджेрдЦेрдХा рджрд░्рд╢рди рдЕрд░ूрд▓ाрдИ рдеाрд╣ा рдирджेрдУрд╕् рднрдиेрд░ рд╢ैрддाрдирд▓े рдЙрдирд▓ाрдИ рдоाрд░्рди рдЦोрдЬेрдХो рдеिрдпो। рддрд░ рдкрд░рдоेрд╢्рд╡рдирд░рдХो рдЕрдиुрдЧ्рд░рд╣ рд░ рд╢рдХ्рддिрд▓े рдЙрд░्рдиी рдмाँрдЪिрди् рд░ рдкрд░рдоेрд╢्рд╡ рд░рд▓े рдЙрдирд▓ाрдИ рджिрдиुрднрдПрдХो рдЕрднिрднाрд░ाрд▓ाрдИ рд╢ैрддाрдирд▓े рдЦोрд╕्рди рд╕рдХेрди। рдЙрдирд▓े рджेрдЦेрдХा рджृрд╖्рдпрд╣рд░ूрдХो рд╕рдо्рдкूрд░्рдг рд╡рд░्рдгрди рдЙрдирд▓े рд▓ेрдЦिрди्। рдд्рдпो рд╡рд░्рдгрди реирезреп рдкाрдиाрдХो рдеिрдпो рд░ рд╕्рдкिрд░िрдЪ्рдпुрдпрд▓ рдЧिрдл्рдЯрд╕ рдЕрд░्рдеाрдд् рдЖрдд्рдоिрдХ рдмрд░рджाрдирдоा рдЫाрдкिрди्। рдд्рдпो рдкрд╣िрд▓ो рдаेрд▓ी рдеिрдпो। рд╕рди резреорелреордХो рдЧрд░्рдоी рдорд╣िрдиाрдоा рдж рдЧ्рд░ेрдЯ рдХрди्рдд्рд░ोрднрд░्рд╕ी рдмिрдЯ्рд╡िрди рдХ्рд░ाрдЗрд╕्рдЯ рдПрдг्рдб рд╣िрдЬ рдЖрди्рдЬрд▓рд╕ рдПрдг्рдб рд╢ैрддाрди рдЖрди्рдб рд╣िрдЬ рдЖрди्рдЬрд▓्рд╕ рднрдиे рдкुрд╕्рддрдХ рдЫाрдкिрдпो। рдпो рдкुрд╕्рддрдХ рдПрдбрднेрди्рдЯिрд╕्рдЯрд╣рд░ूрдХो рдмीрдЪрдоा рдк्рд░рдЦ्рдпाрдд рднрдпो। рдпрд╕рдоा рднрдПрдХो рд╕ाрдордЧ्рд░ीрдХो рд╕्рддрд░рд▓ाрдИ рд╕рдмैрд▓े рдЕрдоूрд▓्рдп рдоाрдиेрд░ рдоाрдиिрд╕рд╣рд░ूрд▓े рдЧ्рд░рд╣рдг рдЧрд░ेрдХा рдеिрдП। рдпрд╕рдоा рджुрдИ рдорд╣ाрд╢рдХ्рддिрдХो рдмीрдЪрдоा рднрдЗрд░рд╣ेрдХो рдорд╣ाрди् рд╕рдЩ्рдШрд░्рд╖рд▓ाрдИ рдЪिрдд्рд░рдг рдЧрд░ेрдХो рдЫ। рд╡िрд╢ेрд╖ рдЧрд░ेрд░ рдпрд╕ рд╕ंрд╕ाрд░рдХो рдЗрддिрд╣ाрд╕рдХो рдЕрди्рддрдоा рд╣ुрдиे рдШрдЯ्рдиाрд╣рд░ूрдХो рджृрд╖्рдпрд╣рд░ूрд▓ाрдИ рдпрд╕ рдкुрд╕्рддрдХрдоा рдмрдвि рдЪिрдд्рд░рдг рдЧрд░िрдПрдХो рдЫ। рдЕрдз्рдпाрдп рео-рдмाрдЯ्рдЯрд▓ рдХ्рд░िрдХрдХो рдШрд░ рдПрд▓ेрди рдЬी рд╣्рд╡ाрдЗрдЯрд▓े рдк्рд░ाрдпрдЬрд╕ो рдЖрдлूрд▓े рджिрди рджिрдиै рдХे рдХाрдо рдЧрд░ेрдХो рд╡ा рдХे рдХे рдШрдЯ्рдиाрд╣рд░ू рднрдПрдХा рдеिрдП рдд्рдпрд╕рдХो рд▓ेрдЦा рдЕрд░्рдеाрдд् рдбाрдпрд░ीрдоा рд▓ेрдЦ्рдиुрд░ рд╣ुрди्рде्рдпो। рдЙрд╣ाँ рд╕рдмै рд╕рдордп рд▓ेрдЦ्рдиे् рд░ рд╕ेрд╡ाрдХाрд░्рдпрдоा рд▓ाрдЧ्рдиुрднрдПрдХो рдеिрдПрди рднрдиेрд░ резреорелрежрдХो рдЕрди्рддрддिрд░ рд▓ेрдЦिрдПрдХो рдбाрдпрд░ीрдоा рдЙрд╣ाँрд▓े рд▓ेрдЦ्рдиुрд░рднрдПрдХो рдеिрдпो। рдШрд░рдХो рдХाрдордоा, рдмिрд╢ेрд╖ рдЧрд░ेрд░ рдЖрд╡рд╢्рдпрдХ рдкрд░ेрдХा рдЫिрдоेрдХीрд╣рд░ूрд╕ँрдЧ рднेрдЯрдШाрдЯ рд░ рдкрд░्рдЪा рд░ рдкрдд्рд░िрдХाрд▓ाрдИ рд╕िрдЙрдиे рдХाрдордоा рдЙрд╣ाँ рд╡्рдпрд╕्рдд рд╣ुрдиुрд╣ुрди्рде्рдпो। рд░िрдн्рдпु рдкрдд्рд░िрдХा рдЫाрдк्рдиेрд░ рдк्рд░ेрд╕рдоा рдХрд╣िрд▓ेрдХाрд╣ीँ рдЫिрдЯोрдЫिрдЯो рдХाрдо рд╕िрдз्рдпाрдЙрдиुрдкрд░्рде्рдпो। рдд्рдпрд╕рдмेрд▓ा рдЙрд╣ाँрд▓े рд╕рдШाрдЙрдиु рд╣ुрди्рде्рдпो। рд╕рди резреоремрежрд╕рдо्рдордоा рд╣्рд╡ाрдЗрдЯрдХो рдкрд░िрд╡ाрд░рдоा рдЫ рдЬрдиा рдЫोрд░ाрд╣рд░ू рднрдПрдХा рдеिрдП। рддी рдЫोрд░ाрд╣рд░ूрдоा рдХेрд╣ी рд╣рдк्рддाрдорджेрдЦि резрей рд╡рд░्рд╖рд╕рдо्рдордХो рдЫोрд░ाрд╣рд░ू рдеिрдП। рддिрдиीрд╣рд░ूрдХो рд╕рдмрднрди्рджा рдХाрди्рдЫो рдЫोрд░ा рд╣рд░्рдмрд░्рдЯ рдХेрд╣ी рдорд╣िрдиाрдоाрдд्рд░ рдмाँрдЪेрдХो рдеिрдпो। рдЙрд╕рдХो рдоृрдд्рдпुрдоा рдкрд░िрд╡ाрд░рдоा рдаूрд▓ो рдЖрдШाрдд рдкुрд░्рдпाेрдПрдХो рдеिрдпो। рд╕рди резреоремрежрд╕рдо्рдордоा рд╣्рд╡ाрдЗрдЯ рдкрд░िрд╡ाрд░рдХो рд╡्рдпрд╕्рддрддा рдЪрд░рдо рд╕िрдоाрдиाрдоा рдкुрдЧेрдХो рдеिрдпो। рдЪрд░्рдЪ рд╕्рдеाрдкрдиा рд░ рдХрди्рдлрд░ेрди्рд╕ рд╕рдЩ्рдЧрдардирдХो рдк्рд░рдпाрд╕, рдзेрд░ै рд▓ेрдЦрд╣рд░ूрдХो рдоाрдЧ, рд╡िрднिрди्рди рдпाрдд्рд░ाрд╣рд░ूрдоा рд░ рд╡्рдпрдХ्рддिрдЧрдд рдХ्рд░िрдпाрдХрд▓ाрдкрдоा рд╣्рд╡ाрдЗрдЯ рдкрд░िрд╡ाрд░ рдПрдХрдЬुрдЯ рднрдПрд░ рд▓ाрдЧेрдХा рдеिрдП। рд╕рди резреоремрейрдХो рдоे рдорд╣िрдиाрдоा рдЬрдирд░рд▓ рдХрди्рдлрд░ेрди्рд╕ рдЕрдн рд╕ेрднेрди्рде-рдбे рдПрдбрднेрди्рдЯिрд╕्рдЯ рд╕ंрд╕्рдеा рд╕्рдеाрдкрдиा рднрдПрдХो рдеिрдпो। рдпो рдПрдбрднेрди्рдЯिрд╕्рдЯ рдЗрддिрд╣ाрд╕рдоा рдиिрд░्рдгाрдпрдд्рдордХ рдХрджрдо рдеिрдпो। рдЕрдз्рдпाрдп реп-рд╕्рд╡ाрд╕्рде рд╢िрдХ्рд╖ाрдоा рд╣ुрдиुрдкрд░्рдиे рд╕ुрдзाрд░рдХो рдиिрдо्рддि рджрд░्рд╢рди рдЪрд░्рдЪрд▓ाрдИ рд╕ंрд╕्рдеाрдЧрдд рднрдПрдХो рджुрдИ рд╣рдк्рддाрд╣рдкрдЫि рдЬेрдо्рд╕ рд░ рдПрд▓ेрди рд╣्рд╡ाрдЗрдЯ рдоिрд╢िрдЧрдирдХो рдУрдЯрд╕ेрдЧो рднрди्рдиे рд╕рд╣рд░рдоा рд╢ुрдХ्рд░рдмाрд░рдХो рджिрдирдоा рдЧрдП। рдд्рдпрд╣ाँ рднрдПрдХा рд╕ुрд╕ाрдЪाрд░ рдк्рд░рдЪाрд░рдХрд╣рд░ूрд▓ाрдИ рд╣ौрд╢рд▓ा рджिрди рддिрдиीрд╣рд░ू рдд्рдпрд╣ाँ рдЧрдПрдХा рдеिрдП। рднोрд▓िрдкрд▓्рдЯ рдЕрд░्рдеाрдд् рдЬुрди ремрдоा рд╕ाрдмрдердХो рд╕ेрд╡ाрдХो рд╕ुрд░ुрдоा рдЬрдм рд╡िрд╢्рд╡ाрд░рд╕ीрд╣рд░ू рдк्рд░ाрд░्рдердиा рдЧрд░्рди рд╢िрд░ рдиिрд╣ुрд░्рдпाрддрдПрдХा рдеिрдП рддрдм рдПрд▓ेрдирд▓ाрдИ рд╡िрднिрди्рди рджрд░्рд╢рдирд╣рд░ू рджिрдЗрдПрдХा рдеिрдП। рддिрдиीрд╣рд░ूрдоा рд╢ाрд░ीрд░िрдХ рдЬीрд╡рдирд▓ाрдИ рдХрд╕рд░ी рд╕्рд╡рд╕्рде рд░ाрдЦ्рдиुाрдкрд░्рдЫ, рдЖрдд्рдоिрдХ рдЬीрд╡рди рдХрд╕्рддो рдмрд▓िрдпो рд╣ुрдиुрдкрд░्рдЫ, рдЦाрдирдкिрдирдоा рдЙрдЪिрдд рдиीрддिрд╣рд░ू рдЕрдкрдиाрдЙрдиुрдкрд░्рдЫ, рд╢рд░ीрд░рдХो рд╣िрдлाрдЬрдд рдХрд╕рд░ी рдЧрд░्рдиुрдкрд░्рдЫ рд░ рдк्рд░ाрдХृрддिрдХ рдЙрдкрдЪाрд░рдХो рдлाрдЗрджाрд╣рд░ू рдЬрд╕рдоा рд╕рдлा рд╣ाрд╡ा, рдШाрдо, рд╡्рдпाрдпाрдо рд░ рд╢ुрдж्рдз рдкाрдиी рдХिрди рдкिрдЙрдиुрдкрд░्рдЫ рднрди्рдиे рд╡िрд╖рдпрд╣рд░ूрдоा рдеिрдП। рдпो рджрд░्рд╢рди рднрди्рджा рдЕрдШि рд╕ेрднेрди्рде-рдбे рдПрдбрднेрди्рдЯिрд╕्рдЯ рдЕрднिрдпाрдирдоा рд▓ाрдЧेрдХा рд╡िрд╢्рд╡ाрд░рд╕ीрд╣рд░ूрд▓े рдХेрд╡рд▓ рдЖрдд्рдоिрдХ рдХुрд░ाрд╣рд░ूрдоाрдоाрдд्рд░ рдз्рдпाрди рджिрдПрдХा рдеिрдП। рдкрд░рдоेрд╢्рд╡рдирд░рдХो рдХाрдордоा рд▓ाрдЧेрдХा рдзेрд░ै рдкाрд╕्рдЯрд░рд╣рд░ू рд╕рдХिрдирд╕рдХी рдЦрдЯ्рджрдеे рдЬрд╕рд▓े рдЧрд░्рджा рддिрдиीрд╣рд░ू рдмिрд░ाрдоी рд╣ुрди्рдеे। рдЕрдиि рддिрдиीрд╣рд░ू рдХाрдо рдЧрд░्рди рд╕рдХ्рджैрдирдеे। рд╕рди резреоремрейрдХो рдЬुрди ремрдоा рдПрд▓ेрди рд╣्рд╡ाрдЗрдЯрд▓े рдкाрдПрдХो рджрд░्рд╢рдирдмाрдЯ рднрд░्рдЦрд░ै рд╕ंрдЧрдаिрдд рдЪрд░्рдЪрдХा рдЕрдЧुрд╡ाрд╣рд░ूрд▓े рдкрдиि рд╕्рд╡ाрд╕्рде्рдпрдоा рд╕ुрдзाрд░ рд▓्рдпाрдЙрдиु рдорд╣рдд्рдд्рд╡рдкूрд░्рдг рдЫ рднрдиेрд░ рд╕्рд╡ीрдХाрд░ेрдХा рдеिрдП। рд╕ेрднेрди्рде-рдбे рдПрдбрднेрди्рдЯिрд╕्рдЯрд╣рд░ूрд▓े рдЧрд░िрдиे рд╕ुрд╕рдоाрдЪाрд░ рдк्рд░рдЪाрд░рдоा рд╕्рд╡рд╕्рде рдЬीрд╡рдирд╢ैрд▓ीрдХो рдмाрд░ेрдоा рдкрдиि рд╕рдоाрд╡ेрд╢ рд╣ुрдиुрдкрд░्рдЫ рднрдиेрд░ рд╕्рд╡ीрдХाрд░ рдЧрд░ेрд░ рдХेрд╣ी рдорд╣िрдиाрдкрдЫि рд╕्рд╡ाрд╕्рде्рдп рд╢िрдХ्рд╖ा рдХाрд░्рдпрдХ्рд░рдордХो рдЙрдж्рдШाрд╣рдЯ्рди рднрдпो। рд╕्рд╡ाрд╕्рде рд╕рдо्рдмрди्рдзी рдЕрд╕рд▓ рдЬीрд╡рдирд╢ैрд▓ी рдЕрдкрдиाрдЙрдиुрдкрд░्рдиे рд╕рди्рджेрд╢рд╣рд░ू рдЫрд╡рдЯा рдкрд░्рдЪाрдоा рдЫाрдкिрдпो। рдк्рд░рдд्рдпेрдХ рдкрд░्рдЪाрдоा ремрек рдкाрдиा рд╣ुрди्рде्рдпो। рддी рдкрд░्рдЪाрд╣рд░ूрдХो