Saturday, September 29, 2012

Grow or Row

"Growing in Christ" or Rowing with Satan

The Nepali version of last quarter of 2012 Sabbath School lesson has been unique one because it was translated in three continents-North America, atmospheric heaven (over 35,000 feet from New York to Delhi flight) and in Nepal (Asia). Written by Kwabena Donkor, the director of GC Biblical Research Center, the title of the lesson is "Growing in Christ". It is a call to grow in Christ, in spite of the row that is being created by Satan. This lesson touches some of the core doctrines of SDA Church but mainly focuses on the great controversy. It does not hesitate to point out that the Church is one of the stages where great controversy between Jesus and Satan takes place and each member is taking a decisive role on which side he or she is on without giving a choice of middle ground. Do we want to grow in Christ till we reach the stature as He planned or spend our precious life in getting busy with the row that takes place within the church or the church family? The answer to it is left to us. Man, salvation, God depicted in the Book of Revelation, power of evil power, God's law, life of a true Christian, last days events and all things will become new are some of the topics that this lesson dwells. The pictures of front and the back cover pages are the pictures of Niagara Fall which I took to give the message that no matter how much water fall we get (in the Bible water represents people, therefore no matter how much people fall on us), like the rock and plants underneath the fall we should stand firm in Him and not hesitate to grow. Since I do not have a copyright to put the global SS lesson picture for its cover, therefore I exercise the liberty to put the cover page that best suits the lesson. Though the picture of Jesus is the appropriate one, but because Nepal is an image worshiping society and it is easier to worship an image than the idea behind its image. I tend to avoid putting Jesus' imaginary image on the SS lesson. I do trust no matter in what language the lesson is being studied each reader will be helped to form a spiritual "Intellectual character (Ron Richhart) that the General Conference of Seventh Day Adventist wishes upon its member. We all need Christ's intelligent peace (EGW) and there is hardly any other alternative to the study of God's word for that peace.
    While working on the translation of this lesson, I had a privilege to meet the hard working Sabbath School Team in General Conference. It was quite transpiring meet Elder Goldstein, publication manager Lea Greve and Favlo Fowler. Of course I would have loved to meet other team members but due to the pressing of time I could not meet them. I am thankful for their moral support. It is the finest task the Lord has been placing on me for the last seven years in other to compensate the loss of my wife. Setting aside what I want to do but doing what the Lord wants me to do, the translating task of SS lesson or Bible study has been the most glowing aspect of my solicitude life.
     Though anyone is welcome to contribute for this ministry to grow, I am thankful for a friend who has been putting his effort to gather fund to print the 500 copies of lesson, Pr. Umesh who dispatches the lesson and Sujit Shah to get the lesson ready for the press.
   Above all God be praised for constraining the producers to bring out the lesson so that along with the Bible, it can help to form the image of Jesus in each recipient and reader of the Sabbath School lesson, for which Paul struggled two thousand years ago (Gal 4:19).
    I wish you a happy solitude life with the Bible Study.
Bhaju Ram Shrestha

Cover and back page

Pr. Umesh and Pr. Naseeb Unveils

With Lea and Elder Goldstein

With Brother Favlo Fowler

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