рд╢िрд░्рд╖рдХ рдеिрдП, рд╣ेрд▓्рде рдЕрд░ рд╣ाрдЙ рдЯु рд▓िрдн рдЕрд░्рдеाрдд् рд╕्рд╡ाрд╕्рде्рдп рд╡ा рдХрд╕рд░ी рдЬिрдЙрдиे। рдд्рдпрд╕рдоा рднрдПрдХा рд▓ेрдЦрд╣рд░ूрдХो рд╕рдЩ्рдХрд▓рди рдЬेрдо्рд╕ рд░ рдПрд▓ेрди рд╣्рд╡ाрдЗрдЯрд▓े рдЧрд░ेрдХा рдеिрдП। рдк्рд░рдд्рдпेрдХ рдкрд░्рдЪाрдоा рдПрд▓ेрди рдЬी рд╣्рд╡ाрдЗрдЯрдХो рд▓ेрдЦ рд╕рдоाрд╡ेрд╢ рд╣ुрди्рде्рдпो। рд╣्рд╡ाрдЗрдЯрдХो рдкрд░िрд╡ाрд░рдХो рд╕рджрд╕्рдп рд╣ेрдирд░ी рд╣्рд╡ाрдЗрдЯрдХो рд╡рд░्рд╖ резремрдоै рдЕрд╕рдоाрдпीрдХ рдиिрдзрди рд░ рдЬेрдо्рд╕ рд╣्рд╡ाрдЗрдЯрдХो рдЧрдо्рднिрд░ рдмिрдоाрд░рд▓े рдЧрд░्рджा рдЙрдиी рддीрди рд╡рд░्рд╖рд╕рдо्рдо рдХाрдо рдирдЧрд░्рди рд╡ाрдз्рдпрддा рднрдПрдХो рдеिрдпो। рдзेрд░ै рдкाрд╕्рдЯрд░рд╣рд░ू рд╕्рд╡ाрд╕्рдерд▓ाрдИ рдЦ्рдпाрд▓ рдирдЧрд░्рджा рдмिрд░ाрдоी рднрдПрдХो рдХाрд░рдгрд▓े рдЙрдирдХो рдЕрд╕рд▓ рд╕्рд╡ाрд╕्рде्рдпрдХो рдорд╣рдд्рдд्рд╡рдкूрд░्рдг рд▓ेрдЦрд╣рд░ूрд▓े рд╕ुрд░ुрдХा рдЪрд░्рдЪрдХा рдЕрдЧुрд╡ाрд╣рд░ूрдоा рдзेрд░ै рдк्рд░рднाрд╡ рдкाрд░ेрдХो рдеिрдпो। рд╕рди резреоремрелрдХो рдХ्рд░िрд╕рдорд╕рдоा рдПрд▓ेрди рдЬी рд╣्рд╡ाрдЗрдЯрд▓ाрдИ рд╕्рд╡ाрд╕्рде्рдп рд╢िрдХ्рд╖ा рдк्рд░рдгाрд▓ीрдХो рдмाрд░ेрдоा рд╡िрд╢ेрд╖ рджрд░्рд╢рди рджिрдЗрдПрдХो рдеिрдпो। рдд्рдпрд╕рдХो рдЖрдзाрд░рдоा рд╕рди резреоремремрдоा рдЪрд░्рдЪрдХा рдЕрдЧुрд╡ाрд╣рд░ूрд▓े рд╡ेрд╕्рдЯрд░्рди рд╣ेрд▓्рде рд░िрдлोрд░्рдо рдЗрди्рд╕्рдЯिрдЪ्рдпुрдЯрдХो рд╕्рдеाрдкрдиा рдЧрд░े। рдпрд╕рдХो рдЙрдж्рдШा рдЯрди рд╕рди резреоремремрдХो рд╕ेрдк्рдЯेрдо्рдмрд░ рдорд╣िрдиाрдоा рднрдПрдХो рдеिрдпो। рдпрд╕рдХो рдЙрджेрд╢्рдп рдмिрд░ाрдоीрд╣рд░ूрдХो рд╕्рдпाрд╣ाрд░ рдЧрд░्рдиु рд░ рд╕्рд╡ाрд╕्рде्рдп рд╢िрдХ्рд╖ाрдХो рдмाрд░ेрдоा рд╕िрдХाрдЙрдиु рдеिрдпो। рд╕рди резреоремрелрджेрдЦि резреоремреорд╕рдо्рдо рд╣्рд╡ाрдЗрдЯрдХो рдкрд░िрд╡ाрд░ рдмाрдЯ्рдЯрд▓ рдХ्рд░िрдХрдмाрдЯ рднिрдд्рд░ рдмाрд╣िрд░ рдЧрд░ेрдХा рдеिрдП рдЕрд░्рдеाрдд् рд╕ुрд╕рдоाрдЪाрд░ рд╕ेрд╡ाрдХाрд░्рдпрдоा рдЯाрдвा рдирдЬिрдХ рдпाрдд्рд░ा рдЧрд░ेрдХा рдеिрдП। рдзेрд░ै рдбुрд▓्рдиुрдкрд░्рдиे рд╕्рдеिрддिрд▓े рдЧрд░्рджा рдПрд▓्рдбрд░ рд╣्рд╡ाрдЗрдЯрдХो рд╕्рд╡ाрд╕्рде्рдпрдоा рд╕рдорд╕्рдпा рднрдпो рдЬрд╕рд▓े рдЧрд░्рджा рддिрдиीрд╣рд░ू рдоिрд╢िрдЧрдирдХै рдЧ्рд░ीрдирднिрд▓ рдирдЬिрдХ рд╕ाрдиो рдЦेрддрдмाрд░ी рднрдПрдХो рдаाрдЙँрдоा рд╕рд░े। рдЪрд░्рдЪрдХो рдоूрдЦ्рдпाрд▓рдпрд╣рд░ूрдмाрдЯ рдЯाрдвा рд░ рдд्рдпрд╣ाँ рдЧрд░िрдиुрдкрд░्рдиे рдХाрдордХो рдЪाрдк рдХрдо рднрдПрдкрдЫि рдЬेрдо्рд╕ рд╣्рд╡рд╡ाрдЗрдЯрд▓े рдЪрд░्рдЪрдХो рд╢िрдХ्рд╖ाрд╕рдорди्рдзी рд╕ाрдордЧ्рд░ीрд╣рд░ू рд▓ेрдЦ्рдирдк рдЕрд╡рд╕рд░ рдкाрдП। рдкрд░рдоेрд╢्рд╡ेрд░ рд░ рд╢ैрддाрдирдХो рдмीрдЪрдоा рднрдЗрд░рд╣ेрдХो рдорд╣ाрди् рдж्рд╡рди्рдж्рд╡рдХो рдмाрд░ेрдоा рдкाрдПрдХो рдердк рдЬाрдирдХाрд░ी рдкрдиि рдПрд▓ेрди рд╣्рд╡ाрдЗрдЯрд▓े рд▓ेрдЦिрди्। рд╕рди резреоренрежрдоा рдж рд╕्рдкिрд░िрдЯ рдЕрдн рдк्рд░ोрдлेрд╕ी, рдаेрд▓ी рез рдЫाрдкिрдпो। рд▓ुрд╢िрдлрд░рдХो рдкрддрдирджेрдЦि рд░ाрдЬा рд╕ोрд▓ोрдордирдХो рд╕рдордпрд╕рдо्рдордХो рдХрд╣ाрдиी рдд्рдпрд╕ рдкुрд╕्рддрдХрдоा рд▓ेрдЦिрдПрдХो рдеिрдпो। рддрд░ рд╕рдордп рдмिрдд्рджै рдЬाँрджा рдд्рдпрд╕ рд╡िрд╖рдпрдоा рдЫाрдкिрдиे рд╢्рд░ृрдЩ्рдЦрд▓ाрдоा рд╡ाрдзा рдЖрдПрдХो рдеिрдпो। рддрд░ рд╕ाрдд рд╡рд░्рд╖рдкрдЫि рдд्рдпрд╣ी рд╡िрд╖рдпрдХो рдЕрд░्рдХो рд╢्рд░ृрдЩ्рдЦрд▓ा рдЫाрдкिрдПрдХो рдеिрдпो। рдЕрдз्рдпाрдп резреж-рд╕ेрднेрди्рде-рдбे рдПрдбрднेрди्рдЯिрд╕्рдЯ рдХाрдо рдлैрд▓िрди्рдЫ рд╕рди резреоремрежрдХो рдЕрди्рддрдоा рдЕрдоेрд░िрдХाрдХो рд╡िрд╕्рдХрди्рд╕рди рд░ рдоिрд╢िрдЧрди рд░ाрдЬ्рдпрдоा рд╡िрднिрди्рди рдзेрд░ै рджिрдиे рд╕ाрд░्рд╡рдЬрдиिрдХ рд╕ुрд╕рдоाрдЪाрд░ рдк्рд░рдЪाрд░рдХो рдЖрдпोрдЬрдиा рдЧрд░िрдПрдХो рдеिрдпो। рдд्рдпो рдХाрдо рд╕рдлрд▓ рднрдПрдХो рдХाрд░рдгрд▓े рдЖрдЙрдиे рд╡рд░्рд╖рд╣рд░ूрдоा рдЕрдЭ рдзेрд░ै рд░ рд╡िрд╕्рддृрддрд░ूрдкрдоा рдПрдбрднेрди्рдЯिрд╕्рдЯ рдЕрднिрдпाрди рдХाрд░्рдпрдХ्рд░рдо рдЧрд░्рдиे рдпोрдЬрдиा рдмрдиाрдПрдХा рдеिрдП। рдЬेрдо्рд╕ рд╣्рд╡ाрдЗрдЯ рдпोрдЬрдиाрд╣рд░ू рдмрдиाрдЙрдиे рдХ्рд░िрдпाрдХрд▓ाрдкрдоा рд╕рдХ्рд░िрдп рд░рд╣ेрд░ рдХाрдо рдЧрд░्рдиुрднрдПрдХो рдеिрдпो। рд╕ाрдеै рд╢ाрд░ीрд░िрдХ рдХрдордЬोрд░ рднрдПрддाрдкрдиि рд╕рдХेрд╕рдо्рдо рдЖрдл्рдиो рд╕्рд╡ाрд╕्рдерд▓े рдн्рдпाрдпрд╕рдо्рдо рдЕрдд्рдпाрд╡рд╢्рдпрдХ рдк्рд░рд╢ाрд╕рдХीрдп рдХ्рд░िрдпाрдХрд▓ाрдкрдоा рдкрдиि рдЙрдирд▓े рднाрдЧ рд▓िрдПрдХा рдеिрдП। рдЪрд░्рдЪрдХो рд╕ुрд░ुрдоा рд╕рдХिрдирд╕рдХी рдЙрд╣ाँ рдЬोрдд्рдиुाрднрдПрдХो рдеिрдпो, рдд्рдпрд╕рдоा рдкрдиि рд╕рдо्рдкाрджрди рдХाрдордХो рддрдиाрд╡рдкрдиि рд╡рдвि рдеिрдпो। рдд्рдпрддिрдоाрдд्рд░ рдирднрдПрд░ рдЙрдиी рдЬрдирд░рд▓ рдХрди्рдлрд░ेрди्рд╕рдХो рдЕрдз्рдпрдХ्рд╖ рдкрдиि рд╣ुрдиुрднрдПрдХो рдеिрдпो। рдЙрдиी рдзेрд░ै рд╕ंрд╕्рдеाрдХा рдмोрд░्рдб рд╡ा рд╕ंрдЪाрд▓рдХрд╣рд░ूрдХा рдЕрдз्рдпрдХ्рд╖ рдкрдиि рдеिрдП। рдХाрдордХो рд╡рдвि рдЪाрдкрд▓े рдЬेрдо्рд╕ рд╣्рд╡ाрдЗрдЯрдХो рд╢ाрд░िрд░िрдХ рдЕрд╡рд╕्рдеा рдкрдиि рдмिрдЧ्рд░рди рдеाрд▓ेрдХो рдеिрдпो। рдПрд▓ेрди рд╣्рд╡ाрдЗрдЯ рдкрдиि рдЖрдл्рдиो рд╢्рд░ीрдоाрдирд╕ँрдЧ рдзेрд░ै рдпाрдд्рд░ाрд╣рд░ूрдоा рд╕рд╣рднाрдЧी рднрдП, рдЙрдирд▓े рдЖрдлूрд▓े рдЧрд░्рдиुрдкрд░्рдиे рдХाрдо рдкрдиि рдЧрд░े рдЬрд╕рдоा рд╕ुрд╕рдоाрдЪाрд░ рдк्рд░рдЪाрд░ рд░ рд╡्рдпрдХ्рддिрдЧрдд рдХाрдорд╣рд░ू рд╕рдоाрд╡ेрд╢ рднрдПрдХा рдеिрдП। рд╕рдордпрд▓े рдн्рдпाрдП рдЙрдирд▓े рдЖрдл्рдиो рд▓ेрдЦ्рдиेा рдк्рд░рдпाрд╕ рдкрдиि рдЬाрд░िрд░ाрдЦेрдХी рдеिрдЗрди्। рд╕рди резреоренреи-резреоренрейрдХो рдЬाрдбो рдорд╣िрдиाрдоा рд╢्рд░ीрдоाрди рд░ рд╢्рд░ीрдорддी рд╣्рд╡ाрдЗрдЯ рдХ्рдпाрд▓िрдлोрд░्рдиिрдпाрдоा рдЧрдП। рдд्рдпрд╣ाँрдХो рд╕рдоुрдж्рд░ी рдХिрдиाрд░ाрдоा рд░рд╣ेрдХा рд╕рд╣рд░рд╣рд░ूрдоा рдЪрд░्рдЪ рд╕्рдеाрдкрдиा рдЧрд░्рдиे рд░ рдЪрд░्рдЪрд▓ाрдИ рдордЬрдмुрдд рдкाрд░्рдиे рдХाрдордоा рддिрдиीрд╣рд░ू рд╕рдХ्рд░िрдп рд░рд╣े। рдЕрдоेрд░िрдХाрдХो рдкрд╢्рдЪिрдЪрдо рдк्рд░ाрди्рддрдоा рдЪрд░्рдЪ рд╕्рдеाрдкрдиा рдЧрд░्рдиे рд╕िрд▓рд╕िрд▓ाрдоा рддिрдиीрд╣рд░ू рд╕ाрддрд╡рд░्рд╖рд╕рдо्рдо рдпाрдд्рд░ा рдЧрд░े। рдЬрдм рдЙрд╣ाँрд╣рд░ू рдЕрдоेрд░िрдХाрдХो рдкрд╢्рдЪिрд╕рдо рдк्рд░ाрди्рддрдоा рдеिрдП рд╕рди резреоренрекрдХो рдЕрдк्рд░िрд▓ рдорд╣िрдиाрдоाрдХो рез рддाрд░िрдЦрдоा рдПрд▓ेрди рд╣्рд╡ाрдЗрдЯрд▓ाрдИ рдПрдХ рдорд╣рдд्рдд्рд╡рдкूрд░्рдг рджрд░्рд╢рди рднрдпो। рдд्рдпрд╕рдмेрд▓ा рд╕ेрднेрди्рде-рдбे рдПрдбрднेрди्рдЯिрд╕्рдЯ рд╕рдоुрджाрдпрд▓े рдЕрдЪрдо्рдорд╕ँрдЧ рдХрд╕рд░ी рдХाрдо рдЧрд░्рди рд╕рдХिрди्рдЫ, рдд्рдпрд╕рд▓ाрдИ рдХрд╕рд░ी рдмिрд╕्рддाрд░िрдд рд░ рдк्рд░рдЧрддि рдЧрд░्рди рд╕рдХिрди्рдЫ рднрди्рдиे рд╕рди्рджेрд╢ рдЙрдирд▓ाрдИ рджेрдЦाрдЗрдПрдХो рдеिрдпो। рдд्рдпो рдХाрдо рдЕрдоेрд░िрдХाрдХो рдкрд╢्‍рдЪिрдоी рд░ाрдЬ्рдпрд╣рд░ूрдоाрдоाрдд्рд░ рд╣ोрдЗрди рдмिрджेрд╢рдоा рдкрдиि рдлैрд▓ाрдЙрди рд╕рдХिрди्рдЫ рднрдиेрд░ рдЙрдирд▓ाрдИ рджрд░्рд╢рди рдоिрд▓ेрдХो рдеिрдпो। рдХेрд╣ी рд╣рдк्рддाेрдкрдЫि рдХ्рдпाрд▓िрдлोрд░्рдиिрдпाрдХो рдУрдХрд▓्рдпाрдг्рдбрдоा рдзेрд░ै рджिрдиे рд╕ाрд░्рд╡рдЬрдиिрдХ рд╕ुрд╕рдоाрдЪाрд░ рдк्рд░рдЪाрд░рдХो рдХाрдордХो рдеाрд▓рдиि рднрдпो। рд╕ाрд░्рдЬрдЬрдиिрдХ рд╕ुрд╕рдоाрдЪाрд░ рдк्рд░рдЪाрд░рдХो рдХाрдордоा рд▓ाрдЧ्рджा рдПрд▓्рдбрд░ рд╣्рд╡ाрдЗрдЯрд▓े рд╕ाрдЗрди्рд╕ рдЕрдн рдЯाрдЗрдо्рд╕ рдк्рд░рдХाрд╢рди рдЧрд░्рди рдеाрд▓े। рдЕрдз्рдпाрдп резрез-рдмाрдЯ्рдЯрд▓ рдХ्рд░िрдХ рдХрд▓ेрдЬ рд╕рди резреоренрекрдХो рдЕрди्рдд्рдпрддिрд░ рд╣्рд╡ाрдЗрдЯ рдкрд░िрд╡ाрд░ рдоिрд╢िрдЧрдирдоा рдлрд░्рдХेрдХा рдеिрдП। рдмाрдЗрдмрд▓ рд╕िрдХाрдЙрдиे рд╕ंрд╕्рдеाрдоा рд╕рд╣рдпोрдЧ рдЧрд░्рдиे рдХाрдордоा, рд╕ाрдмрдердХो рд╕ेрд╡ाрдХाрд░्рдпрдоा рдЕрдЧुрд╡ाрдИ рдЧрд░्рдиेрдоा рд░ рд╕рди् резреоренрек рдЬрдирд╡рд░ी рекрддाрд░िрдЦрдоा рд╣ुрдиे рдмाрдЯ्рдЯрд▓ рдХ्рд░िрдХ рдХрд▓ेрдЬрдХो рд╕рдорд░्рдкрдг рд╕рдоाрд░ोрд╣рдоा рддिрдиीрд╣рд░ू рд╡्рдпрд╕्рдд рдеिрдП। рдд्рдпрд╕ рдХрд▓ेрдЬрдХो рд╕рдорд░्рдкрдг рдХाрд░्рдпрдХो рдиिрдо्рддि рдЕрдоेрд░िрдХाрдХो рд╡िрднिрди्рди рд░ाрдЬ्рдпрд╣рд░ूрдмाрдЯ рдк्рд░рддिрдиिрдзिрд╣рд░ू рдЖрдПрдХा рдеिрдП। рдпो рдХрд▓ेрдЬ рд╕ेрднेрди्рде-рдбे рдПрдбрднेрди्рдЯिрд╕्рдЯрдХो рдк्рд░рдердо् рд╢ैрдХ्рд╖िрдХ рд╕ंрд╕्рдеा рдеिрдпो। рдд्рдпрд╣ाँ рднेрд▓ा рднрдПрдХा рдоाрдиिрд╕рд╣рд░ूрдХो рд╕ाрдоु рдПрд▓ेрди рд╣्рд╡ाрдЗрдЯрд▓े рдЙрднिрдПрд░ рдЕрдШिрд▓्рд▓ो рджिрди рдЙрдирд▓ाрдИ рджेрдЦाрдЗрдПрдХो рджрд░्рд╢рдХो рдмाрд░ेрдоा рдмрддाрдПрдХी рдеिрдЗрди्। рдЕрди्рддрд░ाрд╖्рдЯ्рд░िрдп рдЬрдЧрддрдоा рдкрдиि рд╕ेрднेрди्рде-рдбे рдПрдбрднेрди्рдЯिрд╕्рдЯ рдХाрдордХो рдмिрд╕्рддाрд░ рдЧрд░िрдиुрдкрд░्рдиे рд░ рдХрд▓ेрдЬрдХो рдЖрд╡рд╢्рдпрдХрддाрдХो рдмाрд░ेрдоा рдЙрдирд▓ाрдИ рджрд░्рд╢рди рджेрдЦाрдЗрдПрдХो рдеिрдпो। рдПрд▓ेрди рд╣्рд╡ाрдЗрдЯрд▓े рд╡्рдпрдХ्рдд рдЧрд░ेрдХा рджрд░्рд╢рдирдХो рдмाрд░ेрдоा рдЬाрдирдХाрд░ी рд╕ुрди्рди рдкाрдЙँрджा рдд्рдпрд╣ाँ рднेрд▓ा рднрдПрдХा рдХрд░्рдордЪाрд░ी рд░ рд╡िрд╢्рд╡ाрдпрд╕ीрд╣рд░ू рдЕрдд्рдпрди्рддै рдк्рд░рднाрд╡िрдд рднрдПрдХा рдеिрдП। рдЙрд╣ाँрд▓े рджेрдЦ्рдиु рднрдПрдХो рджрд░्рд╢рдирдоा рдЕрд░ू рдзेрд░ै рд╕рди्рджेрд╢рд╣рд░ू рдкрдиि рдеिрдП। рдЕрд░ू рджेрд╢рд╣рд░ूрдоा рдкрдиि рд╕ेрднेрди्рде-рдбे рдПрдбрднेрди्рдЯिрд╕्рдЯ рдЫाрдкाрдЦाрдиाрд╣рд░ू рднрдПрдХा рд░ рд╡िрд╢्рд╡ूрдХो рдЕрд░ू рджेрд╢рд╣рд░ूрдоा рдкрдиि рд╕ंрдЧрдаिрддрд░ूрдкрдоा рд╕ेрднेрди्рде-рдбे рдПрдбрднेрди्рдЯिрд╕्рдЯ рдХाрдорд╣рд░ू рднрдПрдХो рдЙрдирд▓े рджрд░्рд╢рдирдоा рджेрдЦेрдХा рдеिрдП। рдд्рдпрд╕рдмेрд▓ा рдд्рдпрд╣ाँ рднेрд▓ा рднрдПрдХा рдХुрдиैрд▓े рдкрдиि рддी рджेрд╢рд╣рд░ूрдоा рдХाрдо рдлैрд▓िрдиुрдкрд░्рдиे рдХुрд░ाрдоा рд╕ोрдЪेрдХा рдеिрдПрдирди्। рдЕрдз्рдпाрдп рем-рд▓ेрдЦाрдЗ рд░ рдпाрдд्рд░ाрдоा рдиिрд░рди्рддрд░рддा рдпेрд╢ू рд░ рд╢ैрддाрдирдХो рдмीрдЪрдоा рднрдПрдХो рднिрд╖рдг рдЕрди्рддрд░рд╕ंрдШрд░्рд╖ рд░ рдк्рд░ेрд░िрддрд╣рд░ूрдХा рдХाрдордХो рдмाрд░ेрдоा рд▓ेрдЦ्рдиेрдЦ рдХाрдордоा рдПрд▓ेрди рд╣्рд╡ाрдЗрдЯрд▓े рдЕрд░्рдХो рдХेрд╣ी рд╡рд░्рд╖ рдмिрддाрдПрдХी рдеिрдЗрди्। рд╕рди резреоренрен рд░ резреоренреордоा рдж рд╕्рдкिрд░िрдд рдЕрдн рдк्рд░ोрдлेрд╕ी, рдаेрд▓ी реи рд░ рей рдЫाрдкिрдПрдХो рдеिрдпो। рдХ्рдпाрд▓िрдлोрд░्рдиिрдпाрдХो рдУрдХрд▓्рдпाрдг्рдбрдоा рдкाрд╕िрдлिрдХ рдк्рд░ेрд╕рдХो рд╕्рдеाрдкрдиा рдЧрд░्рди рдПрд▓्рдбрд░ рд╣्рд╡ाрдЗрдЯ рд╡्рдпрд╕्рдд рд╣ुрдиुрднрдПрдХो рдеिрдпो। рдмाрдЯ्рдЯрд▓ рдХ्рд░िрдХ рд╕ाрдиेрдЯोрд░िрдпрдо рдЕрд░्рдеाрдд् рд╕्рд╡ाрд╕्рде्рдп рд╕ंрд╕्рдеा рд░ рдмाрдЯ्рдЯрд▓ рдХ्рд░िрдХрдоै рд░рд╣ेрдХो рдЪрд░्рдЪ рднрд╡рдирдХो рдиिрд░्рдоाрдгрдХो рдиिрдо्рддि рдЪрди्рджा рдЙрдаाрдЙрди рдкрдиि рдЙрдиी рд╡्рдпрд╕्рдд рдеिрдП। рдЬрдм рд╕рди резреоренреордХो рд╕ुрд░ुрдХो рдорд╣िрдиाрдоा рд╣्рд╡ाрдЗрдЯрд╣рд░ू рдХ्рдпाрд▓िрдлोрд░्рдиिрдпाрдХो рд╕ेрди्рдЯ рд╣ेрд▓िрдиाрдоा рднрдПрдХो рдирдпाँ рд╕्рд╡ाрд╕्рде्рдп рд╕ंрд╕्рдеाрдоा рдЧрдПрдХा рдеिрдП рдд्рдпрд╕рдмेрд▓ा рдПрд▓ेрди рд╣्рд╡ाрдЗрдЯрд▓े рдд्рдпрд╕ рд╕ंрд╕्рдеा, рдд्рдпрд╣ाँрдХा рднрд╡рдирд╣рд░ू рд░ рд╡ाрддाрд░рдг рдЖрдлूрд▓े рджрд░्рд╢рдирдоा рджेрдЦेрдХो рдЪिрдЪ्рдпाрдПрд░ рдмрддाрдЗрди्। рдЕрдоेрд░िрдХाрдХो рдкрд╢्рдЪिोрдоी рд╕рдоुрдж्рд░рдХा рдХिрдиाрд░рдоा рд░рд╣ेрдХा рд╕рд╣рд░рд╣рд░ूрдоा рдПрдбрднेрди्рдЯिрд╕्рдЯ рдХाрдордХो рдмिрд╕्рддाрд░рдХो рдмाрд░ेрдоा рдЙрдирд▓े рджрд░्рд╢рдирдоा рджेрдЦिрдПрдХी рдеिрдЗрди्। рд╕рди् резреоренрекрдоा рдиै рджेрдЦेрдХो рдкाрд╕िрдлिрдХ рдХोрд╕्рдЯрдХो рд╕ंрд╕्рдеाрд╣рд░ूрдоा рдпो рддेрд╕्рд░ो рдеिрдпो। рдд्рдпрд╕ैрдмेрд▓ा рдЙрдирд▓े рджेрдЦेрдХा рджрд░्рд╢рдирд╣рд░ूрдоा рд╕ाрдЗрди्рд╕ рдЕрдн рдЯाрдЗрдо्рд╕ рдкрдд्рд░िрдХा рд░ рдкाрд╕िрдлिрдХ рдк्рд░ेрд╕ рдеिрдпो। рд╕рди резреоренреж рд░ рдкрдЫि рд╕ुрд╕рдоाрдЪाрд░ рд╕ुрдиाрдЙрдиे рд╕ाрд░्рд╡рдЬрдиिрдХ рдХ्рдпाрдо्рдк рд╕рднाрд╣рд░ूрдоा рдПрд▓ेрди рд╣्рд╡ाрдЗрдЯрд▓े рдзेрд░ै рдоाрдиिрд╕рд╣рд░ूрд▓ाрдИ рд╕рдо्рдмोрдзрди рдЧрд░्рдиुрднрдПрдХो рдеिрдпो। рдд्рдпрд╕рдоा рд╕рдмрднрди्рджा рдаूрд▓ो рд╕рднा рдо्рдпाрд╕ाрдЪुрд╕ेрдЯ рд░ाрдЬ्рдпрдХो рдЧ्рд░ोрднрд▓्рдпाрдг्рдбрдоा рдЕрдЧрд╕्рдЯ резреоренренрдХो рдЖрдЗрддрдмाрд░рдоा рд╕рдо्рдмोрдзрди рдЧрд░्рдиुрднрдПрдХो рдеिрдпो। рдд्рдпрд╕рдмेрд▓ा рдЙрдирд▓े рдЗрд╕ाрдИ рд╕ंрдпрдорддाрдХा рдкрдХ्рд╖рд╣рд░ूрдХो рдмाрд░ेрдоा рдмोрд▓्рдиुрднрдПрдХो рдеिрдпो। рдЙрд╣ाँрд▓ाрдИ рд╕ुрди्рдиेрд╣рд░ू реиреж,режрежреж рдоाрдиिрд╕рд╣рд░ू рдеिрдП। рдЕрдоेрд░िрдХाрдХो рдкрд╢्рдЪि्рдо, рдкूрд░्рд╡ी рд░ рдкाрд╕िрдлिрдХ рдирд░्рдерд╡ेрд╕्рдЯ рд░ाрдЬ्рдпрд╣рд░ूрдоा рдЙрдиी рдзेрд░ै рдпाрдд्рд░ा рдЧрд░िрди् рд░ рд╕ुрд╕рдоाрдЪाрд░ рдк्рд░рдЪाрд░рдХो рдХाрд░्рдпрдХ्рд░рдорд╣рд░ूрдоा рдкрд░िрд╢्рд░рдо рдЧрд░िрди्। рдЙрдирд▓े рдЬрдирд░рд▓ рдХрди्рдлрд░ेрди्рд╕рдХो рд╕рднाрд╣рд░ूрдоा рдкрдиि рдиिрд░рди्рддрд░рд░ूрдкрдоा рднाрдЧ рд▓िрдЗрди्। рдХ्рдпाрдо्рдк рдоिрдЯिрдЩ्рдЧ рд░ рдЪрд░्рдЪрдоा рд╕рдо्рдмोрдзрди рдЧрд░्рдиे рдХाрд░्рдпрдХ्рд░рдо, рд╡िрднिрди्рди рд╕्рд╡ाрд╕्рде्рдп рд╕ुрдзाрд░ рдХाрд░्рдпрдХ्рд░рдорд╣рд░ूрдоा рднाрдЧ рд▓िрдиे рдХाрдордоा, рд╕ाрд░्рд╡рдЬрдиिрдХ рднрд╡рдирд╣рд░ूрдоा рд░ рдЭ्рдпाрд▓ рдЦाрдиाрд╣рд░ूрдоा рд╕рдо्рдмोрдзрди рдЧрд░्рдиे рдХाрдордоा рдЙрдиी рд╕рд░िрдХ рднрдПрд░ рдЖрдлूрд▓ाрдИ рд╡्рдпрд╕्рдд рд░ाрдЦेрдХी рдеिрдЗрди्। рдПрд▓्рдбрд░ рд╣्рд╡ाрдЗрдЯрдХो рд╕्рд╡ाрд╕्рде्рдп рдЦрд╕्рдХिрди्рджै рдЧрдПрдХो рдмेрд▓ाрдоा рддिрдиीрд╣рд░ू рдЯेрдХ्рд╕ाрд╕рдоा рд╕рди् резреоренрео-резреоренрепрдХो рдЬाрдбो рдоौрд╕рдордоा рддिрдиीрд╣рд░ू рдпाрдд्рд░ा рдЧрд░ेрдХा рдеिрдПрд╕। рдд्рдпрд╕рдмेрд▓ा рдЕрд░्рдерд░ рджाрдиिрдПрд▓ рд░ рдЙрдирдХो рд╢्рд░ीрдорддी рдоेрд░ी рд╣्рд╡ाрдЗрдЯ рдкрд░िрд╡ाрд░рдоा рд╕рдо्рдоिрд▓िрдд рднрдПрдХा рдеिрдП। рдпुрд╡ा рдЕрд░्рдерд░ рдПрд▓्рдбрд░ рд╣्рд╡ाрдЗрдЯрдХो рдиिрдо्рддि рд╕ाрдеी рд░ рдирд░्рд╕ рднрдПрдХा рдеिрдП। рдЕрд░्рдерд░рдХी рд╢्рд░ीрдорддीрд▓े рднाрди्рд╕ाрдоा рд╣ेрд░्рдеिрди् рд░ рдШрд░рдХो рдХाрдо рдЧрд░्рдеिрди्। рдкрдЫि рдЕрд░्рдерд░ рджाрдиिрдПрд▓ рдЬрдирд░рд▓ рдХрди्рдлрд░ेрди्рд╕рдХो рдЕрдз्рдпрдХ्рд╖ рднрдПрдХा рдеिрдП। рдЕрдз्рдпाрдп резрей-рдЬेрдо्рд╕ рд╣्рд╡ाрдЗрдЯрдХो рдоृрдд्рдпु рдкрдЫिрд▓्рд▓ो рджुрдИ рд╡рд░्рд╖рд╣рд░ूрдоा рдПрд▓्рдбрд░ рд╣्рд╡ाрдЗрдЯрдХो рд╕्рд╡ाрд╕्рде्рдпрдоा рдХेрд╣ी рд╕्рдеिрд░ рднрдПрдХो рдеिрдпो рдЬрд╕рд▓े рдЧрд░्рджा рдЖрдл्рдиो рдХाрдо рд╕ुрдЪाрд░ुрд░ूрдкрд▓े рдЪрд▓ाрдПрдХा рдеिрдП। рддрд░ рдЙрдиी рдзेрд░ै рд╡рд░्рд╖рд╕рдо्рдо рдоाрдирд╕िрдХ рд░ рд╢ाрд░ीрд░िрдХ рдХाрдордоा рдЬ्рдпाрджрддी рднрдПрд░ рдЦрдЯिрди्рджा рдЙрдирдоा рднрдПрдХा рдлुрд░्рддिрд╣рд░ू рдШрдЯ्рджै рдЧрдП। рд╕рди् резреореорезрдХो рдЕрдЧрд╕्рдЯ ремрдоा рдЙрдирдХो рдоृрдд्рдпु рдмाрдЯ्рдЯрд▓ рдХ्рд░ीрдХрдоा рднрдпो। рдЕрди्рдд्рдпेрд╖्рдЯी рдХाрд░्рдпрдХ्рд░рдордоा рдЖрдл्рдиो рд╢्рд░ीрдоाрдирдХो рдХрдлрдирдХो рдЫेрдЙрдоा рдмрд▓िрди्рдж्рд░ рдЖँрд╢ु рдЭाрд░्рджै рдЖрдлूрд▓ाрдИ рдкрд░рдоेрд╢्рд╡рдЯрд░рд▓े рджिрдиुрднрдПрдХो рдЬिрдо्рдоेрд╡ाрд░ी рдХाрдпрдордоै рд░ाрдЦ्рджै рдЕрдШि рдмрдв्рди рдПрд▓ेрди рд╣्рд╡ाрдЗрдЯрд▓े рдЖрдл्рдиो рдк्рд░рддिрдмрдж्рдзрддा рдкोрдЦाрдЗрди्। рдЖрдл्рдиो рд╢्рд░ीрдоाрдирдХो рдоृрдд्рдпुрднрдПрдХो рдХेрд╣ी рд╕рдордпрднिрдд्рд░ै рдПрд▓ेрди рд╣्рд╡ाрдЗрдЯ рдкाрд╕िрдлिрдХ рдХोрд╕्рдЯрдоा рдпाрдд्рд░ा рдЧрд░िрди्। рдЖрдл्рдиो рд╢्рд░ीрдоाрди рдЧुрдоाрдЙрдиुрдкрд░्рджा рдЙрдирд▓ाрдИ рднрдпрдЩ्рдХрд░ рдЪोрдЯ рдд рдкрд░ेрдХो рдеिрдпो рдиै рддैрдкрдиि рдЖрдл्рдиो рд▓ेрдЦाрдИрдоा рдЙрдиी рд╡्рдпрд╕्рдд рднрдЗрди् рд░ рд╕्рдкिрд░िрдд рдЕрдн рдк्рд░ोрдлेрд╕ी рд╢्рд░ृрдЩ्рдЦрд▓ाрдХो рдЕрди्рддिрдо рд░ рдЪौрдеौँ рдаेрд▓ी рд▓ेрдЦ्рдирди рдеाрд▓िрди्। рдпेрд╢ू рд░ рд╢ैрддाрдирдХो рдмीрдЪрдоा рднрдЗрд░рд╣ेрдХो рднिрд╖рдг рд╕ंрдЧ्рд░ाрдордХो рдХрдеाрдХो рдмाँрдХि рдЕंрд╢ рдЕрд░्рдеाрдд् рдпрд░ुрд╢рд▓ेрдордХो рдмिрдиाрд╢ рд░ рдпुрдЧрдХो рдЕрди्рдд्рдпрдХो рдЬाрдирдХाрд░ी рдд्рдпрд╕ рдаेрд▓ीрдоा рдк्рд░рд╕्рддुрдд рдЧрд░िрди्। рдпрд╕ рдЬाрдирдХाрд░ीрдХो рд▓ाрдЧि рд╕рдмै рд╡िрд╢्рд╡ाूрд╕ीрд╣рд░ू рдкрд░्рдЦिрд░рд╣ेрдХा рдеिрдП। рдЬрдм рд╕рди резреореорекрдоा рдпो рдкुрд╕्рддрдХ рдЫाрдкिрдПрд░ рдмाрд╣िрд░ рдиिрд╕्рдХिрдпो рддрдм рдзेрд░ै рдкाрдардХрд╣рд░ूрд▓े рдд्рдпрд╕ рдкुрд╕्рддрдХрд▓ाрдИ рдЙрдд्рд╕ाрд╣рд╕ाрде рдЧ्рд░рд╣рдг рдЧрд░े। рдШрд░ рдШрд░рдоा рдмेрдЪ्рди рдд्рдпрд╕ рдкुрд╕्рддрдХрд▓ाрдИ рд╕рдЪिрдд्рд░ рдЧрд░ि рд╕рдо्рдкाрджрди рдЧрд░िрдпो। рдд्рдпрд╕ рдкुрд╕्рддрдХрдХो рд╢िрд░्рд╖рдХ рдж рдЧ्рд░ेрдЯ рдХрди्рдд्рд░ोрднрд░्рд╕ी рдмिрдЯ्рд╡िрди рдХ्рд░ाрдЗрд╕्рдЯ рдПрдг्рдб рд╣िрдЬ рдЖрди्рдЬрд▓рд╕् рдПрдг्рдб рд╢ैрддाрди рдЖрдг्рдб рд╣िрдЬ рдЖрди्рдЬрд▓рд╕् рдеिрдпो। рддीрди рд╡рд░्рд╖рднिрдд्рд░ рдд्рдпो рдкुрд╕्рддрдХ релреж,режрежреж рдк्рд░рддि рдмेрдЪिрдпो। рдЕрдз्рдпाрдп резрек-рдПрд▓ेрди рд╣्рд╡ाрдЗрдЯ рдпुрд░ोрдоा рдпाрдд्рд░ा рдЧрд░्рдЫिрди् рдПрд▓ेрди рдЬी рд╣्рд╡ाрдЗрдЯ рд░ рдЙрдирдХो рдЫोрд░ो рдбрдм्рджु рд╕ी рд╣्рд╡ाрдЗрдЯрд▓ाрдИ рдпुрд░ोрдкрдоा рднрдПрдХा рд╕ुрд╕рдоाрдЪाрд░ीрдп рдиिрдХाрдпрд╣рд░ूрдоा рдпाрдд्рд░ा рдЧрд░्рди рдЬрдирд░рд▓ рдХрди्рдлेрд░ेрди्рд╕ рдЕрд░्рдеाрдд् рд╕ेрднेрди्рде-рдбे рдПрдбрднेрди्рдЯिрд╕्рдЯрдХो рдоुрдЦ्рдпाрд▓рдпрд▓े рдЕрдиुрд░ोрдз рдЧрд░्рджै рдеिрдП। рдЙрдиी рдд्рдпрд╕рддрд░्рдл рдпाрдд्рд░ा рдЧрд░्рди рд╕ुрд░рд╕ाрд░ рдЧрд░िрди्। рддрд░ рдЙрдиीрд╕ँрдЧ рдирдЬिрдХ рднрдПрд░ рдХाрдо рдЧрд░्рдиे рдоिрдд्рд░рд╣рд░ूрд▓ेрдЪाрд╣ीँ рдЙрдирдХो рд╢ाрд░ीрд░िрдХ рдЕрд╕्рд╡рд╕्рдерддाрд▓ाрдИ рджेрдЦेрд░ рдЙрдиी рдпुрд░ोрдкрдХो рд▓ाрдоो рдпाрдд्рд░ा рдЧрд░्рди рд╕рдХ्рджैрдирди् рднрдиेрд░ рд╕ोрдЪेрдХा рдеिрдП। рдоिрд╕рдирдк्рд░рддि рдмрдлाрджाрд░ рднрдПрдХी рдПрд▓ेрди рдЬी рд╣्рд╡ाрдЗрдЯрд▓े рдоिрд╕рдирдХो рдЙрдд्рдеाрди рдЧрд░्рдиु рдЖрдл्рдиो рдХрд░्рддрд╡्рдп рдаाрдиेрдХी рдеिрдЗрди्। рдкрд░рдоेрд╢्рд╡ рд░рд▓े рдЙрдирд▓ाрдИ рдЖрдмрд╢्рдпрдХ рд╕ुрд╕्рд╡ाрд╕्рде्рдп рджिрдиुрднрдПрдХो рдеिрдпो рдЬрд╕рд▓े рдЧрд░्рджा рдЙрдиी рдпुрд░ोрдкрдХो рд▓ाрдоो рдЬрд╣ाрдЬीрдп рдпाрдд्рд░ा рдЧрд░िрди्। рд╕рди् резреореорелрдХो рдЕрди्рдд्рдпрджेрдЦि рд╕рди резреореоренрдХो рдЧृрд╖्рдордХाрд▓िрдирд╕рдо्рдо рдЙрдиी рдпुрд░ोрдкрдХो рд╡िрднिрди्рди рджेрд╢рд╣рд░ूрдоा рдпाрдд्рд░ा рдЧрд░िрди्। рдд्рдпрд╕рдмेрд▓ा рд╕्рд╡िрдЯрдЬрд░рд▓्рдпाрдг्рдбрдХो рдмेрд╕ेрд▓рдоा рд╕ेрднेрди्рде-рдбे рдПрдбрднेрди्рдЯिрд╕्рдЯрдХा рдоूрдЦ्рдп рдХाрд░्рдпाрд▓рдпрд╣рд░ू рдеिрдП। рдд्рдпрд╣ीँрдмाрдЯ рдпुрд░ोрдкрдХो рд╡िрднिрди्рди рджेрд╢рд╣рд░ूрдоा рдХाрдордХो рд░ेрдЦрджेрдЦ рдЧрд░िрди्рде्рдпो। рдПрд▓ेрди рдЬी рд╣्рд╡ाрдЗрдЯ рдд्рдпрд╣ाँ рдХेрд╣ी рд╕рдордп рд░рд╣ेрд░ рдмिрд▓ाрдпрдд, рдЬрд░्рдордиी, рдл्рд░ाрди्рд╕, рдЗрдЯाрд▓ी, рдбेрдирдоाрд░्рдХ, рдирд░्рд╡े рд░ рд╕्рд╡ीрдбрдирдоा рдХाрдордХो рд╕िрд▓рд╕िрд▓ाрдоा рдпाрдд्рд░ा рдЧрд░िрди्। рдЗрдЯाрд▓ीрдХो рдПрдЙрдЯा рдЧाрдЙँрдХो рдЙрдкрдд्рдпрдХाрдоा рдЙрдирдХो рдмिрд╢ेрд╖ рдЪाрд╕ो рдеिрдпो। рдд्рдпрд╕ рдаाрдЙँрдоा рдЕрди्рдзрдХाрд░ рдпुрдЧ рд░ рдзрд░्рдо рд╕ुрдзाрд░ рдЖрди्рджोрд▓рдирдХो рд╕рдордпрдоा рдХेрд╡рд▓ рдмाрдЗрдмрд▓рд▓ाрдИрдоाрдд्рд░ рд╡िрд╢्рд╡ाँрд╕ рдЧрд░्рдиे рдпेрд╢ूрднрдХ्рдд рд╡ाрд▓्рджрдиिрд╕िрдпрдирд╣рд░ू рд▓ुрдХेрд░ рдкрд░рдоेрд╢्рд╡ेрд░рдХो рдЖрд░ाрдзрдиा рдЧрд░्рджрдеे। рдкोрдкрд▓ाрдИ рд╣ोрдЗрди рдХेрд╡рд▓ рдпेрд╢ू рд░ рдмाрдЗрдмрд▓рдоाрдд्рд░ рд╡िрд╢्рд╡ा рд╕ рдЧрд░्рдиे рдЗрд╕ाрдИрд╣рд░ूрд▓ाрдИ рд░ोрдорди рдХ्рдпाрдеोрд▓िрдХ рдЪрд░्рдЪрд▓े рдХрдорд╕ेрдХрдо рд╣рдЬाрд░ рд╡рд░्рд╖рд╕рдо्рдо рд╕рддाрдПрдХो рдеिрдпो। рддी рд╕рддाрд╡рддрдХो рдпुрдЧрдоा рд╡ाрд▓्рджрдиिрд╕िрдпрдирд╣рд░ू рдЗрдЯाрд▓ीрдХो рдЧाрдЙँрдоा рд▓ुрдХेрдХा рдеिрдП (резреирд░ौँ рд╢рддाрдм्рджीрдоा рд░ोрдорди рдХ्рдпाрдеोрд▓िрдХ рдЪрд░्рдЪрдХो рдкोрдк рд░ рдд्рдпрд╕рдХो рдХेрд╣ी рд╢िрдХ्рд╖ा рдирдоाрдиेрдХोрд▓े рд░ोрдорди рдХ्рдпाрдеोрд▓िрдХ рдЪрд░्рдЪрд▓े рддिрдиीрд╣рд░ूрд▓ाрдИ рдЦेрджेрдХा рдеिрдП)। рдПрд▓ेрди рдЬी рд╣्рд╡ाрдЗрдЯрд▓ाрдИ рдЙрдирдХो рджрд░्рд╢рдирдоा рд╡ाрд▓्рдбрдиिрд╕рдпрдирд╣рд░ू рд▓ुрдХैрдХो рдЧाрдЙँрд╣рд░ू рджेрдЦाрдПрдХा рдеिрдП। рдЙрдиी рддी рдЧाрдЙँрд╣рд░ूрдоा рджुрдИ рдкрдЯрдХ рдпाрдд्рд░ा рдЧрд░िрди्। рд╕्рд╡िрдЯрдЬрд░рд▓्рдпाрдг्рдбрдХो рдмेрд╕ेрд▓ рд░ рдирд░्рд╡ेрдХो рдХ्рд░िрд╕्рдЯिрдиा (рдЕрд╣िрд▓े рдУрд╕्рд▓ो)рдоा рд░рд╣ेрдХा рдЫाрдкाрдЦाрдиाрд╣рд░ूрд▓ाрдИ рдПрд▓ेрди рдЬी рд╣्рд╡ाрдЗрдЯрд▓ाрдИ рд╕рди резреоренрелрдХो рдЬрдирд╡рд░ी рейрдоा рджрд░्рд╢рдирдоा рджेрдЦाрдЗрдПрдХो рдеिрдпो। рдд्рдпрд╕ рджрд░्рд╢рдирдоा рдЙрдирд▓े рдЙрдд्рддрд░ рдЕрдоेрд░िрдХाрднрди्рджा рдмाрд╣िрд░ рджेрд╢рдоा рд░рд╣ेрдХा рдЫाрдкाрдЦाрдиाрд╣рд░ूрд▓ाрдИ рджेрдЦाрдЗрдПрдХो рдеिрдпो। рдЬрдм рдПрд▓ेрди рдЬी рд╣्рд╡ाрдЗрдЯ рдпुрд░ोрдкрдоा рдеिрдЗрди् рддрдм рдЙрдирд▓े рдЪрд░्рдЪрдХा рдЕрдЧुрд╡ा рд░ рдХрд░्рдордЪाрд░ीрд╣рд░ूрд▓ाрдИ рдЪрд░्рдЪ рд╕्рдеाрдкрдиा рдЧрд░्рдиे рдЙрдЪिрдд рдиीрддि рд░ рдпोрдЬрдиाрд╣рд░ूрдХो рдмाрд░ेрдоा рд╕рд░рд╕рд▓्рд▓ाрд╣ рджिрдПрдХी рдеिрдЗрди्। рдЕрдз्рдпाрдп резрел-рдж рдЧ्рд░ेрдЯ рдХрди्рдд्рд░ोрднрд░्рд╕ी рдПрдг्рдб рдкाрдЯ्рд░िрдпाрд░्рдХрд╕ рдПрдг्рдб рдк्рд░ोрдлेрдЯрд╕ рд╕्рдкिрд░िрдд рдЕрдн рдк्рд░ोрдлेрд╕ी, рдаेрд▓ी рек рдЕрдЩ्рдЧ्рд░ेрдЬी рднाрд╖ाрдоा рдПрд▓ेрди рдЬी рд╣्рд╡ाрдЗрдЯрд▓े рд▓ेрдЦ्рдиु рднрдПрдХो рдеिрдпो। рдд्рдпो рдХिрддाрдм рдпुрд░ोрдкрдХो рдЕрд░ु рднाрд╖ाрд╣рд░ूрдоा рдкрдиि рдЕрдиुрд╡ाрдж рдЧрд░्рди рдоाрдЧ рдЧрд░्рди рдеाрд▓िрдПрдХो рдеिрдпो। рдд्рдпрд╕рдХो рдлрд▓рд╕्рд╡рд░ुрдк рдпुрд░ोрдкрдХा рд╡िрднिрди्рди рд╕्рдеाрдирд╣рд░ू рд╕рдоेрддिрдПрдХा рджृрд╖्рдпрд╣рд░ूрд▓ाрдИ рд╕рдоाрд╡ेрд╢ рдЧрд░्рджै рдпेрд╢ू рд░ рд╢ैрддाрдирдХो рдмीрдЪрдоा рднрдЗрд░рд╣ेрдХो рдорд╣ाрди् рд╕ंрдШрд░्рд╖рдХो рдмाрд░ेрдоा рдЕрдЭ рдкूрд░्рдгрд░ूрдкрдоा рд▓ेрдЦ्рдиुрд░рдкрд░्рдиे рдПрд▓ेрди рдЬी рд╣्рд╡ाрдЗрдЯрд▓े рдорд╣рд╕ुрд╕ рдЧрд░िрди्। рдд्рдпрд╕рдХो рдлрд▓рд╕्рд╡рд░ुрдк рдж рд╕्рдк्рд░िрдЯ рдЕрдн рдк्рд░ोрдлेрд╕ी рдаेрд▓ी рек, рдЕрд╣िрд▓े рд╣ाрдоीрдоा рдЖрдПрдХो рдкुрд╕्рддрдХ рдж рдЧ्рд░ैрдЯ рдХрди्рдд्рд░ोрднрд░्рд╕ी рдЫाрдкिрдпो। рдпो рд╕рди резреореореордоा рдкрд╣िрд▓ो рдкрд▓्рдЯ рдЫाрдкिрдПрдХो рдеिрдпो। рдпुрд░ोрдкрдмाрдЯ рдлрд░्рдХिрдПрдкрдЫि рдЕрдоेрд░िрдХाрдХो рдХ्рдпाрд▓िрдлोрд░्рдиिрдпाрдХो рд╣िрд▓्рдбрд╕рдмрд░्рдЧ рднрди्рдиे рдаाрдЙँрдоा рдПрд▓ेрди рдЬी рд╣्рд╡ाрдЗрдЯрд▓े рдЖрдл्рдиो рдШрд░ рд╕्рдеाрдкрдиा рдЧрд░िрди्। рд╕рди резреореореордоा рдЕрдоेрд░िрдХाрдХो рдоिрдиिрдпोрд╕ोрдЯाрдХो рдоिрдиिрдпाрдкोрд▓िрд╕ рднрди्рдиे рд╕рд╣рд░рдоा рдЬрдирд░рд▓ рдХрди्рдлрд░ेрди्рд╕ рд╕рднा рднрдПрдХो рдеिрдпो। рдд्рдпो рдПрд▓ेрди рдЬी рд╣्рд╡ाрдЗрдЯ рд░рд╣ेрдХो рдаाрдЙँрджेрдЦि рдХрд░िрдм реирелрежреж рдХिрд▓ोрдоिрдЯрд░ рдеिрдпो। рдд्рдпрддि рдЯाрдвा рднрдПрддाрдкрдиि рд▓ाрдоो рдпाрдд्рд░ा рдЧрд░ेрд░ рдЙрдиी рдд्рдпрд╕ рд╕рднाрдоा рд╕рд░िрдХ рднрдЗрди्। рдд्рдпрд╕рдкрдЫि рдЙрдиी рдХेрд╣ी рдорд╣िрдиा рд╡िрднिрди्рди рдаाрдЙँрд╣рд░ूрдоा рдпाрдд्рд░ा рдЧрд░िрди् рд░ рдк्рд░рд╡рдЪрди рджिрдЗрди्। рд╡िрд╢्рд╡ािрд╕рдмाрдЯрдоाрдд्рд░ рдзाрд░्рдоिрдХрддा рдкाрдЗрди्рдЫ рднрди्рдиे рд╢िрдХ्рд╖ाрдоा рдХрддिрдкрдп рд╕ेрднेрди्рде-рдбे рдПрдбрднेрди्рдЯिрд╕्рдЯрд╣рд░ूрдоा рдорддрднिрди्рдирддा рдЖрдПрдХो рдеिрдпो। рдЙрдирд▓े рдаाрдЙँ рдаाрдЙँрдоा рдЧрдПрд░ рдд्рдпрд╕ рд╢िрдХ्рд╖ाрдХो рдмाрд░ेрдоा рд╕िрдХाрдЙँрджै рдЪрд░्рдЪрдоा рдПрдХрддा рд▓्рдпाрдЙрди рдк्рд░рдпाрд╕ рдЧрд░िрди्। рдд्рдпрд╕ै рд╕рдордп рдЙрдирд▓े рдкाрдЯ्рд░िрдпाрд░्рдХ рдПрдг्рдб рдк्рд░ोрдлेрдЯрд╕् рдХिрддाрдм рд▓ेрдЦिрди рд░ рд╕рди резреорепрежрдоा рдпो рдкुрд╕्рддрдХ рдЫाрдкिрдпो। рдЕрдз्рдпाрдп резрем-рдЕрд╕्рдЯ्рд░ेрд▓िрдпाрдоा рдЬाрди рдПрд▓ेрди рдЬी рд╣्рд╡ाрдЗрдЯрд▓ाрдИ рдЕрдиुрд░ोрдз рдЧрд░िрди्рдЫ рд╕рди резреорепрезрдоा рднрдПрдХो рдЬрдирд░рд▓ рдХрди्рдлрд░ेрди्рд╕рдХो рд╕рднाрдоा рдЕрд╕्рдЯ्рд░ेрд▓िрдпाрдоा рдЬाрди рдЬрд░ुрд░ी рдЕрдиुрд░ोрдз рдПрд▓ेрди рдЬी рд╣्рд╡ाрдЗрдЯрд▓ाрдИ рдЧрд░िрдпो। рдд्рдпрд╣ाँ рднрд░्рдЦрд░ рд╕ुрд░ु рднрдПрдХो рдЪрд░्рдЪрдХो рдХाрдордоा рд╕рдШाрдЙрди рд░ рдд्рдпрд╣ाँрдХा рд╡िрд╢्рд╡ाрд╡рд╕ीрд╣рд░ूрд▓ाрдИ рд╕рд░рд╕рд▓्рд▓ाрд╣ рджिрди рдЙрдирдХो рд╕рд╣рдпोрдЧ рдоाрдЧिрдПрдХो рдеिрдпो। рдд्рдпो рдЕрдиुрд░ोрдзрд▓ाрдИ рд╕्рд╡ीрдХाрд░्рджै рдПрд▓ेрди рдЬी рд╣्рд╡ाрдЗрдЯ рдЕрд╕्рдЯ्рд░ेрд▓िрдпाрдоा рд▓ाрдоो рдЬрд╣ाрдЬрдХो рдпाрдд्рд░ा рдЧрд░िрди्। рд╕рди резреорепрезрдХो рдбिрд╕ेрдо्рдмрд░ рдорд╣िрдиाрдоा рдЙрдиी рдЕрд╕्рдЯ्рд░ेрд▓िрдпा рдкुрдЧिрди्। рдЙрдирдХो рд╕ाрдердоा рдЙрдирдХो рдЫोрд░ो рдПрд▓्рдбрд░ рдбрдм्рд▓्рдпु рд╕ी рд╣्рд╡ाрдЗрдЯ рд░ рдЕрд░ू рд╕рд╣рдпोрдЧीрд╣рд░ू рдкрдиि рдЧрдПрдХा рдеिрдП। рдЙрд╣ाँрдХा рдЖрдЧрдордирд▓े рдирдпाँ рд╡िрд╢्рд╡ाрдбрд╕ीрд╣рд░ूрдоा рдирдпाँ рдЙрдд्рд╕ाрд╣, рдЬोрд╢ рд░ рдЙрдордЩ्рдЧ рдЖрдПрдХो рдеिрдпो। рдЙрдирд▓े рд╕ेрднेрди्рде-рдбे рдПрдбрднेрди्рдЯिрд╕्рдЯрдХो рдХाрдордХो рдмिрд╕्рддाрд░рдХो рдмाрд░ेрдоा рд╕рд░рд╕рд▓्рд▓ाрд╣ рджिрдЗрди्। рдд्рдпрд╕рд▓े рдЧрд░्рджा рджрдХ्рд╖िрдгी рдорд╣ाрджेрд╢рдоा рд╕ेрднेрди्рде-рдбे рдПрдбрднेрди्рдЯिрд╕्рдЯрдХो рд╡िрднिрди्рди рдиिрдХाрдпрд╣рд░ूрдХा рдЬрдЧрд╣рд░ू рд░ाрдо्рд░ोрд╕ँрдЧ рдмрд╕ाрд▓िрдпो। рдпрд╣ाँ рд╕्рдеाрдкрдиा рднрдПрдХा рдЫाрдкाрдЦाрдиाрд╣рд░ू рдПрд▓ेрди рдЬी рд╣्рд╡ाрдЗрдЯрд▓े рд╕рди резреоренрелрдХो рдЬрдирд╡рд░ी рдорд╣िрдиाрдоा рджेрдЦेрдХी рджрд░्рд╢рдирдоा рдЪिрдиिрди्। рдЕрд╕्рдЯ्рд░ेрд▓िрдпा рдЖрдПрдХो рдХेрд╣ी рдорд╣िрдиाрдоा рдиै рдПрд▓ेрди рдЬी рд╣्рд╡ाрдЗрдЯрд▓े рдд्рдпрд╣ाँ рд╢िрдХ्рд╖рдг рд╕ंрд╕्рдеा рдЦोрд▓्рдиे рдЖрд╡рд╢्рдпрдХрддाрдХो рдорд╣рд╕ुрд╕ рдЧрд░िрди्। рд╕ेрднेрди्рде-рдбे рдПрдбрднेрди्рдЯिрд╕्рдЯ рдпुрд╡ाрдпुрд╡рддीрд╣рд░ू рдЗрд╕ाрдИ рд╡ाрддाрд╡рд░рдгрдоै рд╢िрдХ्рд╖िрдд рдмрдиाрдЙрдиुрдкрд░्рдиे рд░ рдЖрдл्рдиो рдШрд░ рд░ рдмाрд╣िрд░ рдЯाрдкु рдХ्рд╖ेрдд्рд░рд╣рд░ूрдоा рд╕ेрд╡ा рдЧрд░्рдиे рдХрд░्рдордЪाрд░ी рдЕрд░्рдеाрдд् рд╕ेрд╡рдХрд╣рд░ू рдЙрдд्рдкाрджрди рдЧрд░्рдиुрдкрд░्рдиे рд╕рдкрдиा рдЙрдирд▓े рджेрдЦेрдХी рдеिрдЗрди्। рд╕्рдХूрд▓ рдЦोрд▓्рди рдЙрд╣ाँрдХा рдзेрд░ै рдмрд▓िрдпो рдЕрдиुрд░ोрдзрд╣рд░ूрд▓ाрдИ рд╕्рд╡ीрдХाрд░्рджै рдд्рдпрд╣ाँрдХा рд╕ेрднेрди्рде-рдбे рдПрдбेрди्рдЯिрд╕्рдЯрд╣рд░ूрд▓े рдЕрд╕्рдЯ्рд░ेрд▓िрдпाрдХै рд╕рд╣рд░ рдоेрд▓рдмрд░्рдирдоा рд╕рди резреорепреирдоा рдмाрдЗрдмрд▓ рд╕्рдХूрд▓рдХो рд╕्рдеाрдкрдиा рдЧрд░िрдпो। рджुрдИ рд╡рд░्рд╖рд╕рдо्рдо рдд्рдпो рд╕्рдХूрд▓рдХा рднрд╡рдирд╣рд░ू рднाрдбाрдоा рд▓िрдПрд░ рдЪрд▓ाрдПрдХा рдеिрдП। рдд्рдпрд╕ैрдмेрд▓ा рдПрд▓ेрди рдЬी рд╣्рд╡ाрдЗрдЯрд▓े рдоुрдЦрдмाрдЯ рд░ рд▓ेрдЦрдмाрдЯ рд╕ेрднेрди्рде-рдбे рдПрдбрднेрди्рдЯिрд╕्рдЯ рд╕्рдХूрд▓ рд╕рд╣рд░рдоा рд╣ोрдЗрди рдЧाрдЙँрддिрд░ рд╣ुрдиुрдкрд░्рдЫ рднрдиेрд░ рдЖрд╣्рд╡ाрди рдЧрд░िрди्। рдЕрдз्рдпाрдп резрен-рдЖрднोрди्рдбेрд▓ рд╕्рдХूрд▓ рдЕрд╕्рдЯ्рд░ेрд▓िрдпाрдХो рдЧाрдЙँ рддрдеा рдЦुрд▓ा рд╡ाрддाрд╡рд░рдгрдоा рд╕्рдХूрд▓ рдЦोрд▓्рдиे рдЧृрд╣рдХाрд░्рдпрдоा рдПрд▓ेрди рдЬी рд╣्рд╡ाрдЗрдЯрд╕рд╣िрдд рд╡िрд╢्рд╡ाрд░рд╕ीрд╣рд░ू рд▓ाрдЧेрдХा рдеिрдП। рдЬрдЧ्рдЧा рдЦोрдЬ्рдиे рддрд░рдЦрд░рдоा рд▓ाрдЧ्рджा рдЖрднोрди्рдбेрд▓ рднрди्рдиे рдаाрдЙँрдоा рдПрд▓ेрди рдЬी рд╣्рд╡ाрдЗрдЯрдХो рд╕рд▓्рд▓ाрд╣ рдЕрдиुрд╕ाрд░ рддिрдиीрд╣рд░ूрд▓े рдЙрдкрдпुрдХ्рдд рдЬрдЧ्рдЧा рднेрдЯ्рдЯाрдП। рдЬрдм рдд्рдпो рд╕्рдеाрди рдЙрдкрд▓рдм्рдз рдЧрд░्рди рдкрд░рдоेрд╢्рд╡рдХрд░рдмाрдЯ рдПрд▓ेрди рдЬी рд╣्рд╡ाрдЗрдЯрд▓ाрдИ рд╕्рдкрд╖्рдЯрд░ुрдкрдоा рдЖрднाрд╕् рджिрдиुрднрдпो рддрдм рдд्рдпो рдЬрдЧ्рдЧा рддिрдиीрд╣рд░ूрд▓े рдХिрдиे। рдЕрдиि рд╡िрд╢्рд╡ाрд▓рд╕ीрд╣рд░ूрдХो рд╕ुрд░ुрдХो рдк्рд░рдпाрд╕рд▓ाрдИ рдЯेрд╡ा рджिрди рдПрд▓ेрди рдЬी рд╣्рд╡ाрдЗрдЯрд▓े рдкрдиि рдирдпाँ рдЦोрд▓िрдиे рд╕्рдХूрд▓рдХो рдирдЬिрдХै рдЖрдлूрд▓ाрдИ рдкुрдЧ्рдиे рдЬрддि рдЬрдЧ्рдЧा рдХिрдиुрднрдпो рд░ рдд्рдпрд╣ाँ рдЖрдл्рдиो рдШрд░ рдмрдиाрдЙрдиुрднрдпो। рдЖрднोрди्рдбेрд▓ рдХ्рд╖ेрдд्рд░рдоा рдЖрднोрди्рдбेрд▓ рд╕्рдХूрд▓рдХो рдкрдиि рд╕्рдеाрдкрдиा рднрдпो। рд╕ेрднेрди्рде-рдбे рдПрдбрднेрди्рдЯिрд╕्рдЯрдоा рд╢िрдХ्рд╖ा рдиिрдХाрдп рдХрд╕्рддो рд╣ुрдиुрдкрд░्рдЫ рднрдиेрд░ рдирдоुрдиाрдХो рд░ुрдкрдоा рдЪрд▓ाрдЙрди рдкрд░рдоेрд╢्рд╡ेрд░рд▓े рдЖрднाрд╕् рджिрдиुрднрдПрдХो рдеिрдпो। рдЕрд╕्рдЯ्рд░ेрд▓िрдпाрдоा рдмिрдХрд╕िрдд рднрдЗрд░рд╣рдХो рдкрд░рдоेрд╢्рд╡ाрд░рдХो рдХाрдо рд╕ुрд╕ंрдЧрдаिрдд рд░ рд╡्рдпрд╡рд╕्рдеिрдд рдврдЩ्рдЧрд▓े рдЪрд▓ोрд╕् рднрдиेрд░ рд╕рди резреорепрекрдоा рдЕрд╕्рдЯ्рд░ेрд▓िрдпाрд▓ाрдИ рдпुрдиिрдпрди рдХрди्рдлрд░ेрди्рд╕рдоा рд╕ंрдЧрдаिрдд рдЧрд░िрдпो। рдПрдбрднेрди्рдЯिрд╕्рдЯ рдЗрддिрд╣ाрд╕рдоा рдпो рдкрд╣िрд▓ो рдпुрдиिрдпрди рдХрди्рдлрд░ेрди्рд╕ рдеिрдпो। рдирдпाँ рдпुрдиिрдпрди рдХрди्рдлрд░ेрди्рд╕рдХो рд╕ंрдЧрдардирдоा рд╕рдХ्рд░िрдп рднाрдЧ рд▓िрдиेрдоा рдПрд▓्рдбрд░ рдП.рдЬी рджाрдиिрдПрд▓ рдкрдиि рд╣ुрдиुрд╣ुрди्рде्рдпो। рдЙрд╣ाँрд▓ाрдИ рдЙрд╣ाँрдХा рд╢्рд░ीрдорддीрд╕рд╣िрдд рд╕рди् резреореоремрдоा рд╕ुрд╕рдоाрдЪाрд░ рдк्рд░рдЪाрд░ рдЧрд░्рди рди्рдпु рдЬिрд▓ाрдг्рдбрдоा рдкрдаाрдЗрдПрдХो рдеिрдпो। рдЪрд░्рдЪрдХो рд╕ेрд╡ाрдХाрд░्рдпрдоा рдПрд▓ेрди рдЬी рд╣्рд╡ाрдЗрдЯрд╕ँрдЧрдХो рд╕рд╣рдХाрд░्рдп рд░ рдЙрд╣ाँрдХा рд╕рд▓्рд▓ाрд╣ рдЕрдиुрд╕ाрд░ рдЙрд╣ाँ рдЪрд▓्рдиुрднрдПрдХो рдеिрдпो। рдЪрд░्рдЪрдоा рдзेрд░ै рдк्рд░рд╢ाрд╕рдиिрдХ рд╕рдорд╕्рдпाрд╣рд░ू рдЖрдПрдХा рдеिрдП рддрд░ рдЙрд╣ाँрд▓े рддिрдиीрд╣рд░ूрд▓ाрдИ рдХुрд╢рд▓рддाрдкूрд░्рд╡рдХ рд╕рдо्рд╣ाрд▓्рдиुрднрдПрдХो рдеिрдпो। рдЙрд╣ाँрдХो рдХुрд╢рд▓ рдиेрддृрдд्рд╡ рд░ рдк्рд░рд╢ाрд╕рдиिрдХ рджрдХ्рд╖рддाрд▓े рдЧрд░्рджा рд╕рди резрепрежрезрдХो рдЬрдирд░рд▓ рдХрди्рдлрд░ेрди्рд╕рдХो рд╕ाрдзाрд░рдг рд╕рднाрд▓े рдЙрд╣ाँрд▓ाрдИ рдЬрдирд░рд▓ рдХрди्рдлрд░ेрди्рд╕рдХो рдЕрдз्рдпрдХ्рд╖рдоा рдордиोрдиिрдд рдЧрд░िрдПрдХो рдеिрдпो। рдЕрдз्рдпाрдп резрео-рд╕्рд╡ाрд╕्рде्рдп рддрдеा рдЪिрдХिрдд्рд╕ा рдХ्рд╖ेрдд्рд░рдоा рдХाрдо рд╕ुрд░ु рд╣ुрди्рдЫ рдЕрд╕्рдЯ्рд░ेрд▓िрдпाрдХो рдЖрднोрди्рдбेрд▓рдоा рд╢िрдХ्рд╖ाрд╕рдо्рдмрди्рдзि рдХाрдо рд╕ुрд░ु рднрдПрдХो рд▓рдЧрдд्рддै рд╡िрд╢्рд╡ाрд▓рд╕ीрд╣рд░ूрд▓ाрдИ рд╕्рд╡ाрд╕्рде्рдп рддрдеा рдЪिрдХिрдд्рд╕ा рдХ्рд╖ेрдд्рд░рдоा рддाрд▓िрдо рджिрдПрд░ рд╕ुрд╕рдоाрдЪाрд░ рдк्рд░рдЪाрд░ рдЧрд░्рди рдЖрд╡рд╢्рдпрдХрддा рдорд╣рд╕ुрд╕ рдЧрд░िрдПрдХो рдеिрдпो। рддрджрдЕрдиुрд╕ाрд░ рд╕्рд╡ाрд╕्рде्рдпрдж्рд╡ाрд░ा рд╕ुрд╕рдоाрдЪाрд░ рдк्рд░рдЪाрд░ рдЧрд░्рдиे рдХाрд░्рдпрдХ्рд░рдо рдЧрд░्рди рд╕्рд╡ाрд╕्рде्рдп рд╕ंрд╕्рдеाрдХो рдЧрдарди рдЧрд░्рди рдЖрд╣्рд╡ाрди рдЧрд░िрдпो। рдпрд╕ рдХाрд░्рдпрдоा рдПрд▓ेрди рдЬी рд╣्рд╡ाрдЗрдЯрд▓े рдЖрдл्рдиो рдмрд▓िрдпो рдиैрддिрдХ рд╕рдорд░्рдердирдоाрдд्рд░ рдЬрдиाрдПрдирди् рдЖрдлूрд╕ँрдЧ рднрдПрдХो рд╕िрдоिрдд рдЖрдо्рджाрдиीрд▓े рдкрдиि рд╕ाрдиिрдЯोрд░िрдпрдо рдЕрд░्рдеाрдд् рдЖрд░ोрдЧ्рдп рдиिрд╡ाрд╕ рдмрдиाрдЙрди рд╕рдо्рднрдм рдмрдиाрдЙрдирднрдпो। рдПрд▓ेрди рдЬी рд╣्рд╡ाрдЗрдЯ рдЕрд╕्рдЯ्рд░ेрд▓िрдпाрдХो рдиौ рд╡рд░्рд╖рдХो рдмрд╕ाрдЗрдоा рдзेрд░ै рдЪрд░्рдЪрд╣рд░ू рд╕्рдеाрдкрдиा рднрдПрдХा рдеिрдП। рдЬрд╣ाँ рдЬрд╣ाँ рдЪрд░्рдЪрдХो рдиिрд░्рдоाрдг рднрдпो рдд्рдпрд╣ाँ рдд्рдпрд╣ाँ рдд्рдпрд╕ рдЪрд░्рдЪрдХो рдЙрдж्рдШाूрдЯрди рдЧрд░्рди рдЬाрдиुрднрдПрдХो рдеिрдпो। рдк्рд░ाрдпрдЬрд╕ो рддी рдЪрд░्рдЪрд╣рд░ूрдХो рдиिрд░्рдоाрдгрдоा рдЙрд╣ाँрд▓े рдЖрд░्рдеिрдХ рд╕рд╣ाрдпрддा рдкрдиि рдЧрд░्рдиुрднрдПрдХो рдеिрдпो। рдкрд░рдоेрд╢्рд╡्рд░рдХो рдиिрдо्рддि рд╕्рдеाрдиीрдп рдХ्рд╖ेрдд्рд░рдоा рдХाрдо рдмрдвाрдЙрди рд╕ुрд░ुрдоा рдЙрд╣ाँрд▓े рдЕрдЧ्рд░рдЬ рднूрдоिрдХा рдЦेрд▓्рдиुрднрдПрдХो рдеिрдпो। рдд्рдпो рдХाрдордХो рд╕ाрдеै рдЙрд╣ाँрд▓े рд╣рдЬाрд░ौँ рдкाрдиाрд╣рд░ूрдж्рд╡ाрд░ा рд╕рдорд╕ाрдордпीрдХ рд╕рд░рд╕рд▓्рд▓ाрд╣рд╣рд░ू рджेрд╢ рд░ рд╡िрджेрд╢рдХा рдПрдбрднेрди्рдЯिрд╕्рдЯ рдЕрдЧुрд╡ाрд╣рд░ू рд▓ेрдЦेрд░ рджिрдиुрднрдПрдХो рдеिрдпो। рдк्рд░рдд्рдпेрдХ рд╣рдк्рддाрд▓рдоा рдЫाрдкिрдиे рд░िрдн्рдпु, рд╕ाрдЗрдирд╕ рд░ рдЗрд╕рди्рдЯ्рд░рдХрдЯрд░рдоा рдкрдд्рд░िрдХाрд╣рд░ूрдоा рдЙрд╣ाँрд▓े рд▓ेрдЦ рдкрдаाрдЙрдиु рд╣ुрди्рде्рдпो। рдЙрд╣ाँрдХो рдаूрд▓ो рд╡्рдпрд╕्рддрддाрд▓े рдЧрд░्рджा рдЙрд╣ाँрд▓े рдЪाрд╣ेрдХो рдпेрд╢ूрдХो рдЬीрд╡рдиीрдХो рдкुрд╕्рддрдХ рдиिрдХाрд▓्рди рдвिрд▓ो рднрдПрдХो рдеिрдпो। рд╕рди резреорепреордоा рдпेрд╢ूрдХो рдЬीрд╡рдиी рднрдПрдХो рдкुрд╕्рддрдХ рдж рдбिрдЬाрдПрд░ рдЕрдн рдПрдЬेрдЬ рдкुрд╕्рддрдХ рд▓ेрдЦ्рдирди рд╕рдХिрдПрдХो рдеिрдпो рд░ рдЫाрдкिрдПрдХो рдкрдиि рдеिрдпो। рдд्рдпрд╕рдХो рджुрдИ рд╡рд░्рд╖рдкрдЫि рдердЯрд╕् рдл्рд░рдо рдж рдоाрдЙрди्рдЯ рдЕрдн рдм्рд▓ेрд╢िрдЩ्рдЧрд╕ рдЫाрдкिрдпो। рдЕрдиि рд╕рди् резрепрежрежрдоा рдХ्рд░ाрдЗрд╕्рдЯ рдЕрдмрдЬेрдХ्рдЯ рд▓ेрд╕рдирд╕ рд░ рдЯेрд╕्рдЯिрдоोрдиिрдЬ рдлрд░ рдж рдЪрд░्рдЪ, рдаेрд▓ी рем рдкрдиि рдк्рд░ेрд╕рдмाрдЯ рдиिрд╕्рдХिрдПрдХो рдеिрдП। рдЕрдз्рдпाрдп резреп-рдЕрдл्рд░िрдХी-рдЕрдоेрд░िрдХрдирд╣рд░ूрдХो рдмीрдЪрдоा рдЪрд░्рдЪрдХो рдХाрдо рдмिрд╕्рддाрд░ рдЕрдоेрд░िрдХाрдХो рджрдХ्рд╖िрдг рдХ्рд╖ेрдд्рд░рдоा рдЕрдл्рд░िрдХाрдмाрдЯ рдЖрдПрдХा рдзेрд░ै рдоाрдиिрд╕рд╣рд░ू рдЕрдоेрд░िрдХाрдХो рдиाрдЧрд░िрдХ рднрдПрд░ рдмрд╕ोрдмाрд╕ рдЧрд░ेрдХा рдеिрдП। рддी рдХ्рд╖ेрдд्рд░рдоा рд╕ेрднेрди्рде-рдбे рдПрдбрднेрди्рдЯिрд╕्рдЯ рд╕ुрд╕рдоाрдЪाрд░ рд╕ुрдиाрдЙрди рдПрд▓ेрди рдЬी рд╣्рд╡ाрдЗрдЯрд▓े рд╕рди резреорепрезрдоा рдЪрд░्рдЪрдХो рдЕрдЧुрд╡ाрд╣рд░ूрд▓ाрдИ рдЕрдиुрд░ोрдз рдЧрд░ेрдХी рдеिрдЗрди्। рдд्рдпрд╕рдХो рддीрди рд╡рд░्рд╖рдкрдЫि рдЙрд╣ाँрдХो рдПрдХ рдЬрдиा рдЫोрд░ा, рдЬेрдо्рд╕ рдПрдбрд╕рди рд╣्рд╡ाрдЗрдЯрд▓े рдд्рдпрд╕ рдХ्рд╖ेрдд्рд░рдоा рд░рд╣ेрдХो рдоिрд╕िрд╕िрдкी рдирджीрдоा рдЪрд▓ाрдЙрди рдмाрдлрд▓े рдЪрд▓्рдиे рдбुрдЩ्рдЧा рдмрдиाрдП। рдд्рдпрд╕ рдбुрдЩ्рдЧाрдоा рдпाрдд्рд░ा рдЧрд░ेрд░ рдоिрд╕िрд╕िрдкी рд░ рдЯेрдирд╕्рд╕ीрдоा рднрдПрдХा рдЕрдл्рд░िрдХी рдоूрд▓рдХा рдЕрдоेрд░िрдХрдирд╣рд░ूрд▓ाрдИ рдЙрдирд▓े рд╕ुрд╕рдоाрдЪाрд░ рд╕ुрдиाрдП। рдд्рдпрд╕ рдбुрдЩ्рдЧाрд▓ाрдИ рдЙрдирд▓े рдХрд░िрдм рджрд╢ рд╡рд░्рд╖ рдк्рд░рдпोрдЧ рдЧрд░ेрдХा рдеिрдП। рд╕рди резреорепрел рд░ резреорепремрдоा рдПрд▓ेрди рдЬी рд╣्рд╡ाрдЗрдЯрд▓े рдЕрдоेрд░िрдХाрдХो рджрдХ्рд╖िрдг рдХ्рд╖ेрдд्рд░рдоा рд░рд╣ेрдХा рдЕрдл्рд░ो-рдЕрдоेрд░िрдХीрд╣рд░ूрд▓ाрдИ рд╕ुрд╕рдоाрдЪाрд░ рд╕ुрдиाрдЙрди рдк्рд░рдпाрд╕ рдЧрд░िрдиुрдкрд░्рдЫ рднрдиेрд░ рдПрдбрднेрди्рдЯिрд╕्рдЯ рдЪрд░्рдЪрдХो рдоुрдЦрдкрдд्рд░ рд░िрдн्рдпु рдПрдг्рдб рд╣ेрд░ाрд▓्рдбрдоा рд▓ेрдЦрд╣рд░ू рдЫाрдкिрди्। рдд्рдпрд╕ рдХ्рд╖ेрдд्рд░рдоा рдХाрдо рдЧрд░्рдиे рдЪрд░्рдЪрдХा рд╕ेрд╡рдХрд╣рд░ूрд▓ाрдИ рдЙрдирд▓े рд╕рд░рд╕рд▓्рд▓ाрд╣ рд░ рдЙрдд्рд╕ाрд╣ рджिрдЗрди्। рдЕрд▓्рдмाрдоाрдХो рд╣рди्рдЯрд╕рднिрд▓ рдЧाрдЙँрдоा рдУрдХрдЙрдб рдХрд▓ेрдЬ рд╕्рдеाрдкрдиा рдЧрд░्рди рдЬोрд░рджाрд░ рд╕рдорд░्рдерди рд░ рд╕рд╣ाрдпрддा рдЧрд░िрди्। рдд्рдпрд╕ рдХ्рд╖ेрдд्рд░рдоा рд░рд╣ेрдХा рдпुрд╡ा рдЕрдл्рд░िрдХी-рдЕрдоेрд░िрдХрдирд╣рд░ूрд▓ाрдИ рд╢िрдХ्рд╖ा рджिрди рдд्рдпो рдХрд▓ेрдЬ рд╕्рдеाрдкрдиा рднрдПрдХो рдеिрдпो। рд╕рди् резрепрежрекрдоा рдд्рдпрд╕ рдХрд▓ेрдЬрдХा рд╡िрдж्рдпाрд░्рдеी рд░ рд╢िрдХ्рд╖рдХрд╣рд░ूрд▓ाрдИ рд╕рдо्рдмोрдзрди рдЧрд░्рдиे рдХ्рд░рдордоा рдпो рднрдиिрди्рди, "рдпрд╕ рд╕्рдХूрд▓ рдпрд╕ рд╕्рдеाрдирдоा рд╣ुрдиु рдкрд░्рдиे рдкрд░рдоेрд╢्рд╡рдХрд░рдХो рд▓рдХ्рд╖्рдп рдеिрдпो।" рдПрд▓ेрди рдЬी рд╣्рд╡ाрдЗрдЯрд▓े рдЖрдл्рдиा рдмाँрдХि рдЬीрд╡рдирдХाрд▓рднрд░ि рдЕрдоेрд░िрдХाрдХो рджрдХ्рд╖िрдг рд░ाрдЬ्рдпрдоा рд░рд╣ेрдХा рдЕрд╢्рд╡ेिрддрд╣рд░ूрдоा рдЪрд░्рдЪрдХो рдХाрдордоा рдиिрд░рди्рддрд░рд░ूрдкрдоा рдЧрд╣िрд░ो рдЪाрд╕ो рджेрдЦाрдПрдХी рдеिрдЗрди्। рдЕрдз्рдпाрдп реиреж-рдЕрдоेрд░िрдХा рдлрд░्рдХिрдиुрд╣ुрди्рдЫ рдПрдХ рджिрди рд╕рди резрепрежрежрдоा рдПрд▓ेрди рдЬी рд╣्рд╡ाрдЗрдЯрд▓े рдЙрдирдХा рд╕рд╣рдпोрдЧीрд╣рд░ूрд▓ाрдИ рдЫрдХ्рдХ् рдкाрд░्рдиे рдЧрд░ि рднрдиिрди् рдХि рдЙрдиी рдЕрдоेрд░िрдХा рдлрд░्рдХрдиैрдкрд░्рдЫ рднрдиेрд░ рдПрдХ рд░ाрдд рдкрд░рдоेрд╢्рд╡ рд░рд▓े рднрди्рдиुрднрдпो। рдЙрдиी рдЕрд╕्рдЯ्рд░ेрд▓िрдпाрдоा рдиै рдеिрдЗрди्। рдд्рдпрд╕ рджेрд╢рдоा рднрдЗрд░рд╣ेрдХो рдХाрдордХो рдкрд░िрд╡ेрд╢рдоा рдЙрдиी рдЕрдоेрд░िрдХा рдлрд░्рдХрдиुрдкрд░्рдиे рдХुрд░ो рдЙрдкрдпुрдХ्рдд рдеिрдПрди। рддрд░ рдЖрдл्рдиो рдЪрд░्рдЪрдХो рдоाрдоिрд▓ाрдоा рдЖрдл्рдиो рдЖँрдЦा рд░ाрдЦिрд░рд╣ुрдирд╣ुрдиे рд░ рднрд╡िрд╖्рдп рдеाрд╣ा рдкाрдЙрдиे рдкрд░рдоेрд╢्рд╡्рд░рд▓ाрдИ рдЙрдирдХो рдЙрдкрд╕्рдеिрддि рдЕрдоेрд░िрдХाрдоा рдЦाँрдЪो рднрдПрдХो рдеाрд╣ा рдеिрдпो। рд╢рддाрдм्рдзीрдХो рд╕ुрд░ुрдоा рднрдПрдХा рдЪрд░्рдЪрдХा рд╡िрднिрди्рди рд╢рдЩ्рдХрдЯрд╣рд░ूрдоा рдЙрд╣ाँрдХो рдЦाँрдЪो рдеिрдпो। рдЙрдиी рдлрд░्рдХेрд░ рдХ्рдпाрд▓िрдлोрд░्рдиिрдпाрдХो рд╕ेрди्рдЯ рд╣ेрд▓ेрдиाрднрди्рдиे рд╕рд╣рд░рдмाрдЯ рдХेрд╣ी рдоाрдЗрд▓ рдЯाрдвा рдЖрдл्рдиो рдШрд░ рдПрд▓рдо्рд╕ाрд╣ेрднेрдирдоा рдмрдиाрдЗрди्। рдд्рдпрд╣ाँ рдЙрдиी рдЙрдирдХो рдЬीрд╡рдирдХो рдмाँрдХि резрел рд╡рд░्рд╖ рдмिрддाрдЗрди्। рдд्рдпрд╕рдмेрд▓ा рдЙрдирд▓े рдкुрд╕्рддрдХрд╣рд░ू рдмрдиाрдЙрди, рд▓ेрдЦрд╣рд░ू рд▓ेрдЦ्‍рди, рд╡्рдпрдХ्рддिрдЧрддрд░ूрдкрдоा рд╕ेрд╡ाрдХाрд░्рдп рдЧрд░्рди рд░ рдпाрдд्рд░ा рдЧрд░्рди рд╕рдордп рдмिрддाрдЗрди्। рд╕ेрди्рдЯ рд╣ेрд▓ेрдиाрдоा рдЖрдл्рдиो рдмрд╕ाрдЗрд╕рд░ाрдЗ рдЧрд░ेрдХो рдХेрд╣ी рд╕рдордп рд▓рдЧрдд्рддै рдЙрдирд▓ाрдИ рд╕рди резрепрежрежрдоा рд╣ुрдиे рдЬрдирд░рд▓ рдХрди्рдлрд░ेрди्рд╕рдХो рд╕ाрдзाрд░рдг рд╕рднाрдоा рд╕рд░िрдХ рд╣ुрди рдЕрдиुрд░ोрдз рдЧрд░िрдПрдХो рдеिрдпो। рдд्рдпो рд╕рднा рдоिрд╢िрдЧрди рд░ाрдЬ्рдпрдХो рдмाрдЯ्рдЯрд▓ рдХ्рд░ीрдХрдоा рд╣ुрдиेрднрдПрдХो рдеिрдпो। рдд्рдпो рд╕рднा рдорд╣рдд्рдд्рд╡рдкूрд░्рдг рдеिрдпो। рдд्рдпрд╕рдмेрд▓ा рдЙрдирд▓े рд╕ाрд╣рд╕ीрдХाрд╕ाрде рд╕ेрднेрди्рде-рдбे рдПрдбрднेрди्рдЯिрд╕्рдЯ рдЬрдирд░рд▓ рдХрди्рдлрд░ेрди्рд╕рдХो рдХाрдорд▓ाрдИ рдЧрддिрд╢िрд▓ рджिрди рдд्рдпрд╕ рдиिрдХाрдпрд▓ाрдИ рдкुрдирд░्рдЧрдарди рдЖрд╣्рд╡ाрди рдЧрд░िрди्। рдд्рдпрд╣ाँ рднेрд▓ा рднрдПрдХा рдк्рд░рддिрдиिрдзीрд╣рд░ूрд▓े рдЙрдирдХो рдЖрд╣्рд╡ाрдирд▓ाрдИ рд╕рдорд░्рдерди рдЧрд░े। рдд्рдпрд╕рдмेрд▓ा рдЬрдирд░рд▓ рдХрди्рдлрд░ेрди्рд╕рдХा рдиिрдХाрдпрд╣рд░ू рдХेрд╡рд▓ рдеोрд░ै рдоाрдиिрд╕рд╣рд░ूрд▓ेрдоाрдд्рд░ рд╕рдо्рд╣ाрд▓ेрдХा рдеिрдП। рдмрдвिрд░рд╣ेрдХो рдЪрд░्рдЪрдоा рдЕрдЭ рд╡िрднिрди्рди рдиिрдХाрдпрд╣рд░ूрдХो рдЖрд╡рд╢्рдпрдХ рднрдПрдХोрд▓े рддी рдиिрдХाрдпрд╣рд░ूрдХो рдЧрдарди рдЧрд░्рджै рддिрдиीрд╣рд░ूрд▓ाрдИ рд╕рдо्рд╣ाрд▓्рди рд╡िрднिрди्рди рдЬिрдо्рдоेрд╡ाрд░ी рдоाрдиिрд╕рд╣рд░ूрд▓ाрдИ рдиिрдпुрдХ्рдд рдЧрд░िрдПрдХो рдеिрдпो। рдЬрдирд░рд▓ рдХрди्рдлрд░ेрди्рд╕ рд░ рд╕्рдеाрдиीрдп рдХрди्рдлрд░ेрди्рд╕рдХो рдмीрдЪрдоा рд╕рдорди्рд╡рдп рдЧрд░्рди рдпुрдиिрдпрди рдХрди्рдлрд░ेрди्рд╕рд╣рд░ू рдЧрдарди рдЧрд░्рдиे рдпोрдЬрдиा рднрдПрдХो рдеिрдпो। рддी рдХрджрдорд╣рд░ूрд▓े рд╕ेрднेрди्рде-рдбे рдПрдбрднेрди्рдЯिрд╕्рдЯ рдЪрд░्рдЪрдХो рдХाрдордоा рдмिрдХाрд╕ рдЧрд░्рди рд░ рдаूрд▓ोрдоाрдд्рд░ाрдоा рдмिрд╕्рддाрд░िрдд рдЧрд░्рди рд╕рд╣рдпोрдЧ рдоिрд▓ेрдХो рдеिрдпो। рджुрдИ рд╡рд░्рд╖рдкрдЫि рдПрд▓ेрди рдЬी рд╣्рд╡ाрдЗрдЯрдХै рд╕рд░рд╕рд▓्рд▓ाрд╣ рдЕрдиुрд╕ाрд░ рд░िрдн्рдпु рдПрдг्рдб рд╣ेрд░ाрд▓्рдб рдЖрд╕ोрд╢िрдпрд╢рди рдмाрдЯ्рдЯрд▓ рдХ्рд░ीрдХрдмाрдЯ рдЕрдоेрд░िрдХाрдХो рдкूрд░्рд╡ी рдХ्рд╖ेрдд्рд░ рдоेрд░िрд▓्рдпाрдг्рдбрдХो рдЯाрдХोрдоा рдкाрд░्рдХрдоा рд╕ाрд░िрдпो। рдпो рд╕्рдеाрди рдЕрдоेрд░िрдХाрдХो рд░ाрдЬрдзाрдиी рд╡ाрд╢िрдЩ्рдЧрдЯрди рдбीрд╕ीрдХो рдЖрд╕рдкाрд╕рдоा рдеिрдпो। рдпрд╕рдмेрд▓ा рдПрд▓ेрди рдЬी рд╣्рд╡ाрдЗрдЯрд▓े рдХ्рдпाрд▓िрдлोрд░्рдиिрдпाрдХो рдЖрдл्рдиो рдШрд░рдмाрдЯ рдЯाрдХोрдоा рдкाрд░्рдХрдоा рдШрд░ рдмрдиाрдПрд░ рд╕рд░िрди्। рдХрдорд╕ेрдХрдо рдкाँрдЪ рдорд╣िрдиाрд╕рдо्рдо рдЙрдирд▓े рдд्рдпрд╣ाँрдмाрдЯ рдЖрдл्рдиो рдХाрдо рдЧрд░िрди्। рдд्рдпрд╣ाँ рд╕ेрднेрди्рде-рдбे рдПрдбрднेрди्рдЯिрд╕्рдЯ рдЪрд░्рдЪрдХो рдоूрдЦ्рдпाрд▓рдп рд╕्рдеाрдкрдиा рднрдПрдХो рдеिрдпो। рдЙрдирдХो рдд्рдпрд╕ рдЗрд▓ाрдХाрдоा рднрдПрдХो рдЙрдкрд╕्рдеिрддि рд░ рдЙрд╣ाँрдХो рдиिрд░्рдгрдпрд▓े рдЕрдоेрд░िрдХाрдХो рдкूрд░्рд╡ी рдХ्рд╖ेрдд्рд░рдоा рд╕्рдеाрдкрдиा рднрдПрдХो рдЪрд░्рдЪрдХा рдоूрдЦ्рдпाрд▓рдпрд╣рд░ूрдоा рдЯेрд╡ा рдоिрд▓ेрдХो рдеिрдпो। рдЕрдз्рдпाрдп реирез-рдЕрди्рддिрдо рд╡्рдпрд╕्рдд рд╡рд░्рд╖рд╣рд░ू рд╕рди резрепрежрелрдоा рдПрд▓ेрди рдЬी рд╣्рд╡ाрдЗрдЯрд▓े рдоिрдиिрд╕्рдЯ्рд░ी рдЕрдн рд╣िрд▓िрдЩ्рдЧ рдкुрд╕्рддрдХ рдЫाрдкिрди्। рдоाрдиिрд╕рдХो рд╢ाрд░ीрд░िрдХ, рдоाрдирд╕िрдХ рд░ рдЖрдд्рдоिрдХ рдЬीрд╡рдирд▓ाрдИ рдХрд╕рд░ी рд╕्рд╡рд╕्рде рд░ाрдЦ्рдиेा рднрди्рдиे рд╕рдо्рдмрди्рдзрдоा рдд्рдпो рдХिрддाрдм рд▓ेрдЦिрдПрдХो рдеिрдпो। рд╕рди резрепрежреирдоा рд╕ेрднेрди्рде-рдбे рдПрдбрднेрди्рдЯिрд╕्рдЯрдХा рд╢िрдХ्рд╖рдг рд╕ंрд╕्рдеाрдоा рдк्рд░рдЪрд▓िрдд рд░ рд╕рд╣ी рд╢िрдХ्рд╖ा рдХे рд╣ो рднрди्рдиे рд╡्рдпाрдЦ्рдпा рдЧрд░्рдиे рдкुрд╕्рддрдХ рдПрдЬुрдХेрд╢рди рдЫाрдкीрдПрдХो рдеिрдпो। рд╕рди резрепрежреи рд░ резрепрежрекрдоा рдПрдХ рдкрдЫि рдЕрд░्рдХो рдЧрд░ेрд░ рдЯेрд╕्рдЯिрдоोрдиिрдЬ рдлрд░ рдж рдЪрд░्рдЪ, рдаेрд▓ी рен,рео рдЫाрдкिрдПрдХो рдеिрдпो। рдЬрдм рдЙрдиी рд╡ाрд╢िрдЩ्рдЧрдЯрдирдоा рдеिрдЗрди् рдд्рдпрд╕рдмेрд▓ा рджрдХ्рд╖िрдг рдХ्рдпाрд▓िрдлोрд░्рдиिрдпाрдоा рд░рд╣ेрдХा рдЪрд░्рдЪрдХा рдЕрдЧुрд╡ाрд╣рд░ूрд▓ाрдИ рд▓ोрдоाрд▓िрди्рдбा рднрди्рдиे рдаाрдЙँрдоा рд╕्рд╡ाрд╕्рде्рдп рдХेрди्рдж्рд░ рд╕्рдеाрдкрдиाрдХो рдиिрдо्рддि рдЬрдЧ्рдЧा рдХिрди्рди рдк्рд░ोрдд्рд╕ाрд╣рди рджिрдЗрди्। рдд्рдпрд╕ рдХ्рд╖ेрдд्рд░ рд╡ा рдкाрд╕िрдлिрдХ рдХोрд╕्рдЯрдоा рд╢िрдХ्рд╖ाрдХो рдоाрдз्рдпрдордмाрдЯ рд╕्рд╡ाрд╕्рде्рдпрдХो рдмाрд░ेрдоा рд╕िрдХाрдПрд░ рдкрд░рдоेрд╢्рд╡рд╕рд░рдХो рдХाрдо рдЧрд░्рди рдЙрдирд▓े рдЖрд╣्рд╡ाрди рдЧрд░ेрдХी рдеिрдЗрди्। рдХेрд╣ी рд╡рд░्рд╖ рдЙрдирд▓े рдЖрдл्рдиो рдХाрдорд▓ाрдИ рдкрди्рдЫाрдПрд░ рд▓ोрдоाрд▓िрди्рдбाрдХा рдХрд░्рдордЪाрд░ीрд╣рд░ूрд▓ाрдИ рдЙрдд्рд╕ाрд╣ рджिрди рдмेрд▓ाрдмेрд▓ाрдоा рдд्рдпрд╣ाँ рдпाрдд्рд░ा рдЧрд░िрди् рд╕ाрдеै рдХ्рдпाрд▓िрдлोрд░्рдиिрдпाрдХै рд╕ाрди рдбिрдпрдЧोрдХो рдирдЬिрдХ рдкाрд░ाрдбाрдЗрдЬ рдн्рдпाрд▓ी рд╕ाрдиिрдЯोрд░िрдпрдордоा рдкрдиि рдд्рдпрд╣ाँрдХा рдХрд░्рдЪाрд░ीрд╣рд░ूрд▓ाрдИ рд╕рд░рд╕рд▓्рд▓ाрд╣ рд░ рдЙрдд्рд╕ाрд╣ рджिрди рдкрдиि рдЧрдПрдХी рдеिрдЗрди्। рдпो рд╕्рд╡ाрд╕्рде рдХेрди्рдж्рд░ рд╕рди резрепрежрейрдоा рд╕्рдеाрдкрдиा рдЧрд░्рди рдЙрдирд▓े рд╕рд╣рдпोрдЧ рдЧрд░ेрдХी рдеिрдЗрди्। рдЬрдм рдЙрдиी реорез рд╡рд░्рд╖рдХी рдеिрдЗрди् рдПрд▓ेрди рдЬी рд╣्рд╡ाрдЗрдЯрд▓े рд╡ाрд╢िрдЩ्рдЧрдЯрдирдоा рднрдПрдХो рд╕рди резрепрежрепрдХो рдЬрдирд░рд▓ рдХрди्рдлрд░ेрди्рд╕рдХो рд╕ाрдзाрд░рдг рд╕рднाрдоा рднाрдЧ рд▓िрди рдХ्рдпाрд▓िрдлोрд░्рдиिрдпाрдмाрдЯ рдЧрдПрдХी рдеिрдЗрди्। рдд्рдпрд╕ рд╕рднाрдоा рдЙрдирд▓े рдзेрд░ै рдкрд▓्рдЯ рд╕्рдкрд╖्рдЯ рдЖрд╡ाрдЬрд▓े рд╕рдо्рдмोрдзрди рдЧрд░ेрдХी рдеिрдЗрди्। рдЬрдирд░рд▓ рдХрди्рдлрд░ेрди्рд╕рдХो рд╕рднा рдкрдЫि рдоेрдирдХो рдкोрд░्рдЯрд▓्рдпाрдг्рдбрдоा рд░рд╣ेрдХो рдЖрдл्рдиो рдкुрд░ाрдиो рдШрд░рдоा рдЬाрдиे рд▓ाрдоो рд╕рдордпрд╕рдо्рдо рд░ाрдЦिрд░рд╣ेрдХो рд╣ृрджрдпрдХो рдЪाрд╣рдиा рдкूрд░ा рдЧрд░िрди्। рдд्рдпрд╕ рд╕्рдеाрдирдоा рд░рд╣ेрдХो рд╕ेрднेрди्рде-рдбे рдПрдбрднेрди्рдЯिрд╕्рдЯрдХो рдиिрдо्рддि рдРрддिрд╣ाрд╕िрдХ рдорд╣рдд्рдд्рд╡рдХो рд╕ंрд░рдЪрдиाрдоा рдЧрдПрд░ рдЖрдл्рдиो рдЧрд╡ाрд╣ी рд╕ुрдиाрдЗрди्। ремрел рд╡рд░्рд╖ рдкрд╣िрд▓े рдк्рд░рднुрдХो рдХाрдо рдЙрдирд▓े рдд्рдпрд╣ाँрдмाрдЯ рд╕ुрд░ु рдЧрд░ेрдХि рдеिрдЗрди्। рдЕрдоेрд░िрдХाрдХो рдкूрд░्рд╡ी рд░ाрдЬ्рдпрд╣рд░ूрдоा рдпो рдЙрд╣ाँрдХो рдЕрди्рддिрдо рдпाрдд्рд░ा рдеिрдпो। рдд्рдпрд╕ рд╕्рдеाрдирдоा рд░рд╣ेрдХा рд╕ेрднेрди्рде-рдбे рдПрдбрднेрди्рдЯिрд╕्рдЯрд╣рд░ू рд░ рдЬрдирд░рд▓ рдХрди्рдлрд░ेрди्рд╕рдоा рдЙрд╣ाँрд▓ाрдИ рднेрдЯेрдХा рд╡िрд╢्рд╡ाेрд╕ीрд╣рд░ूрдоा рдЙрд╣ाँрдХा рдЧрд╡ाрд╣ीрд╣рд░ूрд▓े рд▓ाрдоो рд╕рдордпрд╕рдо्рдо рдмрд▓्рджोрдЬрд▓्рджो рдк्рд░рднाрд╡ рдкाрд░ेрдХो рдеिрдпो। рдд्рдпрд╕рдкрдЫि рдпрд╕ рд╕ंрд╕ाрд░рдоा рдЙрдирдХो рдЬीрд╡рди рдеोрд░ै рд╕рдордпрдоाрдд्рд░ рдЫ рднрдиेрд░ рдеाрд╣ा рдкाрдПрд░ рдЖрдл्рдиो рдШрд░ рдПрд▓्рдорд╕ाрд╣ेрднेрдирдоा рдмрд╕ेрд░ рдзेрд░ै рдкुрд╕्рддрдХрд╣рд░ू рддрдпाрд░ рдЧрд░्рди рдЕрдердХ рдк्рд░рдпाрд╕ рдЧрд░िрди्। рдЪрд░्рдЪрд▓ाрдИ рд╕ुрдЪाрд░ुрд░ुрдкрд▓े рдЪрд▓ाрдЙрди рдЙрдирд▓े рдзेрд░ै рдорд╣рдд्рдд्рд╡рдкूрд░्рдг рдиिрд░्рджेрд╢рдирд╣рд░ू рдк्рд░рд╕्рддुрдд рдЧрд░ेрд░ рдкुрд╕्рддрдХрд╣рд░ू рд▓ेрдЦेрдХी рдеिрдЗрди्। рд╕рди резрепрежрезрдоा рдЯेрд╕्рдЯिрдоोрдиिрдЬ рдлрд░ рдж рдЪрд░्рдЪ, рдаेрд▓ी реп, рдЫाрдкिрди्। рд╕рди् резрепрезрезрдоा рдпेрд╢ूрдХा рдЪेрд▓ाрд╣рд░ूрдХो рдмाрд░ेрдоा рд▓ेрдЦेрдХो рдкुрд╕्рддрдХ рдк्рд░ेрд╕рдмाрдЯ рджेрдЦाрдкрд░्рдпो्। рд╕рди резрепрезрейрдоा рдмाрдмुрдЖрдоा рд░ рд╢िрдХ्рд╖рдХрд╣рд░ूрд▓ाрдИ рд╕рд▓्рд▓ाрд╣ рджिрди рдХाрдЙрди्рд╕िрд▓ рдЯु рдкाрд░ेрди्рдЯрд╕ рдПрдг्рдб рдЯिрдЪрд░्рд╕ рдЫाрдкिрди्। рд╕рди резрепрезрекрдоा рд╕ुрд╕рдоाрдЪाрд░ рдк्рд░рдЪाрд░рдХрд╣рд░ूрдХो рдиिрдо्рддि рдЕрдд्рдпрди्рддै рдЙрдкрдпोрдЧी рдкुрд╕्рддрдХ рдЧрд╕्рдкрд▓ рд╡рд░्рдХрд░्рд╕ рддрдпाрд░ рдЧрд░िрди् рд░ рдк्рд░ेрд╕рдоा рдкрдаाрдЗрдпो। рдЙрдирдХो рдмाँрдХि рд╕рдХ्рд░िрдп рдорд╣िрдиाрд╣рд░ूрдоा рдПрд▓ेрди рдЬी рд╣्рд╡ाрдЗрдЯрд▓े рдкाрдЯ्рд░рдпाрд░्рдХ рдПрдг्рдб рдХिрдЩ्рдЧрд╕् рд▓ेрдЦ्рдирдХ рдЖрдл्рдиो рд╕рдордп рд╕рдорд░्рдкिрдд рдЧрд░िрди्। рд╕рди резрепрезрелрдХो рдлेрдм्рд░ुрдЕрд░ी рдорд╣िрдиाрдХो резрей рддाрд░िрдЦрдХो рджिрди рдПрд▓्рдорд╕ाрд╣ेрднेрдирдоा рд░рд╣ेрдХो рдЖрдл्рдиो рдЖрд░ाрдорджाрдпрдХ рдЕрдз्рдпрдпрди рдХोрдаाрдоा рдЬाрдиे рдХ्рд░рдордоा рдХेрд╣ी рдмрд╕्рддुрд╕ँрдЧ рдаेрд╕ рдЦाрдПрд░ рд▓рдбिрди् рд░ рдЙрдиी рдЙрда्рди рд╕рдХिрдирди्। рдЙрдирд▓ाрдИ рд╕рд╣рдпोрдЧ рдЧрд░्рди рдоाрдиिрд╕рд╣рд░ू рдмोрд▓ाрдЗрдпो рд░ рдд्рдпो рджुрд░्рдШрдЯ्рдиा рдЧрдо्рднिрд░ рдЦाрд▓рдХो рдеिрдпो рднрдиेрд░ рддिрдиीрд╣рд░ूрд▓े рдорд╣рд╕ुрд╕ рдЧрд░े। рдЙрдирдХो рдмाрдпाँ рд╣िрдк рднाँрдЪेрдХो рднрдиेрд░ рдПрдХ्рд╕-рд░ेрд▓े рджेрдЦाрдпो। рдд्рдпрд╕рдХो рдлрд▓рд╕्рд╡рд░ुрдк рдЙрдиी рдкाँрдЪ рдорд╣िрдиाрд╕рдо्рдо рдЖрдл्рдиै рдУрдЫ्рдпाрди рд╡ा рд╣्рд╡िрд▓рдЪेрдпрд░рдоा рдкрд░िрд░рд╣िрди्। рдЬрдм рдЙрд╣ाँрдХा рдЖрдлрди्рдд рд░ рдоिрдд्рд░рд╣рд░ू рднेрдЯ्рди рдЖрдП рддрдм рддिрдиीрд╣рд░ूрд▓े рдЙрд╣ाँрд▓ाрдИ рд╣ँрд╕िрд▓ो рдиै рджेрдЦेрдХा рдеिрдП। рдкрд░рдоेрд╢्рд╡рдлрд░рд▓े рджिрдиुрднрдПрдХो рдХाрдо рд╡िрд╢्рд╡ाрд░рд╕рд╕ाрде рд╕рдо्рдкрди्рди рдЧрд░िрдПрдХो рднाрд╡рдиाрд╣рд░ू рдЙрдирд▓े рдЖрдл्рдиा рдЕрди्рддिрдо рджिрдирд╣рд░ूрдоा рд╡्рдпрдХ्рдд рдЧрд░ेрдХा рдеिрдП। рдЙрдирд▓े рдк्рд░рдпाрд╕ рдЧрд░ेрдХो рд╕рдд्рдпрдХो рдХाрдорд▓े рдЕрди्рдд्рдпрдоा рд╡िрдЬрдпी рдкाрдЙрдиे рдЫ рднрди्рдиे рдХुрд░ाрдоा рдЙрдиी рдвुрдХ्рдХि рднрдПрдХी рдеिрдЗрди्। рд╕рди резрепрезрелрдХो рдЬुрд▓ाрдИ рдорд╣िрдиाрдХो резрем рддाрд░िрдЦрдоा реоренрдХो рдЙрдоेрд░рдоा рдПрд▓ेрди рдЬी рд╣्рд╡ाрдЗрдЯрд▓े рдЖрдл्рдиो рдЬीрд╡рдирдХो рдЕрди्рддिрдо рд╕ाрд╕ рдлेрд░िрди्। рдЙрдирд▓ाрдИ рдЙрдирдХै рд╢्рд░ीрдоाрди рдЬेрдо्рд╕ рд╣्рд╡ाрдЗрдЯрдХो рдЪिрд╣ाрди рдиिрд░ рдпेрд╢ू рдирдЖрдЙँрдЮ्рдЬेिрд▓ рдмिрд╢्рд░ाрдо рдЧрд░ाрдЗрди्। рдпो рдоिрд╢िрдЧрди рд░ाрдЬ्рдпрдХो рдмाрдЯ्рдЯрд▓ рдХ्рд░िрдХрдоा рд░рд╣ेрдХो рдУрдХ рд╣िрд▓ рд╕िрдоेрдЯрд░ी рд╡ा рдЪिрд╣ाрди рдеिрдпो рдЬुрди рдЕрд╣िрд▓े рдкрдиि рдЫ। рдПрд▓ेрди рдЬी рд╣्рд╡ाрдЗрдЯрдХो рдЬीрд╡рдирднрд░ि рдПрдбрднेрди्рдЯिрд╕्рдЯ рдЕрднिрдпाрди рд╕ाрдиो рдЭुрдг्рдбрдмाрдЯ рдмрдвेрд░ резрейрем,реоренреп рд╡िрд╢्рд╡ाीрд╕ीрд╣рд░ू рднрдПрдХो рдЙрдирд▓े рджेрдЦेрдХी рдеिрдЗрди्। рдЖрдЬ (рд╕рди् реирежреиреж) рдд्рдпो рд╕ंрдЦ्рдпा рдмрдвेрд░ рджुрдИ рдХрд░ोрдбрднрди्рджा рдмेрд╕ी рдПрдбрднेрди्рдЯिрд╕्рдЯрд╣рд░ू рд╕ंрд╕ाрд░рдоा рдЫрд░िрдПрдХा рдЫрди्। -рдЬुрд▓ाрдИ реиреж, реирежреиреж рдЕрдиुрд╡ाрдж